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Everything posted by wrathsage

  1. Well since no one seemed interested in my idea for a guild. I'd be down to join and help out.
  2. So after looking at what some guilds have to offer, and not really finding something that suits what I am looking for. I figured I'd see if anyone else is/was looking for the same style of a guild. I've used this framework with other games but mostly tactical shooters (ghost recon or Mechwarrior 5), I call it "relaxed realism" and basically it boils down to get into it as much as you want. While we'd welcome people that want the full-blown "yes sir/master" RP it's not required. TL:DR - I like the lore and I'm interested in some guild related story creation. But I'm not here to call someone master every time I log in.
  3. I have a similar idea if you'd like to talk sometime. Maybe we can work together!
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