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Posts posted by POSOINU

  1. As a pre-order collectors edition owner, I already felt cheated now I just fell like a complete hardtard who has the rug pulled out from underneath me. I should have just drove to BW in austin, walked in the customer service dept and said Hey, here is 179$ and some change. I just wanted to hand you over free money, considering the VIP + CE vendors are a complete rip off....


    No No it's ok BW, 179$ was easy to make in these hard economic days, don't worry about it my treat.....



    I feel the same wayyy

  2. Jan. 18 Patch 1.1


    85 days of waiting later (note this is 12 weeks)


    April 12th Patch 1.2 and Denova is released (also LI and novare coast)


    Since then we have had 1.3 which was basically quality of life fix with no game changes other then ranked warzones.


    Assuming the next major content patch comes out Thursday it will 16 weeks since Denova,Lost island and novare cost has come out.




    And with F2P bioware claims More frequent content patches,




    ...................Swallow my balls..............

  3. "Current and former players will also find additional benefits as part of this program. BioWare will be increasing the frequency of game content updates, with the first of many new releases coming in August. In addition, current subscribers will receive Cartel Coin grants and qualify for access to special in-game items. Even former players who re-activate now will qualify for special benefits. To learn more about these rewards, please visit http://www.swtor.com/free "



    but seriously you don't provide content enough as is. i appreciate that you make this announcement before my 6: month sub ends. i will resub when said "frequency of game content updates occurs"


    PS: HK-47 in foundry is still bugged.

  4. So enlighten us, what gear selections and/or rotation/abilities are wrong?


    i said its good for starting mercs and it is the basic rotation is there.


    The secret to playing this class well is figure out position tricks and aoe secrets like flamethrower VS Sweeping

    or figuring out how much unload you can use before running out of red circles

  5. i was replying to the post asking for logs from my guild, i dont owe you anything buddy. Im not even close to being a great player, however, i was telling the guy why PVE relics where better for CURRENT content then PVP relics. If my answer wasnt good enough, im not going to come in here and be even more of a jerk and post logs.


    I appologize for offending your delicate sensibility.


    @ lol your mara did 1200 dps

    1. He died on that fight

    2. He has the highest dps right now for people that use mr robot


    go to Ranked logs Hard Zorn and Toth



    @the quote

    If your argument is your wrong, to bad.



    A. Show me some math

    B. Show me some logs



    also keep it on topic

  6. I used the relic I linked earlier and parsed it last night. It did 2000ish damage on the 4th boss in HM EV (the individual guys).


    In a 2min Fight:


    So the passive one i posted earlier does like 2k (the campaign that does internal dmg),


    the active does more like 1.5k (per above but math changed to once ever 1.5 seconds as that is the Global cooldown)


    and the pvp relic does 2k (per above, again modded for the actual GCD of 1.5 seconds)


    Conclusion with this very basic math:


    The difference is negligible and the relics ARE balance. 1-2k extra a fight is like one extra move.



  7. so you are bad, let me tell you why:


    Toth and Zorn - have soft enrage mechanics post 10%, not to mention target swaps from fearful. If you arent timeing campaign relics with inspiration, you are doing it wrong.


    Tanks - lower dps required for sheilds, again, timed relics with inspriation can help push you through one of your phazes so you dont have to deal with Double Destruction and possibly dropping lighting sheilds on the people you are dropping DD on because of pushing a defensive phaze early.


    General Vorgrath - Rotateing cooldowns and keeping overall dps higher for the Probe droids is more important than haveing high dps after you beat the maze encounter.


    Kephass - its clear how this fight and timed inspiration with relics are needed for burn phazes.


    Regardless of these facts, you are compareing relics made for this teir of content to how useful they are on earlier teirs. None of these fights are as "tanks and spank" as you make them seem to be. The reason's they gave for not haveing proc relics in Warzones are clear. If you dont understand, its not the dev's fault.



    These are my logs feel free to show me yours.



  8. Problem is these "number crunchers" are comparing overall dps peen to actual usefulness in downing a boss or burning down adds


    When learning or progressing, typically hard enrage is more of a problem then burning adds.


    For Example what would you say is more difficult when you learned Firebrand/Stormcaller.

    1. killing the adds in the generators

    2. Beating the enrage timer

  9. "Esendis: Can we expect some kind of change to the current pve relics? As it stands now the BIS pve relics for many advanced classes are the pvp ones.


    Jason Attard (Senior Game Balance Designer): In the long run our intent is to make sure PvP gear is never competitive in end-game PvE situations. Unfortunately, it’s still too early in the design process for us to give an ETA or release any details on what we’re planning for PvP gear.


    We currently have no plans to change the PvE relics. In theory the active abilities on the PvE relics do not provide quite as much sustained damage-per-second as a passive relic at the same item level. In practice, when used at the correct time they can deliver a huge amount of damage when you actually need it, and can make you much more effective overall. This is especially true when the relic is paired with powerful cooldowns or burst damage attacks. This is the primary reason we changed the PvP relics into passive relics, as skilled players could wipe out their opponents much more quickly than intended, and nobody likes to be killed before they get a chance to fight back. On the PvE side we decided to keep that extra bit of gameplay, since it helps break up rotations and adds a extra little optimization element to damage dealing in boss fights."


    I'm not going to teach you the basic long division that makes battlemaster and warhero relics better then Campaign ones. instead I'm going to list every operation and tell you which trinket is better and why.





    Annihilator Droid: Well there is no point where burst is important its just a dps race so PVP Relic for this one!


    Gharj: Well there is no point where burst is important its just a dps race so PVP Relic for this one!


    Ancient Pylons: This one you you could use the campaign usable trinket for when the bigger adds spawn so thats one for PVE!


    Infernal council: This on actually requires some math it you can use the PVE relic to dps it down faster, but if your hitting the enrage you actually want to use the PVP one.


    SoA: You can make an argument that in the last phase when pylons hit him you can pop a campaign relic to dps him. but the issue is that if your actually struggling on the fight and need 3+ pylons to kill him its more beneficial to use the PVP one. although if you are running 1 tank you should use campaign relics to super dps mind traps if the tank gets pulled.



    Karagga's Palace:


    Bonethrasher: Pretty standard DPS race, you can make an argument for poping for adds that spawn. so if your having trouble with that use PvE if not PVP!


    Jarg & Sorno: You can't make an arguement on this one, PVP wins.


    Foreman Crusher: Standard tank and Spank. PVP Wins. ( i suppose if you struggling with adds? maybe you could use pve one?)


    Puzzle: This depends on how many phases it takes you to kill him in poping trinkets to run side by side with burn phase may result in a dps increase ,but it depends on a lot of factors.


    Karagga: standard DPS race PVP relic wins. ( i suppose if you struggling with adds? maybe you could use pve one?)



    Explosive Conflict:


    Zorn and Toth: Standard Tank and Spank PVP relic wins


    Firebrand/Stormcaller: Standard tank and spank. PVP wins ( i suppose if you struggling with adds? maybe you could use pve one?)


    Vorgath: PVP relic wins again


    Kephess: You can actually make several arguements for PVE here more then any fight, if you struggling with a particular bombardier , or if you need more dps on the walker.


    But, and this is the point while the PVE relics can help you through a a single burst target, the PVP relics make the entire fight shorter. And thats why they are so much better, If you are hitting an enrage timer, there is no arguement you can make for PVE Campaign relics.


    The PVP relics are not better in theory, They just are better please, fix it.

  10. I fee like no one talks about it, but everyone knows about it. Maybe its because you have to go out of your way to obtain the numbers. I know the numbers will never line up 100%. My biggest complaint is:


    Jugg DPS is to low


    I have yet to see a Jugg pull over 1400 dps on any fight in denova (except kephess).

    I thought maybe all the jugg's i played with had just not been that good so I leveled one, gave it full campaign.

    my complaint stand.


    I'm sure there are other dps issues as I still haven't seen quality players play each respective class.


    what are your thoughts about the state of dps?





  11. What is your top 5? If anything could be changed, adjusted or added right now. mine is as follows.


    1. Nightmare Denova

    2. Solo Ranked PVP Queue

    3. Removed timer on Nightmare Pilgrim

    4. Datacrons transferring over to alts

    5. PVE Marauder/Sentinel Nerf (seriously though there so far ahead of everyone)

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