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Posts posted by Dragonexadon

  1. I was asking a question in SWTOR discord about the gear requirements were to start a Story Mode EV. It has been some time since I played and thought it would be fun to go back to some of the classic operations. The answer I got back from said discord was


    "Usually the game itself scales the enemies according to what the parties average Gear Rating is"


    This was not the way the game worked previously and I was surprised about this change. I attempted to find more information about this but could not, could someone point me in the right direction?


    What aspects of the game, if any, scale enemies based on the average gear of members? Do operations still have a gear check (min gear score)? If so, what is that check for story, normal, and nightmare mode?


    Thank you.

  2. Pretty much what the title stated. Old school guardian player coming back to have some casual fun. I noticed that the soresu form is no longer in an ability. from my reading I've discovered that these forms just automatically happen on the back end. I don't like this because for games like hutt ball I found it useful to switch to a defensive form on the fly even when I was spect in offense.


    Anyway all that said I was wondering if there's still a way to emote the form somehow? Always enjoyed it the animation behind the forms.

  3. I have been playing since launch, took a break post 2.0 and came back for the expansion


    I noticed that now when I guardian leap or force leap to higher platforms I often wont reach the target and either

    A) fall off the ledge

    B) port back to where I started.


    Is this a new bug as I never remember this experience when I played previously

  4. TLDR: This needs to work both ways. If they plan to punish those who use exploits...they (Bioware) also need to look into and reward those who earned a reward but, due to a bug, could not receive it.


    My problem with the idea of banning or punishing those who used the exploit is based on the history that Bioware has had with dealing with bugs in this game.


    The game has been full of bugs since launch. What game has not? It's understandable. Yet bugs that made Soa almost impossible, bugs that caused the + all stat datacron to be a nightmare to get and also almost impossible, bugs that

    caused several weekly com rewards to not materialize (and this bug still happens as recently as this expansion), bugs that would cause achievements to never pop, so on, and so on


    Each of these bugs I have put a ticket in. Each of these were resolved in the same matter I was told that it was a known issue, that they would fix it, but I would have to obtain the reward again myself.


    In short : Bugs that deny me a reward I earned are met with "Oh well, you wont get it, do it again"


    Yet a bug that earns me a reward without doing the work earns a punishment or ban?

    If they plan to enforce such punishment I am fine with that. That being said : tickets that are created in response to a buggy game not giving a just reward need to be taken a lot more seriously and not just brushed aside.

  5. Just because you RP as a Sith Lord doesn't mean heads have to roll in real life whenever you are displeased.


    Love this quote. It's a game. Bugs happen. Forum devs have to deal with QQing all day. Chill a bit. Agreed 100% with yoiu Zoom.

  6. Eh...Sage/Sorc has been the most popular class since day one. Even when they sucked the warzones were full of them so its not really a sign of "massive rerolling."


    they were popular day one, then things balanced out and changed with different imbalances. Example when smash was god like you would often see 3 to 4 smashers a team instead of what we see now which is 3 to 4 sage/sorc or more a team.


    I agree sorcs were very popular on launch. To say that today's popularity is simply caused by the launch 3 years ago and not class balance? that's something I disagree with.

  7. That is not at all what I said as you can see if you read the posts above. What I said was that judging a class' ability to kite is best done in a 1v1 setting as that is where you can fairly measure what each reaction and counter-action leaves the fight. Stalemate? Victor?


    Let us also remember that we're talking about a sage/sorc's ability to kite here, not whether or not you should focus them (thats how you come across in this last post and thats irrelevant). Unless, of course, you're saying that since they can now, unlike before, kite there's no point going after one. Which ends us up at the point where you have been incredibly spoiled by this game since sage/sorc have been inferior in every way when it comes to survivability for the last ~2 years. Again, lets hope this isn't what you meant.


    Why would that be what I meant for all? Past inferiority does not justify present balance conditions either way. My problem is there current over all state in 8v8 warzones period. 1v1 is never a good measure of anything PVP related. All PVP that matters has other factors (objectives, teammates/group comp).. The times you simply 1v1 someone is few and far between.


    My point is simple. If you wish to ignore everything I said and simply quote me here I would be fine. My point : the current state of sorc/sage is not balanced in an 8v8 environment. They are much easier to kite and deal massive damage with little effort. Several players , who are now aware of this fact, are now rolling sage/sorcs causing an influx of them over any other class.


    Personally I have had 2 guildies switch there mains to sages and have seen huge results. These are players who never mained sages in PVP. When they get online I will grab some screen shots from them.


    One of my guildies , who just switched to a sage, agreed to provide me with screen shots of how easily he is dominating the field. Since previous comments suggest that those on my side cant provide proof.

  8. No we're not talking about a 1v4 as per the scenario as you're trying to sell in, because by that logic you have three people sitting on the other sorcs and/or helping you. Additionally I consider a 1v1 scenario an excellent setting to judge a class' ability to kite - when you add other elements you're creating a complex and complicated situation where you can't simply state that it all comes down to kiting...


    I'm fully aware that player skill is on a spectrum and that entering a normal warzone might not grant you the best teammates, but let us state fact - you can not balance around incompetence.



    There is much more forgiveness for a bad sage rather than other classes which is what they should balance it on. In your scnario it is balance because everyone will focus a sage/sorc 1v1 and interrupt as needed. Even if you could somehow coordinate this in an 8v8 you are then leaving out things such as objectives, healers, ect.


    the idea that the game should be balanced on a 1v1 scnario does not seem right. Or the idea that EVERYONE needs to drop everything because there is a group of said class.

  9. Its only easy vs noobs. All you need to do is CC the first speed - by doing so you'll win the encounter or force a barrier/stun/grenade (leaving you with the upper hand as your one CD forced two). Leaping and then queueing awe/push/stasis all works even though I'd activate speed the moment you start your leap. This is because the put-in-place range buff that occurs on abilities already in queue (such as stasis hitting well outside of channel range of 10m for example).


    Leap someone, as you see them speed line up a CC in your ability queue and you'll hit. Kiting in this game, for ranged, is essentially only possible on gunslingers (this is not a comment regarding their current state in PvP) since they're the only ones that can counterplay without being immediately countered themselves (entrench, roll --> leap immunity)


    Playing a mage in WoW and playing a sage in tor is, HE HE, lightyears apart. Creating distance in wow is distance, creating "distance" in tor is simply moving two chess pieces, yourself and your (read: competent) enemy a distance on the map.


    I also played a mage in WoW. All these samples you provided are a 1v1 example. We are not talking 1v1 or even 4v4. We are talking about an 8v8 arena where, while you are focusing that one sorc, 3 other are spamming lighting in your location.


    It has nothing to do with "newbs" , "l2p" , interrupts ect. It has to do with balance of abilities in an 8v8 environment. . Which is very hard to balance for sure.

  10. *** THIS!!!! ****


    Very well said! I've said much the same myself many times when I see people in here raging and whining about "OP SORCS OMG BIOWARE NERF NAO PLZ PLZ PLZ"


    The whiners do not want balance. They want easy kills with no possible chance that their prey can fight back or do any damage.


    No, people want balance. People that want easy kills are all rolling a sorc/sage now with several in my guild doing just that for the easy faceroll.

    One of our best sents decided to change a few days ago and, with no pvp gear, tops the damage charts every warzone. It is a common trend to roll to the new class that is over powered and it is clear to see it going on.


    To say that "whiners don't really want balance!" is just not true. We could all easily roll a sage/sorc (like the majority are) but rather see a game that is populated with more then just sorc fest in 8v8s.

  11. People don't need to make videos of it. We all see it everyday we pvp..


    This, to say it is not a problem is to say that you play a sorc and enjoy their OPness. 4v4s are clearly a different story. Every one sees how they can perform massive AOE damage in 6v6s and have enough survivability to get out of harms way to do it again.


    Just got out of a game where their whole team was sorcs with the exception of one marauder. In the three years I played this game I never saw a full team of only one class.


    I am sure Bioware could easily run the numbers and see the shift in people playing sorcs, the total damage they are putting out, and the overall deaths of sorcs in warzones vs other classes.

  12. What if Guardians/Juggernauts could stack Centering/Fury too and depending on the spec Tank/DPS get some advantage. Like for Tank spec (Soresu) you could get Guarded By The Force/ Immortality only that instead of reducing 99% damage...it reduces 60% for 4s and instead of inflicting damage it would count up by the parry/shielding.

    If you are on DPS spec your power is increased by 50% and your Strength by 20% for 5s.

    I don't think this would cause a huge umbalicing on the classes and I believe Guardians/Jugg Tanks could really benefit from one more defensive ability.


    Honestly Guardian tanks are wonderful right where they are add. It would throw off balance for sure and put Guardian tanks to OP.

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