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Posts posted by Hudgaar

  1. And sure Player> Class except when player skill is equal then Class >player. With rated Warzones you're going to see those types of people, where skill is equal or greater due to the competitive nature of rated anything we're going to see the group make ups that bring the most to the table and right now that just isn't any spec of commando. Surely we'll see a team with one commando in it make it big, but odds are its a whole lot help from their allies and they'll have their nemesis group that wont have a merc or commando.


    Luck comes into play a bit as well, but as commandos are currently built, skill wise, ability wise, talent wise, we bring nothing to the table that a scoundrel/operative or sage/sorcerer doesn't bring to the table better and with more tools. I guess I should build my case better by comparing abilities and tiers of talents. Maybe I'll do that now that I have a lot of time on my hands.

  2. I rolled a commando (my 4th class and character, the others all at least BM) entirely because of all the whine. I just had to see it for myself. I kept asking myself, "self, how bad can it be?"


    Anyway, I am no authority, yet. I have played her to level 34 (valor 34) thus far; however, I just can't see what all the complaining is about. Yes, the class is bad at one versus one. Yes, in mmo's all ranged dps are supposed to be bad at one versus one. And, at least in sub-50, it's not even thaaat bad. If I don't pretend to be a turret (I never do) then I can actually beat (poorly played) marauders and such one on one.


    In the end (if you can call it and end since I'm not even 50 yet), I wonder how much of the complaining comes from people who have ever played an rdps in another game. The commando doesn't feel any worse to me than my old sorc in warhammer, or my eldritch in Daoc, etc.


    As a ranged dpser, the keys to killing, and staying alive to kill, are ALWAYS situational awareness, positioning, and deterrence. The first two are pretty straight forward, but the last can use some explaining, so here goes. Deterrence... a marauder jumps at you, interrupting your grav round. You don't hit grav round again and hope he doesn't interrupt it with a 4-second lockout to follow, you punt him (with a 4-second slow). This part, some people get. But them you STILL don't try to grav round him (or anyone else). Instead, since he is slowed, you move. Throw a sticky grenade, use a hammer shot, whatever you have that is usable on the move, but MOVE, and move away, and (heres the good part) find a spot to LOS him in the 12-15 seconds you have before he can jump again, or else get behind your team's lines so that if he does, he is in trouble.


    In games like these, people of a certain mentality are drawn to melee dps. They LIKE to jump-in-and-kill. They don't like being kited, especially if you are using LoS. In the above example, when the marauder does reach you again--assuming he hasn't given up already--knock him back with a stockstrike, stun him and keep moving. By this point, most marauders will find a new, more stationary target, and tada! you can go back to blowing the snot out of people with grav round. Best of all is, in the time spent kiting, you are still doing damage, while the marauder is not.


    Perhaps I will change my mind when I play at 50, assuming the server population allows play at 50 when I get there next week (lol, /sad face), but my current experience tells me the commando runs near-fine. The only thing they need, to my mind, is a tiny bit more utility. I can't for example understand why they seem to be the only class in the game without an interrupt?


    Anyhow, your mileage may vary, but so far I've been topping charts my entire albeit short-lived career.



    learn to read.




    Except that that same marauder has these things called roots and snares that it doesn't matter how much you "kite" he's going to catch you and you're -not- going to be able to do enough damage while running to kill him so its still a free kill.

  3. Gunnery is -not- fine in pvp. Enjoy standing still and spamming grav round the two times it takes soemnoe to go hey, free kill and then kill you. Perhaps if you enjoy running back to battle more often then standing and fighting, gunnery may be the spec for you.


    Or if you enjoy being a gimped, non vanguard, powertech assault pyro. You might find enjoyment in the assault spec.

  4. There are a lot of fools posting here, but let me set the record straight.




    You serve a very valuable role in PVP, be it glass cannon, mobile DPS, or crowd control (yes you heard that right).


    The problem that a lot of people run into is that the current FOTMs are almost impossible to kill and since the game greatly encourages creating alts there is a glut of flying monkeys with OP cooldowns running around. This is frustrating but not the hallmark of a broken class.


    This isn't to say that there are not problems, but the problems Commandos have are equally impacting of PVP and PVE. Ammo management and an awful capstone ability in CM, bugged talents in Gunnery, and RNG hell in AS.


    As a DPS Commando in PVP let me give you some tips on how to be effective.


    1> Wear the right gear and know how stats effect your spec. Do you have less than 16k Health? You will die in less than 4GCDs to a pissed off Maurader/Sent. Do you have less than 400 power? Your base damage attacks are really going to feel wimpy. Do you have less than 70% Critical Multiplier? You are very likely not going to anywhere near the top of rankings in damage or kills. Do you have less than 800 Expertise? You are cheap, stupid, and need to go do dailies until you can afford the recruit gear.


    2> Line of Sight is your friend, use it. If you stand in the middle of the battlefield, someone is going to notice you and kill you before you can blink. Gunnery Commandos should run to a pillar and find a target before they start shooting. Easiest thing to do is take a moment, find the opposing healer, put a raid marker on it, THEN start blasting.


    3> Keep track of who is low health and try to use your burst to pick off high DPS classes BEFORE they have a chance to use their cooldowns. A crit Grav Round combined with a crit Demo Round or HiB can easily do 7k+ damage if you are geared correctly. That's about 35% of even the more well geared dps class, if they hit at the effectively the same time they will die.


    4> If a Commando killer comes after you, use your LOS objects to slow them down. Gunnery is not a good kiting spec, but AS does OK. If you are Gunnery, pop your cooldowns, but otherwise you are probably best off continuing to focus on your current target and not worrying about the guy who will eventually kill you. Depending on ammo, a Concussion Charge to buy a GCD might be in order. AS, depending the situation it may be in your best interest to kite, your Plasma Cell procs a snare and Reactive Shield should clear any movement impairing effects. If a Marauder or Assassin has their cooldowns death is likely inevitable, but you can still lead them on a merry chase and hopefully get some help. If you get focused, just accept it, but try to use a Sticky Grenade before you drop as a parting gift.


    5> Know your abilities. Did you know Pulse Cannon does not have a max number of targets and does elemental damage (ignores armor and some cooldowns)? Did you know that Hail of Bolts is considered ranged attack and thus can proc Plasma Cell setting multiple people on fire at once? How about Sticky Grenade > Tech Override > Reserve PowerCell > Plasma Grenade > Hail of Bolts being the best six seconds of AOE any class can produce in PVP (12-15k depending on crits/spec)? That Sticky Grenade is better than AP if more than two targets are in the AOE, unless you are trying to focus down a specific player?


    6> You are really good crowd control and combat control. Gunnery has an unparalleled ability to manipulate enemy positioning on the battlefield. Properly using LOS then using Concussion Charge and Shockstrike to put enemies in kill zones makes Gunnery Commandos real annoyances for enemy healers and melee DPS. Did that Marauder just pop his CC break to get out of your Cyro Grenade? Tech Override > Concussive Round, then walk away and giggle at him. Is your team about to cap a door or node in Voidstar or Novare use Concussive Charge to prevent them from getting LOS and stopping the cap.


    7> Your DPS is really really good as either Gunnery or AS. Stop whining about it, sure there are bugs and RNG problems, but they are not crippling in the ability to do damage. You should be at or near the top of damage and kills in any WZ, if you are not then YOU are doing something wrong.


    Now the arguments I am going to hear are all nonsense. Sure some class somewhere does everything above better than us, but no one does all of it as well as Commandos. I am sure I will see the always silly, "Well I am valor 82, have PVPed since 1971, and I say we suck!." Sorry to tell you, if you are sucking it up and feel like a total doormat, YOU are the primary reason, not the class.


    Allow me to debate your points.



    Plenty of SS have been posted showing Commandos doing half decent dps. ( I say half decent becasue I haven't seen any break 500k dmg 70 k protection and 50k healing yet. Not a one.) That could be the fact that they're facing handicapped other teams. But, when it comes down to skilled play, I doubt any but the top tiers of commando will break 300 k.



    Now on to your multi point post.



    1. I'm wearing mostly optimized BM gear and a pair of WH gear pieces. ( I pretty much gave up serious pvp. I still pvp mind you, but its as combat medic now, and I just can't find the enthusiasm I had for my grav round.) I have just over 16k health, no im not slotting for endurance. that doesnt help my heals too much. However I'm struggling to find that 400 power mark. Must be a full war hero gear thing. I beat the 70% crit bonus brians in at arou 74-75% so maybe I'm using -too much- surge. But crits are king at pvp due to burst, so maybe not.


    I still do sub par damage when compared with any class that can fire off a succession of instant activation abilities yes we have hib yes we have demo round/assault plastic, buuut what we dont have is access to those abilities all the time, nor any other instant all at once dmg ability. Sticky doesnt count as it requires time to set up in order to be counted as burst. Granted that time is spent going OMG LIGHTSABERS! NOT IN THE FACE! NOT IN THE FACE!


    So my gear was not the issue.


    2. Line of sight is just as much the friend of the enemy as all it takes for them to dodge your charge up grav round is to sneak arounda pillar themselves especially healers who will just choose the opposite pillar and hug around it forcing you to run for three to four seconds just to get in range once more and usually into the open arms of a hungry jugg/mara/ sithassin. At least you fed the children.


    3. You mention burst here and I wonder just how much you realizse your burst is worth without A. 5 gravity signatures. (thats 4.5 seconds to stack at minimum, in practice more) B.5 charged barrels ( 7.5 second stack minimum, again, in practice more.) C. Time spent waiting for sticky or AP to go boom. Burst? I guess you mean just firing that AP, that Demo round, and that Hib willy nilly, without the buffs/debuffs that make them at all worth while. ( And thats if one of your enemyes doesnt any of their numerous defensive cds or run los while you've been standing around celebrating your interruptable, pushbackable, [ yes its talented for less but it still is time spent] charge up abilities. Which might see you doing a buncha ones and twos, no yellow dmg what so ever, or the enemy suddenly going lol no 30% more hps, or lol heals, or lol shield, or lol invisible, or lol los.


    4. Now, you say a commando killer... Thats what, every class but other commandos right? By the time you notice one of them " coming after you" its a split second too late as its usually A. force leap, force slow, force lightning, or any other number of abilities that either immediately get someone in your face, or B. snare you and is a sure sign that someone will be kicking you through death's door shortly. Yes you can play ring around the rosy with the sorc or merc brand of these people, even the snipers, but everything else is following your limping rear end around that pillar, poking you in the bum while you blow your whistle.


    5. I will say your aoe is spot on, however that seems to be an assault spec only thing with the hail or bolts, seeing as hail of bolts I've seen has done a whopping 200 dmg a tic on some classes, i couldnt say which at this point and yes that is a special scenario, but it doesn't change the fact that for ammo cost its a terrible aoe. Then there is the no limit pulse cannon, that throws your hug the pillar out the window and if you're suddenly throwing lightning all about its a good bet you're suddenly target tasty # one. Especially as soon as they realize you're a commando, which is right away.


    6. Again with the crowd control. Well concussive round isn't exactly spamable, Concussive charge unless talented is about as strong as a stiff breeze, even talented has a higher cd then force leap, aaand the coup de grace, usually fills more resolve than force leap. Stock strike adds resolve too when talented i might add. Try and drop a cryo grenade and if -if!- their resolve bar isnt full from some jergoff force pushing them for the luls, then you might get that concussive round off. once every two minutes that is. (or not at all without that instant cast buf. Also better hope theres no dots on them or some one isn't wearing a saftey helmet and "Helping" by breaking it early.)



    7. Apparently my dps is reeeally really good if I get the chance to go through 8 GCDs plus time spent casting. Thats all well and good but I seem to notice that in the time it takes me to scream " I NEED AN ADULT!" I'm usually at less than half hp from a marauder. And by the time I've been able to squirt one or two tears I'm just waiting for them to throw the dirt on me... wait sorry to respawn.


    So in short. If you find yourself doing AMAZING! in a warzone. It could be you're doing lots of illegal spice and you're hallucinating it all. It could be all that friendship and rainbows from your team keeping idiot pugs you're fighting off you and letting you go through a dps rotation ( and look at their dps i bet its higher by a margin of 100k. Go on, look at it.) It could also be you're by yourself and both your team and theires are in need of special schooling to retread tires and not to play video games.


    Either way, congratulations, surely the near entirety of the commando forums, and the almost certain majority of competitive pvpers must be wrong, and you must be right. Sounds like the management at my work really.



    edit Know what -would- be cool though? Real Charged bolts A la megaman. HOLD DOW?N A TO CHARGE YOUR CANNON FOR A BIG BLAST! Is your charged barrel up to 5? ULTRA SHOT! go go mega buster.


    Or hell make grav round have a snare effect! You know gravity slows things down, heat signature could be heat exhaustion. there you go.

  5. They wanted to shift damage coming from grav round yet they still require all damaging abilities use grav round. Sooo we'll still be grav rounding as much as possible to get those charges, procs, debuffs on the enemy or else we use a less effective level of our other damaging abilities.


    1. change grav round to an on cd instant.


    2. make in non interruptable. (like master strike! except with less damage than master strike.)


    These would lead the way for:

    Longer time on gravity vortex, so if for some reason im not spamming grav round every 1.5 seconds. (intterupts, movement, being stunned, being pushed.) That debuff doesnt fall off in the time it takes me to get back into a worthwhile position, and cast that grav round.

  6. to reduce spamming they should make charged bolts also build stacks of charged barrel in addition to the barrier. That way if grav round does get interrupted, using bolts can still build both. It doesn't make sense that charged bolts wouldn't already do that. Also increasing the amount of time by a couple of seconds that gravity vortices stay on a target would also reduce us having to spam grav round just to keep it applied.


    but that would make too much sense!

  7. As a commando I would like to encourage the use of less grav round in gunnery. Don't make it a bloody requirement to make three abilities at all worth anything, make it an instant ability on a CD, Give us a new abilitiy that also helps build what grav round builds that is not easily interruptable.


    Otherwise, grav round is still essential to close to every other attack ability that a gunnery commando has. I know what you're saying now. Herpaderp, go assault in pvp. If I wanted to be vanguards handicapped little brother I would have rolled vanguard. I rolled Commando to havea big gun, shoot big blaster bolts, for big damage. Apparently i chose incorrectly.


    Now I am relegated to shooting highly visible green beams to heal my allies, use abilities that have the same cast time and heal for less, and otherwise make a nuisance of myself by healing in warzones. Congratulations Bioware. You remade the paladin class in wow for all of 2006 to 2008. A healer who brings less to the table than other healers, and a laughable pvp dpser.


    Just a matter of waiting till my sub runs out now. Might see yall again in 6 months, who knows maybe by that time the withdrawls and the addiction will be over.

  8. LoS is friendlier to DoT based ranged classes than it is to melee, yes.

    If I can hump a pillar then there's very little a mara can do.


    And again, while you're playing ring around the rosy using your dot to hit a marauder who is chasing you and -will- close that cap eventually, regardless of your skill at screwing pillars, herp derp two gap closers, increased run speed, abilities that add snares.


    You'll just be loloing away as your hammer shot ticks for 1k dmg over 6 seconds and wasting the time of both your team and yourself in any skilled wz. Great job, you have brought a big pile of I kited a mara for three seconds once or twice in my life cause his leap and choke were on cd and all I got was this lousy "I barely broke 300k dmg" t-shirt.


    And let me just say this, mister I do -***-ault pvp. Pst some screen shots, show it, show me the money shot. Its not hard in this day and age to show me just how much you dominate the warzone, hell make a video. And I guarantee that vid will be you A. You in a premade rolling pugs(easysauce) or B you in a pug vs pug with a lack of skilled pressure being cohesively applied by the other team, or C getting circled jerked on by the first marauder assassin jugg whatever with a snare duo.


    Pictures worth a thousand words friend. Post that money shot of you doing so great. Or better, make a sexy video of assault ownage against a competant team and post it, internet is famous for that stuff.

  9. Man I wreck marauders. I kite them so bad eventually they give up and pick another target. By that point they're at half health and are a free kill.

    We have, imo, one of the best CCs against melee with our 0 cost 50% slow. Reactive shield breaks snares so just wait for them to leap, apply plasma cell, break his snare, kite. If shield is on CD, use concussion charge.


    I find snipers and powertechs to be the most difficult to deal with.


    Out 2 min cd breaks snares, our 2 mind cd thats meant to be a dmg mitigation tool and not a *********** snare breaker. Here hammer shot more, thats sure to kill more enemies and be more useful to my WZ group then actually i dont know doing more thant 1k dmg over 6 or 8 seconds, which is done by any other class over one gcd. My opinion? To counter your opinion. You play against people who suck a lot of balls. Thats why you can "kite" maras, and hey that on ACTIVATION remove snare sjust removed a lot of your survivability. I'd be more tempted to use my fricken 1.5 min cd on tenacity then waste my 20% dmg reduction on a frikken snare.


    If shild is on cd CC, oh wait if CC is on CD eat. his prig or get choked.


    Our 0 cost 1 second gcd chance on snare makes up for their amazing damage, survivability, gap closing, their own snare that is a product of their dps and not an ability and not a 16% chance on hit.

  10. Very easy for a PvP specced commando to get a shorter CD on the shield.


    And I dont know why marauders and sents always pop up when people try to argue their case. Its one class out of eight. If every other class had tons more defensive cds than a commando it would be a good argument, but most classes have the same as commandos or less.


    Its not very hard to kill marauders and sents. Cloak of Pain is a dummy test pretty much, if you open up with long dots its your own fault or if you keep attacking. Never open with the 18sec dot vs a mara, let him do the first move. If he pops CoP cc/stun him, then kill him. If you happen to proc your 6 sec dot and he pops CoP just LoS him wait for the dot to wear off and stun him. Shouldnt be hard to get away while the dot ticks since it slows him too.


    In other words Stop attacking that mara/sent for 6 whole seconds ( an eternity and death in pvp) and just let them do whatever they want. Not only must -you- stop. -everyone- must stop. Their healers must stop healing them(because if they dont guess what the dmg you did omg healed!), you must stop dpsing them


    Man sure wish i had an ability that just made people stop attacking me at all for even only 6 seconds.


    Why do they keep popping up in commando threads wth. Mainly because right now they're the class that we don't even have to bend over for, they're bloody uber mench and do it with out pants on!

  11. Assault is not a better PvP spec just on the merit of better burst damage. It has far better survivability with plasma cell slow and mobility.

    I see these gunnery commandos crying about sents and agents and assassins etc... I kite them into a hole they can't overcome. Slows don't build resolve so I can do it all day.

    That's also our advantage over Vanguard Assault; I don't have to close to melee range to reset my HiB. This makes us far better at kiting and imo better at killing MDPS classes than vanguard. Vanguard is better vs ranged because he harasses within their comfort zone, interrupts casts, etc.


    Anyone defending gunnery by saying "if I can just sit there and cast my rotation over and over (not a rotation, just priority queue) I do better DPS" just misses the point of PvP. Its about survival as much as damage output and you have to spec appropriately. If you take nothing but offensive abilities, you can't cry that you die too easily.


    Its not just about being able to survive and kite my friend. Though survival and the ability to kite is important, its also about the ability to do more, to provide pressure on healers through dps, to bring utility and peels to your own healers to help them respond better to being focused. To have more than just lolkitefest 2012 to survive a force user melee class who can and will close the gap with you and keep that gap closed due to roots >snares.


    If all you're bringing is kiting and survival thats not enough Sure you can spam hammer shot on someone hitting your healer, but remember you're spamming hammer shot, not an actual damaging ability, and not a set up ability for any real combo that allows you to lol moredps.

  12. I'm top dps in 90% of my warzones, though a bit fragile... but that seems fair.


    Are you breaking 400k damage? No? Then the rest of your dps is garbage if you're top 90%




    Then you're a bad leader. Assault commandos hold up quite well compared to most other classes.

    Except juggs, marauders, assasins, sorcs and any sniper with a brain. I guess if you -like- running about doing mediocre damage to everyone and not pressuring a single person beyond the once in a blue with the hib plastic, Hib where they all magically crit. Hell even ops who get the jump on us, read, dont have tenacity/full resolve bar, just used concussion charge wreck our day.




    Assault has always been the better pvp tree. The people who couldn't recognize it before 1.2 aren't going to recognize it now either, don't waste ur breath.


    Errr thats why people who were gunnery pre 1.2 were doing over 400k damage a round while assault lagged behind any skilled player unless they were a vanguard.








    Sounds more like your theory, instead of how it works in actuality. The next quote explains it.




    This guy gets it. Assault has both burst and dot damage, while remaining mobile.

    Oh I get it now, you -like- spending three ammo to do 1-1.5k dmg to get that hib. Gotcha.




    This guy gets it too.




    Commando =/= Gunnery. Use assault for pvp. Yes, we do get burst down really fast now, I'll give you that, but we are still capable of putting out a great deal of damage. As I said above, even dying much faster now than before 1.2, I'm still topping the damage charts in nearly every WZ. That does not sound broken to me. If I'm not being focused, the other team is doing something wrong, and they'll pay for it.


    Yeah, as gunnery if I'm not being focused I can still do over 300k dmg as well. Key words being not being focused by any class/player that can fight their way through a wet piece of toilet tissue.


    If you people were talking about utility or CC or defensive abilities I might be more inclined to agree with you, but most of this thread has been people complaining that Commando DPS is weak, which is simply false. Gunnery may or may not be viable in PVP, but Assault does good damage. L2P.


    But still brings less damage than marauder, jugg, assassin, sniper, sorc anf less utility. Sure is awesome. I love your outlook though, seeing as you're at the bottom of the barrel you can only look up.

  13. what are you all guys smoking? would you rather be a sniper than a commando? Everytime i see a team of troopers i see lots of heavy armors that take ages to kill. When somebody is being focused by 2 grav round spammers he is dead in a matter of mere seconds.


    You have the comfort of heavy armors and TECH ATTACKS. Are you reading me? Right! Tech attacks. You ignore any sort of target defense (except for assasins force shrowd / shadow resilence tech immunity for 6s). Ppl with defense, shield, absorbtion is stacking hundreds of useless stats against you, ABSOLUTELY USELESS.


    Those that don't have these, are light/medium armored squishy classes.


    In all honesty you deserve to have trouble with marauders as basically you having a field day with everything else. Because the WZ are literally crawling with troopers, 80% of snipers are simply forced to spec in lethality or endure the crap of having a good chunk of their damage being mitigated.


    You want more utility? What utility for God's sake?? Sniper's don't even have a ranged stun. Our only advantage is that we can stay entrenched (CC immunity), and being able to survive some initial burst with our defensive skills (balistic dampeners 30% DR + shield probe).


    I really don't know what do you expect from your class? Roflstomping everyone from ranged without any sort of discomfort in any match up?


    If we're so overpowered compared to snipers roll a frakkin commando. I dare you.


    Oh and hey guess what what type of damage is grav round, is it kinetic, energy? Holy **** thats mitigated by armor. Oh it must be elemental or internal... thats it, that gravity burst happens -inside- your body. That negates armor. No, wait, thats the debuff grav round puts on you that helps negate your armor... Here let me go over this for you sniper, wtith my rudimentary knowledge of your class and see how you feel.


    Alright grav round time.,.. wait distracted... *** oh well charged bolts... he got to snipe me though.... -Now- its time for grav round holy **** he got up and lOSed, *** is that noise, oh well I'll go get him, hes back in cover, free snipe. Grav round time! Oh **** *** interrupted again... guess its time for charged bolts and a sticky, some of that got through his cover screen, thats cool, cause now its GRAV ROUND TIME! Wait, what the **** he moved again... damn him! This time, this time I'm in line of sight, there will be no escaping... *** free instant snipe, how in the hell... Whatever man time to bring the gravity vortex... *** interrupted again, oh **** its a marauder! (dead)


    Or how bout this scenario.


    **** yeah that marauder is 30 meters away its time for gRAV ROUND! OH **** FORCE LEAP! I better run... wait im snared how in the hell I cant move. Concussive charge! That'll knock him back... Holy **** I'm being choked! How is he faster than me! I have to kite, throw sticky, hide get a heal off, oh **** interupted! Well now its Gr- (dead)

  14. Maybe but the the class as a whole has mobility and interrupt problems so there should be fix for all specs, not just arsenal/gunnery. Again, I really don't think BW would entertain the idea of a channeled skill that is mobile either so it's a pretty unrealistic request.


    True enough, Assault needs something more bursty, gunnery needs something more mobile, Combat medic... I dunno they do alright from what I've seen as long as they have the support. Gunnery and Assault support or no you'e going down quicker than a drunk teen on prom night.

  15. Yes, channelling unload or full auto while running, with it's snare and massive damage when spec'd would be op is what I was saying. And mobile channels do not exist in this game. Also bear in mind it is a shared skill so buffing coms and mercs would buff Pts and vgs. Making people spec into it would be prohibitive to certain players. Making power shot/charged bolts instant would be working with our own com/merc abilities and would help all specs.


    Not if the buff happened in the form of a change to a commando/merc talent tree. ( arsenal and gunnery respectively.)



    Not saying I agree with a runnning full auto, but it may be a step in the right direction. Prehaps some sort of buff application, something to do with sticky bomb or even the 3 ammo mortar shot. I think a change to mortar shot, a bit of synergy with it in our gunnery/arsenal tree combined with some sort of buff that is added that is linked to mortar round that adds a running full auto into the mix would be nice.


    The high cost of ammo however is a bit prohibitive.

  16. Okay heres why commandos use grav round a lot. I'll explain it for you...


    Grav round is required to go off in order to 1.proc curtain of fire.


    Grav round is the 2.armor debuff skill that allows 3.demo round to be even moderatly effective, and only seriously a threat when it and the previous grav round crit.


    Grav round is 4. required to build charged barrel, which increases the damage of HIB


    Grav round is 5. the only ability we have that has no cool down besides charged bolts, hail of bolts, hammer shot, med probe, and the cast time stances ( armor pen, plasma, and combat support.)



    Which of the above abilties provides significant damage? OMG why you grav round so much?


    Give us other abilities and we'll use them, hell we use the hell out of full auto and demo round and hib, but god forbid those are A. not fully charged, or B on cd. All three abilities require some sort of buff or debuff on the enemy, a minimum of one grav round and a curtain of fire proc, or three grav rounds then demo, then two more grav rounds then hib. Whooo a mighty change of rotation there.


    Except post patch 1.2.eff you©ommandos


    Grav round does less damage, demo round does less damage, and warzones are no longer a welcome place for any merc or commando bar healing. A job done better by anyone else.

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