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Everything posted by Badfenix

  1. This particular game the scoreboard didn't matter we had resided to seeing who could get the biggest crits on a certain sorc with no pvp gear on.
  2. posted with drives permission 1. Drive 2. Silent Council 3. Powertech 4. Voidstar 5. most killing blows 36 6. Screenshot
  3. For many older gamers wasd has been the standard for over a decade, our brains and hand muscles are wired for it. It would take me a lot of effort to switch to esdf even though it seems to be the superior position. If I switched esdf I would have to train my ring finger to use 123 which I don't have as much dexterity in. My more nimble (and longer) index finger is much more suited to push 345 in the wasd setup. Anyone that played quake 2 extensively will probably always use wasd =)
  4. I think the main consideration for streaming is your internet speed (upload) and your cpu. It taxes the cpu close to 100% load on all cores it shouldn't have a huge impact on your game as thats being handled by the gpu for the most part.
  5. Updated and bump. Be nice to get a healer or two to stream I like watching those.
  6. Ive had pandora on but i havent figure out how to make mumble not come across. It's a work in progress. Edit: I dont want to make it uncomfortable for people im in mumble with but my normal channels in pandora are nero, old school rap, and kid cudi if you wanna sync up with me =)
  7. Kolten is working on a image for me to put up in between queus but she is a slacker, maybe ill just find some cat pictures in the meantime. Updated and added dizerens feed, keep them coming guys.
  8. I just wanted to let you guys know I'll be streaming from here and pot5 on Twitch. Now you can see me being bad and make fun of me. I'll be in the chat room on my page while streaming. If anyone else has a stream they would like to add I think it would be nice to compile a list. Sorcerer / Sage World Famous Animosity Empire Bay Game Genie Assassin / Shadow Dizeren Game Genie Iotasquared Empire Juggernaut / Guardian Lemmi Guerrilla Marauder / Sentinel Bromontana Empire Mercenary / Commando Vind're Retired Powertech / Vanguard Operative / Scoundrel Amber-May Sniper / Gunslinger Multiple Classes Sparks Legacy Se'cura Legacy 'Athena Legacy Gamepire
  9. That was a damn good game. Our group was pretty diverse 2 empire 1 guerrilla and 1 silent council with our healer in partial recruit. I was just really excited since I had never seen it before. I'll keep my excitement to myself next time.
  10. Thanks for putting it together Nadir! It was a lot of fun and very organized you and all the refs rock.
  11. Firstly I'm not yearning for anything. You asked "are you coming from a different server and why roll imp?" Yes I am. I gave you my personal reasons. You attacked them and you attacked me personally. Your original thread reads like "pub pvp is bad we are getting rolled by imps so if you are skilled roll a pub to help raise our skill floor and also challenge yourself" Which would be a fine appeal if people you are appealing too cared about normals. I already explained to you I didn't reroll here to do normal warzones. Please re-read that. Normals here are just slightly more interesting than the ones on my original server. Some other pub attacked that statement. The rerolls I've talked to doing lowbies didn't reroll here to be competitive at unranked wz we can do those on our origin servers in our original guilds. If you read server forums of other servers you can see that ranked pvp is dead or dying everywhere. This server seems to be the exception which is why I chose this server. I didn't pick imp for ez moade or whatever other reasons pubs are attacking rerolls here about. My main is a imp so I made a imp here its really not more complicated than that. I'm loyal to my faction, faction loyalty I learned from years of playing WoW for better or worse, all the faction swapping in this game rubs me the wrong way as it is. You don't have to like my reasons but attacking me for them isn't really getting me excited about your faction. I already pointed out that I get plenty of imp on imp queues daily facing the "tough" faction so your argument about factions and pop balance is moot. You and the rest of the pubs that have commented here are pulling at straws with your attack on people choosing imp side. TL;DR The only thing that matters is ranked warzones deal with it.
  12. I love how butthurt the pubs on this server are. Especially the coward that started this thread with no character or guild name in his sig. Your tears provide me sustenance.
  13. I didn't come here to carry a bunch of bads on my back to prove something to forum trolls. I can do that on either faction on any server. I came here for rated and full team queues. I could give a fu.ck what happens in normals. Do bads get this excited over unranked wz's on a pvp server?
  14. we did another one later on 8v8 so it kinda took the charm out of it being rare
  15. I know were not tracking this specifically but it's the first time i've done it in probably over 4k+ games http://i.imgur.com/2seY6rx.gif http://i.imgur.com/YEgeEWe.gif and to be fair they started with only 6 apparently.
  16. Nothing makes me facepalm harder than a jugg with 0 protection at the end of the game. If you do this you are bad and you should feel bad.
  17. how about some place with LOS obstacles so flashto doesnt eat my lunch.
  18. I re-rolled here and went with imperial. The main decision for me was my main was/is imperial on my home server. Secondly factions dont really matter much as imp on imp games are fairly common. Also the pub fleet is dirty and dark and fences everywhere has a prison-esque quality to it I don't like.
  19. I'd agree with this value, it's hard to price them because they are either rare or there is no demand. I don't think cyan-blue color combination has many imp players interested so that's affecting its value. Although the gtn prices don't reflect it yet, the eviscerating should be the most valuable stat for min maxing. Since the dreadgaurd mods give 44 power its preferred to have any crit stats in your mods shifted to color crystals if you are squeezing out every drop of min/maxing, seems most haven't made the change or are not up to dreadgaurd gear level since power is still the most expensive color crystal.
  20. The teams and individual players do a lot of charity work and donate their time and money to charities in their local communities, like building homes and visiting sick children in hospitals. When was the last time you left your hobbit hole to do something for someone other than yourself? What was your last contribution to society? ******.
  21. As a marauder there's a 90% chance I'm already in a stun when a bubble stun goes off so it doesn't bother me.
  22. Brain damage, you have it. Sorry to hear about your gbank getting robbed OP.
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