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Posts posted by Coconutmunkee

  1. When you played a game with live mounts, did you complain you did not have to care for them, feed them, water them, wash them, and ensure their hooves were in shapes (if they had hooves)?


    It's called suspended realism and belief for the sake of enjoyment and playability.


    I know, strange concept to have in a game.


    Actually I did. Haha. It isn't enough for a video game to just simulate a real world. It has to FEEL like a real world. Especially an MMO. This game feels dead. Walking around the planets, feels like walking through a hospital. There's stuff going on.. but it's all procedure. Where are the sneak attacks by NPC's? Where are the sith lords landing via shuttle to stop your 'quest.'


    Playability is one thing, but when other games of the same genre are doing it better.. you can't continue to sacrifice SO much.

  2. lol no, try the simple answer which was given, it is a game. You pay for things. We can question 10000 things about every game if you want total logic and consistency, but again...refer to, its a game.


    They could always charge us for pilot licenses.


    We already pay for the taxi's anyway.


    How come I don't have to buy ammo?

    How come I don't have to pay for the medical services when rezzed?

    Why does ALL my armor get damaged when I die?


    and on and on....


    You bring up a lot of good points though, even without trying. Why are those things NOT in the game? I'll tell you why. A poorly designed game, while still being 'just a game,' is still poorly designed. Lightsabers should do massive damage on armor that isn't reinforced with cortosis. Having to refuel your ship at every port makes SENSE.


    Go watch some youtube videos on Archage. The stuff we take for granted, the little stuff, is FUN.


    They made this too fisher price, when it should have been more realistic.

  3. So, if the ship is auto-pilot and the ship droid is flying it, does that mean he is also the one actually doing all of the space missions? Should he be getting the Flyboy, etc. titles? Or is that more of a team effort where your PC is just focused on using the weapons and C2 is flying the ship?


    Don't worry. They're all sheep. They just accept that things work without caring how they do. It's pathetic really, and the reason for our nation's downfall.


    Start questioning stuff.

  4. This is 100% completely FALSE. No end game gear has dark or light requirements, just some gear while leveling up. The colour crystal light/dark restrictions were removed along time ago. The ONLY thing light/dark gets u is some cosmetic oranges, a non-combat pet, unique mount skin, and titles. They are also working on grey alignment rewards they said as well.


    the GTN could use some adjusting, which is happening in 1.3, as is what u said about flashpoints if you use the group finder.


    They've been saying they're going to "adjust" the GTN since the MIDDLE OF BETA.

  5. Get your butts on PTS and test the ranked WZs and LFG. The more tests we do, the faster they'll be able to approve it's release!


    Yeah, because everyone took advantage of copying their toons, and/or Bioware has an excellent pre-made toon generator for their PTS.


    Also - we are not their testers. They PAY PEOPLE to test their content. They are called QA. If they aren't hacking it.. they need to lay them off and find a group that can.

  6. Ignore the haters bashing the game. They are just jealous something new and better has come along!


    Welcome to the world of tomorrow!!!


    Ignore the haters, but don't ignore the ACTUAL issues that people bring to the forums. There are plenty of good and bad, as in every other game.

  7. I will feel like I am not being rewarded enough from doing the dailies that I do on a regular basis, if they just remove these credit sinks in the game. I do the dailies, and enjoy doing it, knowing I will have credits to be able to swap specs as well as other in game sinks. Otherwise, I would want something else if credits become useless.


    An idea, albeit not a very good one: Make another character of the same class and advanced class, and choose another spec.


    Remove the credit sinks, and you could, oh I don't know.. spend time doing your homework, spending time with family, making dinner, taking out the trash, taking a bike ride and contributing to society.. ALONG with enjoying the two specs.

  8. I forced myself to read through it and keep an open mind. I understood very little, and analyzed what you were trying to say.


    This is all I have to say: You hit the nail on the head, but these are points that aren't exactly new concepts. I believe Bioware had all this in mind. They had an incredible vision during beta that really made this game shine above the rest. Whatever once was, will never be. They listened to the minority entirely too much post-launch.

    For the most part, the game is great. But sometimes players want to mine asteroids. Sometimes players want to take a speeder into the sunset because they're curious about what is on the mountain in the distance. Sometimes players want to get lost in the environment and not actually DO anything.. they just want to be. Until Bioware realizes that tossing us down a corridor and getting rid of what makes a massive game fun.. they're going to lose people.


    Sadly, it'll be their next MMO that they figure this out.

    I love the art, i love the stories, I love the game. But in an MMO - I want to forge my own story, discover my own path, and follow my own breadcrumbs.

  9. Well then its just a silly thing they do, why limit it to social armor only?


    I'm sure we think it's silly that you'd create an entirely new thread, to complain about a system that you obviously didn't research for 45 seconds (it's VERY easy to find the answer to which gear is adaptive) and now you're upset that it's only social gear?


    I smell a troll.

  10. That's why the ignore feature is great:D. Then we can read their posts on the forum about how Bioware should remove the ignore tool :p


    I imagine in a cross-server situation, they'd toss in the ability to ignore someone so that you wouldn't be grouped with them again, right? Wouldn't they? Gah, who knows if they'd toss that in.


    Since they already mentioned that when they do cross-server for PvP they're going to have a few servers in a group, so over time the sense of community might not be so terrible.. being continually grouped with the same people.


    Here are my thoughts: If the populations rise a LOT, and I mean.. on a desolate planet I want double digits - then cross-server wouldn't be necessary. If I continue to see 6 people in the fleet on a once VERY populated server.. I don't give a crap what they do with cross-server queuing, because there is NO community to start with.

  11. I'd have to agree and disagree with you.


    I disagree that merges are the best way to go (at the start) for one simple reason: You cannot force your playerbase to move and potentially have to rename all their toons they've been playing for the last 6 months. Maybe some people don't care about being on a server with 4 people on at prime-time?


    With server transfers, you get the option to say "ok, yeah, I want to play with people - I'm transferring and I don't care if my name is taken as long as I have people to play with."


    I think they made some critical mistakes that only a rookie developer would have made (get off my junk, I have experience) but in the long run, the way they are handling it is really the only way to avoid a PR *****torm.


    Maybe they should say "screw the media, we're doing what we want" but they'd have to answer to EA, and I doubt they're willing to just bend over and let the LITERARY GENIUSES of the interwebs take them to town.


    I'm sure if they notice a severe imbalance even after transfers, they'll take further action. But for now.. it's a good start. Free transfers are better than nothing, even though they should have been here at the start.


    To add my own sidenote: They NEVER ONCE said that cross-server queuing would be in 1.3, or even remotely close to it.

  12. they are destroying more the craft in this game every time


    instead of make craft fun and good to level and use, they are freaking nerfing it more..


    Wow BW, just wow..

    there goes my last small bit of faith for you..


    The drama queens on this forum never rest.


    It isn't destroying crafting at all. You STILL have to craft in order to get an augment kit. And it'll come reliably instead of a 'chance' - this system helps everyone across the board, not just people with unlimited time to send their companions out HOPING for a crit.

  13. You do realize SWG and SWTOR were/are developed by different companies right? It's not as simple as just "adding" jump to lightspeed to this game. Even if they could, the engines are far different.


    Even if we get free-flight space, I doubt we'll have the kind of immersion that Jump to Lightspeed brought. Being able to have your friends on your ship, walking around while drifting in space.


    So what if Han Solo never mined an asteroid, or Boba Fett never had a dance party on his bridge. WE AREN'T PLAYING THEIR STORY, WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE MAKING OUR OWN.

  14. a port to flashpoint feature would be a great idea,especially with all the different loads going from 1 planet to another.


    It's bad enough that they are all localized on the fleet. Why have gamers become SO freaking LAZY that they can't travel to group content?

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