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Posts posted by Silvaeris

  1. That's true but no other spec will let you "smash" 3 people at once and kill them with high crit. Big numbers are scary not to mention that from all DPS speces there are this one is the easiest to play. Period.

    I would say my AP Powertech is more effective in dealing damage to multiple people but I am channeling my big AoE damage skill while all Smasher have to do is press combat focus, force leap into a group and smash them. Simples.


    Yes, and channeling an AoE skill is rocket science. The fact that smash based build have a simpler mechanic does not make them overpowered, unless you're inferring that all other classes are so difficult to play in comparison that they're impossible to handle by the average gamer (and we're not talking about playing "perfectly", as only a small percentage of the actual player base reaches such proficiency).

  2. My normal trolling aside lets just look at a few things.


    First off it was Warhammer Fantasy. Now don't get me wrong I'm not insulting Fantasy or the game, however what I will point out is go to any game store on war gaming night and look at what everyone is playing. I can tell you the last time I went in you had tons of Warhammer 40k games going, a good number of Battletech games being played, I saw only one table playing Warhammer Fantasy. Believe it or not the store that night had more people playing Starfleet Battles then Warhammer Fantasy. Yes. That Starfleet Battles. The one based on Star Trek The Old Generation.


    Still, the IP allowed for such hype that the game had over 1 M subscribers at one point, so it wasn't that unfamiliar among the MMORPG player base. This is what's tragic - that a game which had over 1M paying players at one point got closed 5 years later.


    I've played Warhammer Online on and off for about 1 year, and at least half a year from the very beginning (pre-order, early access etc). I still do not understand how could they make so many simple mistakes. For example, they created about 24 scenario maps, each of them really decent, but if you played the game from the beginning, you never could play more than 3-6 of them in rotation. Some were level tier exclusive, some required certain instances to be open, other were situational/seasonal. And don't get me started on the mechanism of choosing the scenario to pop = after the drastic server populations declines all we had on the Aralielle server we're Serpent's Passage pops for 3-6 months straight !! All this time they could make a giant random scenario pool with 24 different scenarios to play for everyone, and instead they lost subscribers by the numbers because they were playing the same 1-3 scenarios to the brink of apathy :confused:

  3. Abilities like taunt and intimidating roar work different against monsters than players. It is possible to lower damage enemies deal to friendlies by using them, if that is your question - you also get points of "protection" in a warzone for this.
  4. Because then people would complain about being able to get the best PvE gear in the game by losing your way in PvP, which is a valid concern. You certainly can't get by the best PvE gear in the game by just wiping.


    In my opinion it's not a valid concern. Those are two different mechanics, PVP and PVE. One participating in any of these facets of the game agrees that there are certain rules to it. Nobody always wipes in PVE, as there are no players in PVP that always lose. Probably the time needed to be spent to acquire War Hero/Campaign gear, assuming a statistical probability of success (be it in warzones or raids), would go in favour of PVE at the moment. Furthermore, as more as you progress in each of the tiers, the higher are your chances of success (even moreso in PVE, where most bosses up to Campaign tier can be powered through).


    I really think getting over the possibility that a PVP "loser" gets "free epics" is not a big sacrifice for getting rid of this artificial and problematic gear separation.

  5. I don't really understand one aspect here - if expertise gets removed, and highest tier PVP and PVE gear shall have similar stats (like in, e.g. Warhammer Online), won't the PVE geared player have just equal chances in PVP to the PVP geared players ? Furthermore, such a player (at least in opinion of the majority) should lack in skill and experience in PVP, so he/she will still lose ? What's there to worry about? Sense of entitlement/exclusivity to PVP?
  6. PVE

    t1 - tionese

    t2 - columi

    t3 - rakata

    t4 - black hole/campaign



    t1 - centurion(obsolete)/recruit

    t2 - champion(still viable to some extent)/recruit

    t3 - battlemaster

    t4 - war hero


    That's how I would classify it, although you can treat t1 in pvp as recruit, and battlemaster as t2, war hero as t3.

  7. Do you wish to kill this traitor?


    1) With pleasure! (Kill him) (Dark Side)

    2) No, he shall be judged by the council. (Light Side)

    3) <walk away> (refuse quest)


    One of these answers does not belong.


    Fixed that for you. Being neutral would probably mean walking away from most quests. Making mixed light/dark choices so you don't stray into any of the extremes is not being neutral.

  8. In addition to the poor PvP flagging mechanics I don't understand why the devs feel the need to encourage PvP on PvE servers by setting part of the event in an open PvP zone. In fact I don't understand why such zones exist in the first place on a PvE server. I choose a PvE server because I do not want to PvP, ever.


    You should probably change your sig then :jawa_wink:

  9. It is a inherent trait of MMORPG's that their PvP is more, or less, gear dependent. This comes from both the expectations of an MMORPG'er (where strive for better stats/levels/gear is the main purpose of the game for most) and the model that has been used by most of the developers up to today.


    In almost every single MMORPG, the more resources you have and the more you have played, the more powerful is your character compared to others. Taking that away would drive most MMORPG players away, as if they want "true" PVP, they could always play Unreal Tournament, LoL, or CoD. The main problem is for the gear disparity not to eliminate any skill-dependency in fights - for example, by making the high tier sets too powerful or too different in power between one another. A higher tier set should be more powerful than a tier lower, but the stats should be optimized in such a way that you won't faceroll or one-shot every single other player below your gear level. At least that's my opinion on the subject.

  10. It's obvious from comments here that the patch note is not specific enough, so we'll get it updated before the patch goes to the live servers. Here are some specifics:


    Champion Bags now always contain 15 Centurion Commendations AND 7 Champion Commendations. Battlemaster Bags now always contain 15 Champion Commendations. So Centurion gearing up progression for new level 50s is increased significantly and Champion gearing up progression will be steady.


    We do still intend on adding more intro level 50 PvP items as well as change how Battlemaster Commendations operate toward the same 'steady' goal. It's just the scope of that change was more than could be done in a weekly patch as it included vendor changes, conversions to existing commendations on players already, etc.


    That being said, the current interim 'gearing up' system will change significantly when we introduce Ranked Warzones (aiming for Game Update 1.2). Stay tuned for more details on that.


    - Gabe


    This is a step in the right direction. Too bad you did not express yourself coherently enough in the beginning, and now the vast majority of the players think the changes comprise of something entirely diferent ;)

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