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10 Good

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    Skateboarding, gaming, technology
  • Occupation
    Sausage Vendor
  1. I wouldnt say that the augments are useless. I sell the purple ones on the GM for good credits. Some of your purple ones will bring around 80k sometimes. The blue ones dont seem to sell well. Ive tried bringing the prices down low, but people really only want the purple ones. I can blame them. Thats all I would really look for. However, I can never find crafted crit gear to use my own with. I have been saving a purple +28 cunning for my smuggler for 15 levels and havnt found any worthy gear to use it with. ( no gear at all to use it with ) The GM has been baren on my server. Mandalore the Indominable.
  2. I currently have slicing, armstech, and scavaging. I can RE, but what I have noticed is that I have to be standing next to some kind of vendor before the option pops up to RE items. I dont know why that makes a diffrence, but it works everytime I am standing next to a vendor of anykind.
  3. The lockboxes for everybody seem pretty weak. Mine usually also cost more than they are worth. I will say that in a span of a few hours of randomly sending crew members out. They came back with a schematic and 3 purple missions for diffrent crew skills. Only one of them useful to me, but still not bad. I'm not sure if I regret slicing or not yet. I'm going to play around with the augments a little more before I bash it.
  4. Im stuck on the smugglers class quest ( The Duel ) where Im supposed to see Risha on my ship to get more info on proceeding to further the questline. When I talk to her, I get nothing, but some crap about " Good Luck, I'm counting on you." Anyone know if I can proceed here or have I gone noob and I'm missing something obvious? LOL, I have been stuck on this for 3 days now. I've advanced 2 levels since I made it to this part of the quest. Help please
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