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Posts posted by IndoJabijin

  1. No those people play well with it means they are playing the class PROPERLY.

    Playing properly doesn't make them any less unbalanced or underpowered.


    If a properly played class is still not within 5% of [insert x class here] in DPS and are useless in either PvP or PvE (or both) -- it's not a L2P issue. It's a balance issue.


    Screwing with PvE for the sake of balancing PvP is stupid. Developers should take the ArenaNet approach and balance the skills appropriately with separate skill effects in warzones.


    IE. Skill A has 90% armor penetration in PvE but in PvP it's reduced to 50%.


    And don't even mentioned open world pvp. There isn't any.


    Or perhaps we could pull ourselves to them, with a grapple (enemies only).

    Utility belt - sends out a grappling hook from your belt which attaches to your enemy pulling you towards them. :) I've thought about it a lot. Lol.


    I agree. 36-49 is loleasy. 50 is a different game and concealment needs help.

  3. I don't know if this was mentioned... but you also have an advantage playing Lethality -- since no one really uses it, no one really learns how to counter it.


    I normally sit there and play defensively while I have shield probe up and watch people die. In moments where I need burst I use cull.


    It's a very different playstyle from the other 2 specs.

  4. I think the class needs alittle more sustained damage.


    They don't. We are a burst class. The low amount of sustained dps we do is supposed to be evened out with high amounts of burst so we still remain competitive in all forms of gameplay. The devs just netted our burst and then didn't compensate it with anything. Some of the nerds were a little too much. I agree that getting back the original acid blade which fix us to be balanced enough in pve and be good in pvp (even though competent players are good even in the state that we are now).


    I just don't like having 3-4 skills in a rotation. On top of having increased cool downs.

  5. You really think healer a class will be a PvP FOTM? I always assumed rerollers went for pew pew.

    Not to mention Operative/Soundrel DPS is all about burst and that was nerfed... lol.

  6. Love - and I mean LOVE:

    Quinn -- although I haven't finished SW storyline but he was the only character in the entire game that prior to getting him as a companion I was hoping he would be a companion. So I was very happy when I didn't need to leave him behind.


    Vector -- I love that he's so weird and after having Kaliyo for what seems like forever I'm sure that plays a part of why I loved him so much.


    T7 -- what's not to love about him? :')


    Mako -- she's occasionally funny and I just like her.



    All female companions that aren't Mako. I don't know why... I just don't like the other female companions.


    Kaliyo -- yes, she's a female but she deserves her own mention since I hate her skank ***. It made leveling a Operative such a pain. I was SO glad to get rid of her.



    That's it. :) Everyone else I pretty much didn't mind.


    EDIT: I also forgot to mention that I like Vette too, but she was quickly forgotten about because I fell in love with Quinn the moment I saw him. :D

  7. Thats correct. Just to add insult to injury to assas/shadows, ops/smugs have the detection and stealth level in the same tier level.

    To add insult to injury, assas/shadows have a gap closer, better utility, overall better survival when specced correctly, better sustained dps, a knockback... I could go on and on.


    In the game's current state, SWTOR is an objective based pvp game. Mindless killing does nothing for a team... which is all the operative can currently provide.

  8. I personally think thats a bad system and one major flaw with GW2 (although I agree technically that the current system in most MMO's is also bad). The problem with GW2 is that there is no progression beyond appearance. The key element of MMO's/RPG's and longetivity is progression, it is incredibly important. You say the better/cooler looking stuff should be left to harder difficulties - but what is better/cooler is purely opinionated (look at the top end armor in this game and peoples opinion on it for a perfect example). I personally like the lower-end armours in this game, so if a system like GW2 was implemented where people dislike the high-end armours and would do anything they can to NOT use them... then wheres the progression?

    GW2 doesn't need progression because it's not a game with a sub. In the P2P model there NEEDS to be progression to keep people playing and paying the sub.


    With GW2 you can get to level 80 and stop playing the game until the next expansion or content update. That's completely fine because you won't be paying a sub that entire time you haven't been playing (or even played). People who had fun in the first 80 levels will come back.

  9. Again no one would care if they were getting Presence gear. The problem is these people Can not accept that. they feel they are entitled to Raid gear because they pay $15 a month even though they do not raid. That is just selfish and ignorance of them. If they want raid gear they should have to raid for it.

    Again, I'm not talking about presence. I'm talking about raid gear in general. If the other option was just as time consuming as raiding I don't see why the gear can't be rewarded in several ways.


    You're basically saying it doesn't matter if it takes 2 weeks of dailys (just an example) to get one piece of gear because they didn't raid for it. Well, sorry, but it does matter.


    What doesn't matter is how the gear is obtained. As long as all the possibilities require the same amount of dedication who the hell cares how you get it in the first place.

  10. it also dosent make it wrong. i played the heck outta wow too but if there was no raid gear all you did it for was the challange i dont think i would have played wow for as many years i dont think it would have made it 7 years with no loot raids.

    Well, that's also an issue with the P2P model. You need something to strive for and the carrot on the stick model is what keeps people playing.


    Hench why a game like GW2 will have no end game raiding or "best" gear. It doesn't have a sub. So you can pick it up, play for all you want, shelve it and wait for the next content update or expansion to continue playing.

  11. the "best" gear for you depends on what you are doing. for instance BM gear is the "best" for pvp, rakata is the "best" for operations. they should make a tier of gear with presence on it (a useless stat of ops and pvp) for questing and soloing content with your companion. that way all players can get the "best" gear in the game for what they do and everyone is happy. Operations should be the only way to get operation gear pvp should be the only way to get pvp gear and questing should be the only way to get quest gear end of story

    Unfortunately there are only 2 types of gear: PvE or PvP. I see no reason why getting the best PvE gear should be limited to raids. If the other option requires as much dedication and time I don't see an issue.

  12. Lol. Just lol.


    It's true. The cooldown doesn't prevent from using double hidden strike. It only prolongs it. Using Hidden Strike > Vanish > Hidden Strike is cheap. It shouldn't have been allowed in the first place.


    I keep saying I wouldn't want a cooldown. You keep saying it's a nerf. I don't understand. I would PREFER to keep Hidden Strike the way it is. There just needs to be some sort of balance to prevent the abuse of double HS.


    This has NOTHING to do with the way hidden strike works, or the damage is does. It's other mechanics of the class that need to be looked at and re-vamped or changed.


    You keep on bringing other factors into a conversation that just revolves around the abuse of double HS. You say it's a nerf to hidden strike, then go on to explain that you don't even use it in a rotation.


    Please. Go cry and rage somewhere else.

  13. Why cause 5 nerf's wasn't enough?


    Sorry 5 "rebalances" wasn't enough?


    just shut up already


    you have no justificaton or factual evidence to support that suggestion what-so-ever.

    Double HS is a nerf everyone saw coming. It was much needed and I agree with it. My opinion on my previous post did not take into account the other changes.


    There are better ways to deal with the hidden strike cooldown. Like revamping the way Vanish works.


    And I'm sorry that you're so butthurt that you clearly can't have an intelligent conversation.

  14. Oh I must have misread that then right?


    Like I said stop talking now.


    I'm tired of getting warnings because of stupid things like this.

    What he meant is giving VANISH a debuff so it reduces the amount of damage you do. This would solve the Hidden Strike > Vanish > Hidden Strike problem and there wouldn't be a need for a cooldown on hidden strike.


    The debuff would last several seconds if you're under the effects of vanish, or completely go away when you come out of stealth.


    I would prefer a Vanish debuff (thus making it more defensive than offensive) than a cool down for hidden strike.

  15. At dps scoundrels/ops. Ok I feel for these guys. BUT some dmg abilities are getting buffed. How much? We don't know yet. If it leads to more consistent out of stealth dmg it may be a good thing as you are WAY too tied to getting the opener atm.

    Bioware nerfed burst for Operatives a while back (which I agree was needed). They didn't change sustained DPS outside of that initial burst.


    Now, they're SLIGHTLY buffing burst (after they initally nerfed it), and are nerfing sustained DPS by a considerable amount.


    No Operative I know wants more burst. They all want less burst for more sustained DPS or some form of utility. There will be no reason to take a Operative in PvE in any situation once 1.2 hits.


    I will continue playing the class simply because I like it. I do not like the fact that they're changing the pace of the classes by increasing/adding cooldowns.

  16. I feel like the Operative forums are mostly negative and we need to bring some much needed positive thinking in here!


    The idea is very simple: why did you decide to play operative, and what do you currently like (or love) about it.


    Try not to bring anything negative into the topic (such as damage, utility, PvP, etc). Just focus on why you continue to play the class despite all the negativity.


    I'll go first:


    After sampling all the classes to 10 I love the storyline and decided to go Operative instead of sniper. I absolutely love their animations (stabbing people never get's old imo) and their playstyle is very exciting and fun.


    I also love that compared to certain classes, I don't have to constantly watch my cooldowns or keybindings (compared to marauder for examlpe). So that's a big plus. Also, the armor and big guns. :)

  17. It's interesting to see how people have identified that one single mistake which leads to people turning away ;)


    Truth is that there is usually a whole collection of issues because people usually can forgive one or two mistakes, sometimes even alot more but it's more about how long these will be lingering around. Most MMO companies, incl. Blizzard are sometimes over-confident about their abilities. It's their job. They have to be convinced of themselves. But it becomes an issue if they are getting blinded by that, lose objectivity and sometimes fall in love with their solutions and live in denial about and the issues around it. I call it the the "Lightwell problem".

    The issue is the MMO community itself has created a double edged sword for themselves. Players are yearning for a next generation game that will be refreshing. A developer comes and creates a game that's trying to break the mold but the community screams because they miss the carrot on the stick model or are unwilling to change the old MMO model.


    However another developer will come into the business and create a game that has the best of everything but is in no way original. The community screams because the game is too much like other games and they need something new and different.

  18. To get back on track after dismantling the slow dude's post before, I admire you guys tirelessly defending this game. I really wish I could get behind it as well, it'd make me feel better about my 60 dollars. This is what religion feels like.

    It's honestly not as bad as Guild War's 2 fanbase. It's gotten to be very cult like and unlike something I've seen in several years in the mmo community.

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