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Posts posted by cerberias

  1. Think you'd be surprised Dmasterr at how bad some people fail when it comes to basic co-ordination. My dad for example, when he played WoW, he'd know the rotations and work out how to get the most damage for mana, heals for mana, burst healing etc.. but then he straight up couldn't press the buttons in time while moving around. He just couldn't press the buttons properly under and sort of pressure - I know some of my friends do the same sort of things where they press the wrong buttons consistently because they play different games all the time and they bring over reflexes from each game to another.


    Its perfectly legitimate for someone to be a good strategist but simply not have the mindset or co-ordination to pull it off under pressure or to adapt quickly to the changing environment that is PvP. Someone with 20+ years of experience I would expect more of course.

  2. Yeah, I do that post 1.2. Can actually get much higher than that with crits/popped relics/adrenals. Assault plastique, plasma grenade + HIB, I usually use my instacast + free cost cooldowns when doing this so that my plasma grenade doesnt cost rediculous amounts. With crits/adrenals on an average BM sorc I can get 4.2ish AP, Plasma Gren for 2.8ish, HIB for 3.5ish, and they all hit simultanously if you use the instacast plasma gren because of the travel time :). If you count all the DoT's it'd realistically be able to hit higher if you get a couple of DoT's ticking.. I usually try to wear people down a bit with auto's and random damage until about 60% and then if they don't get heals I go full burst. All of this is instant cast too if you use the cooldown, and after you just full auto and usually you can get another HIB straight away.


    I feel like pyro's the better of the two specs due to better instant cast dps, combined with the ability to actually kite melee with autoattacks proccing plasma cell, and you still have reasonable burst and good sustained damage aswell. You also get a bit better survivability due to reactive shield cooling down faster, removing slows and of course, the mobility.


    Still not a great class, but it can be pretty decent - I've recently gotten over 600k in a few games, but thats probably because my server sucks for skilled PvP..

  3. If we had an interrupt and a single target snare we'd be fine, pulling high numbers with insane burst (7k+ inside of a GCD if timed right) but just can't control or stop people casting often enough. This is as Assault (pyro for you mercs). Thats also in heal gear - gotten 650k in a couple warzones before.
  4. Needed.


    Getting and properly modding your gear is an essential part of customisation, and in turn min-maxing. It's like doing training for sports, you can have all the skills in the world but if you don't have the fitness you'll still be at a huge disadvantage.


    Obviously the reason it's in the game is to stop PVE'ers smashing PvP'ers in PvP with their higher quality gear... Hence why it was brought into WoW.. surely that's obvious. I remember dueling people out the front of Ironforge back in the day and there was a full AQ40/Naxx mage twoshotting people in duels, literally just poly -> pyro/flameblast dead on everyone. PvE'ers need gear upgrades, and they can't outshadow PvPer's because of it.


    Also, it's not exactly hard to get, and the difference between BM/WH is negligible, maybe a fix could be being able to trade in Campaign tokens for BM PvP gear so the PvE'ers can gear up almost as well in PvE for PvP as the PvPers can do. Might stop their whining, but chances are most of the people whining about Expertise are horrible players - most of my characters are still running around in champ gear creaming people's faces off.

  5. Wrong, good players with good (appropriately modded)gear and a proper rotation do the most damage in PVE.


    Ah, naivety. Equal gear/skill certain classes come out on top.. by a fair bit.. do your research and you'll realise biowares metrics are either non-existent or done by apes.

  6. There is an assassin skill which makes whirlwind/lift not break on damage but it gives them like a 75% damage shield or something similar - could be that in at least some instances.
  7. The warping isnt a hack - its rediculously bad netcode - you notice it happens when people go up or down a level even a small amount (the edge of the firepit) and they warp on the spot and teleport.
  8. Just compared my pvp dps gear (mostly champ) to my pve tank gear (full rakata remodded). I lose 15% damage from crits alone (counting surge/crit), and 300+ tooltip damage on all of my abilities. The gap would be even further if my gear was of the same quality but as rakata has a hell of a lot more stats than champ/bm its lot closer than it should be - (my str was the same in dps gear compared to the tank gear without stim).


    While not as large as I imagined, its still a good 20% less damage at least - probably closer to 25-30% with equal gear levels.

  9. Curious here, have you tested a full BM tank set vs a DPS set while specced as a tank? Do you know the exact difference? It's minimal. You aren't bursting anything down in DPS gear as a tank. Sure you do higher damage over time with DPS gear, but this isn't PvE... you're not whacking a mob for 5 mins to get the advantage. PvP is about burst... tanks don't have burst not even in DPS gear.


    It's posts like yours that give people the false assumption that tanks need to be nerfed in PvP. It's posts like these that make people think the higher damage stats at the end of the match was because the tank did burst... no, the tank did slightly higher damage in DPS gear over time and his survivability enabled him to stay up longer which meant he had more time doing damage than a DPS that can pull similar or higher numbers with less up time.


    Well, what damage numbers do you put out? My overhead slash regularly hits for 1.6-2k crits for closer to 3.5k, Blade Storm has close to 100% crit rate and crits for at least 3k, usually more. I've gotten over 5k overhead slash crits in this spec, and close to that with Blade Storm though these are fairly rare due to how the stacking buff works for Guardians. Now I haven't had a full tank set since Champion gear (That being said I'm only 2pc battlemaster w/ BM wep currently as I've been playing my Scound healer) but the main difference wasn't in the base hits it was the crit chance/surge. Sure I was probably hitting 300-400 less in tank gear (per non-crit) but with a lot less crit/surge/accuracy etc.. your damage is a lot lower.

  10. Good luck killing triple healer teams trough guard and taunts. Let me know how that 20% dmg on healers through cross healing works out for you?


    Because you totally need tank gear to fill a tank role. I do your job except I actually do damage.


    Same old bull again?


    Shielding and defense counters snipers in all specs (and yes, main attack from shared tree "Cull" is "ranged" and can be dodged and shielded) and 2 specs of marauders (excluding shared tree rage spec).


    Shielding and defense are the only way to reduce of avoid completely pyrotech powertech railshot, which ignores 90 % armor, or carnage specced marauder attacks (see: ravage) under gore's 100 % armor penetration.


    Shielding and defense counters a lot of powerfull attacks from various classes not mentioned above including: merc's unload (with proc from tracers) and merc's railshot (with buff from tracers), impale from dps juggs, ravage ability from all warrior classes etc etc.


    And you, just read your crappy guides from players who no actually play anymore and give up tank stats on tank characters. You certainly will live much longer in DPS gear, LMAO.


    If cull gets defended, sure, thats great, if it gets shielded only the white damage portion gets mitigated, the internal damage does not. Its the same with Mara's/Sents and their dots, sure you might negate some of the white damage but the DoT is still going to be ticking on you for the full amount.


    Either way, tanks rarely get focus fired, and guard damage can't be avoided by shields/defence. You're there to mitigate damage to other people and I, in my DPS gear, can do that exactly the same as you can in full tank gear - only difference is that I'm beating the **** out of the guy hitting my guarded target compared to you doing like half the damage.

  11. I don't even see how you can complain about Maras when Pyrotechs do just as much damage, survive longer, have more utility and better group synergy than Maras. They can play tank stance, since it has no draw back, and guard, have a great insta-cast AoE, have a good defensive CD, a pull, a leap, and a no-channel stun. Maras have... Undying Rage, oooooooooooooooo. Think you guys are focused on the wrong class. Go reroll... again.


    If they go tank stance they lose a LOT of dps, if they go dps stance they lose A LOT of tankiness/utility. They're very much squishier than a Mara/Sent in dps stance, and nowhere near the dps in tank stance. You can't spec 31/31/31.


    They also only get the leap if they're in tank spec. their defensive cooldown is pathetic (25% less damage taken for 12 seconds compared to 5 seconds of invuln and 6-30 seconds of 20% less)

  12. I do, it completely nullifies marauder and sniper crit chance over time, and then some. I have 50% shield and 50% absorb.


    Psst, shield chance doesn't negate crit, it negates hits. If a crit is rolled it cannot be shielded/deflected.


    Defence gear counters one spec of Sniper/GS (many high level don't even play that spec) and one spec of Maras/Sents which is also a rare spec to see. DPS gear increases your damage by a fair ********, in tank gear I hit for about 1k on attacks which regularly hit for 1.6k+ in dps gear, all for a small amount of mitigation loss against certain specs. On my guardian I have 51.5% base mitigation, including 20% elem/internal, I still play defensive but I actually give the people that I'm peeling some pressure damage to make them play defensive earlier and therefore play my role as a tank better. I can also burst for a good 5-6k in 3 GCD's on average - higher if I get lucky with crits.


    Sure, you can play as a full tank, but you're just going to be one giant sponge, I can do that while actually pressuring people. I make people fear me with my damage, which isnt as high as a dps but certainly not low. This gives them the option of pursueing their target and dieing from me, playing defensive which negates them from the fight, or attacking me which is easily healed up due to high damage migitation/cooldowns/enough mobility to get away from them. Essentially - you can take a small amount more damage than me at the expense of presence in a fight.


    A shield even at 50% chance 50% absorb still only gives 25% mitigation against white attacks. You're going to be using a hell of a lot of stats to get up to that level and almost every class has kinetic attacks which ignore your shield. Getting full tank stats of say 40% chance 40% absorb 25% defence, would give around 41% white damage mitigation, which I'd estimate against a good team is probably 30-40% of total damage maximum. So you're looking at an extra 20% damage mitigation compared to 60+% extra damage. I'll take the pressure. This isn't even looking at guard damage, which is converted to the tank as internal damage and therefore unmitigated..

  13. 1. Zoom out so you can actually see what you're doing.

    2. Manage your resources better, you want to keep your regen ticking, if you're sitting at 0% heat you're doing it wrong. I saw far too many times, even inside the first minute, where there was plenty of healing to be done, you were sitting at 0% heat and using your basic attack heal on friendlies..

    3. Fix that spec, you go for extra heat vent on your 2 min cooldown instead of less cost on three different skills.. You run 20% extra self healing during shield instead of a flat 4% less damage taken.. It's not huge, but you're still losing out in most situations.

    4. Learn to strafe run, instead of backpedalling. Backpedalling moves at about 70% speed.

    5. Position yourself in a spot where you have an easy escape, around pillars etc.. far too often you're just standing in the middle of nowhere healing, against a decent team they would have zoned onto you in 2 seconds and destroyed you.

    6. Kinda part of number 1, but you've gotta keep an eye on people before they start taking damage, at the start there was a friendly right next to you with two people on him, and it took you a full six seconds after he started taking heavy damage (I assume he popped cooldowns beforehand) before you even started to pop a heal, and that first heal was a kolto missile. In that situation you wanted to bait out that early interrupt with your short cast heal on that Sent so that you could then med probe twice onto him to give him some heals.


    Just very basic things you were doing badly, against a pug it doesn't matter too much but come up against a team with more than three brain cells you will get destroyed for it.

  14. How pray tell do you folks kite a class that has force leap, force camo, and snares that they can keep up 100% of the time? Let's not forget saber ward which deflects 50% of your attacks (including your root), undying rage which they activate at the end, and if you want to nut kick them in order to deal with it, you only have one CC you can use on them, either your knockback or your flashbang.

    Do you guys mistake the word kite for "keep at bay" by knocking them back long enough to kill them?

    Kiting doesn't exist in this game. You can kill marauders, sure. But kiting doesn't exist unless perhaps you are in the 1-49 bracket or against a completely horrible marauder.


    Psst, they cant charge you in cover. Also, you have two knockbacks, a 12 second cooldown 5 second immobilise, a knockback with an immobilise, a 4 second stun, an 6(8?) second mezz, and immunity to interrupts. Holy **** you must be bad if they kill you.

  15. Every class is viable, some are just a lot more viable than others... Take someone like an operative, one knockback and suddenly they're doing almost nothing to the fight, do the same thing to a Jugger and hes back in within half a second. Every class can do well if played well, but when looking at balance you cant assume someones not going to play well, you have to look at every class asif they're played to the best of their ability and judge from there.
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