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  1. Well, since they took three rooms of the stronghold out of my subscription reward, will they lower the price of my subscription since I get less "value" for it?
  2. Well, since the new Stronghold will only be partially available to subscribers, will Broadsword lower the price of my subscription since they devalued the content I get with my subscription?
  3. First of all, I like that BioWare actually invest some dev time into the trade system. That has potential. As to your questions: What do you like about how the GTN currently functions? I like that it is there at all. A good market system offers something which is of great importance to users which is transparency. The worst aspect of the credit cap for items is the necessity to approach the trade channel for premium items as the trade channel is a cesspool of greed and shady characters. It feels like talking to a bunch of drug dealers in the worst part of town and selling there feels like dealing with a bunch of junkies looking for a cheap fix. Recent changes to the game economy and the fact that notorious credit sellers sort of ran out of credits have pushed the price threshold for the most expensive premium items to roughly three billion credits. A raise of the credit cap would remove the need for a trade chat to exchange premium items entirely. What do you dislike about how the GTN currently functions? If anything I dislike that there is not penalty to hoarding items at all. One of the more pressing problems to "people in trade" is that they simply have to move their merch. In real life stuff goes bad or becomes outdated/obsolete. You also have to pay fees for storage and handling. In this game people can hide their (sometimes ill-gotten) wealth in vast item storages. I'd like to see cartel market items lose their unbound status after a while. Maybe after six months or so those items should bind to the legacy owning them. That would really put the pressure on certain power sellers to liquidate their stocks and thus deminish their leverage on the market system. Is there anything you wish you could do on the GTN that you cannot do currently? Oh, where to begin? A watchlist for certain items would be nice. I'd also like to place "buy orders" instead of just sell orders. Something like "I can pay ammount X for item Y". That would be a godsend especially if you are looking to buy certain resources in bulk for crafting. One might consider matching buy and sell orders. I do fear, though, that some would abuse this system to catch people who make mistakes entering prices. Are there any specific filters, searches, or ways of finding items you particularly like or that you wish existed? Well, as someone who fleeces the market for bargains and good deals, a search function for "new on the market" irregardless of the offer's duration would be nice. I already mentioned a personal watchlist for items. It would be amazing if there then were something like "x players have this item on their watchlist" in order to gauge "consumer interest" (The items on the watchlist should have a limited "duration" so that inactive accounts won't clog the system). What kinds of information do you use to decide when to make a purchase? If you could have more information what would you want? Currently, there is no alternative to experience and market knowledge. Transparent as the GTN is, the average buyer/seller usually doesn't know what constitutes a "fair price". That problem is exacerbated by certain traders who spam the market with bogus "offers" at high prices to artificially inflate perceived price levels. A key information would be something like "trade volume" and average sale price. A minimal version like "23 items sold during the last 30 days at an average price of X". Maybe with a high/low price information or if you are really ambitious a chart like the Steam item market has. That would really help the casual customer to close the information gap compared to the GTN-pros a bit.
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