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Posts posted by AWDBAHL

  1. At higher levels the tank with healer companion archetype for leveling becomes disgustingly slow.


    Conversely the DPS with tank companion is always fast because you can freely blow up enemy mobs and you still have baseline heals to keep your companion alive.

  2. Pyrotech IS NOT a spec lol, its an ADV class u pick @ level 10...


    i dont have time inbetween maintaining my GF, social life, job, to level up multiple toons to level 50.. i have hard enough time keeping up with all the kids with FULL expertise gear @ level 50 which i just hit like 5 days ago lol


    Pyrotech is a spec. The classes are POWERtech and mercenary. They both have access to the PYROtech tree.

  3. The problem isnt tracer missiles really. The problem is that ranged classes go unnoticed very easily. Cant count the number of times ive poured fire down onto the huttball area from the railing above without ever being challenged.


    Ranged have an extra layer of protection simply because they can strike from outside the immediate area. To top it off they are not helpless once they are confronted by melee or another ranged. They have plenty of pretty good CC and none of their abilities have a minimum range. Also their one melee attack hits really hard.

  4. apparently there are a lot of "worst players on the planet."


    I do not think you realize how pathetic most who play that class are. They rely literally on nothing but tracer missle.


    Well its a relatively low cost high damage attack with an armor debuff attached. Theres no reason not to spam it.


    But to say that a lot of players wouldn't use their plentiful CC options when it gets interrupted, or even just switch to another attack until its back up is silly. Ive never encountered bounty hunters that bad.

  5. 1. Interrupt Tracer Missle (which locks them out of it)


    2. laugh at the deer in headlights look


    3. finish them off and move to the next target.


    Only the worst player on the face of the planet would fall to that strategy.


    More like


    2. Get knocked back 15 yards and snared


    3. 4 second passes, get face ****ed by tracer missiles again.

  6. This game has been out just over a month and the amount of whinning little ******es i have seen is unreal, I remember when i could just log onto a game and play, now every day im faced with QQ about this and that..


    ffs just get on with the gosh darn game and wait or quit if it annoys you so bloody much


    There is a lot to complain about. Get over yourself.

  7. When we asked for objective based world PvP it was a given that we expected it to be balanced, functional and meaningful. It is none of those things. Also, the objectives are a joke. Blow up some walker to flip the point? What does that do? You get like 20 extra valor on kills? OOOOOOOOOOHH!


    This feels phoned in. Im not about to offer Bioware my first born son just because they threw some garbage zone as a head fake to grab initial sales from PvPers.


    When we asked for world PvP, Ilum was not what we had in mind.

  8. As republic, Ilum dailies are simply not possible. You can ram your face against that wall for hours and youll never get a single kill. The place is swarming with imperials and they are all *********** stealthers. Good luck even getting near an armament crate. They just hang out there stealthed waiting for you to try to pick it up.


    I played Ilum for 2 hours and 42 minutes. In that time, 96 deaths no kills. No ops group available, though even if there was republic is outumbered 3 to 1 or worse so we would just get steamrolled anyway. Ilum will never be fixed s long as such a ridiculous imbalance exists. So wohoo i guess it was a place the devs wanted imperial players to be able to go to get free champ bags every day. Mission accomplished.

  9. I also despise the bag system. Ive opened 27 bags and ive goten an earpiece, relic, and boots. I still dont have enough to buy a lightsaber. Ive been undergeared for weeks now and its all thanks to the rng.


    Like i said in other threads about this: if its grindier than WoW then its too grindy.


    Also, completing this solo is a nightmare. If you have a group you can get the warzone wins pretty easily and at least have some sort of chance of completing the illum daily (as republic it is not possible to do it solo since Ilum (1) is always full and Ilum (2)+ is nothing but imperials and you.)


    Alone, the warzone daily can take hours since you lose more often than you win.


    Im starting to get tired of it. I had an ambition to bring multiple classes to 50 in this game and try PvP on all of them, but after seeing the amount of time i have to spend to get even one character geared out I cant ever see myself doing that.


    And to top it off PvPing undergeared against battlemasters is incredibly frustrating. If you arent in full or near full champ you might as well be level 10.

  10. You OPs could...heal? Heres an interesting fact: if youre trying to find valuable utility in your class then youve been doing it wrong. No matter how powerful you were as concealment, it doesnt begin to approach the usefulness you bring to the table in any PvP situation as a healer.


    If it was about the utility you guys should all have been heal spec this whooooole time.


    But it wasn't about utility was it? It was about lol2secondkillzthenstealthawayand/emote.

  11. As the title says, it's currently impossible to compete the daily or gain valor in Ilum because once you killed the handful of Reps one or twice they stop giving rewards.


    You can't have these measures in place until the balance ratio is fixed. Essentially one faction is now excluded from gaining valor and doing their daily while the other is standing in their base grappling people through the invisible death field and keep gaining valor because there is more targets to pick from.


    Or you could roll republic.









  12. It is not worth 5 focus. BTW no other ability we have is worth 5 focus either.


    Plasma brand is a 3 focus ability. Maybe even 2. In order for it to be worth 5 focus it needs to either double the initial damage, triple the dot damage and duration (and allow multiple applications of plasma brand to stack up to 3 times) or have it debuff something. A really good debuff like healing.

  13. Even though I wouldn't really mind the "re-rolling class", I personally believe it is not the right moment for it, server imbalances and other problems should be top-priority... not THIS.


    Nah this was one of the things ruining PvP and they were right to fix it asap. That said it was probably a simple fix to make in terms of what the programmers actually needed to do to implement it, and they are doing other stuff at the same time.

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