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10 Good
  1. It isn't much of a spoiler. he's introduced as, "This is Vemrin, he's an ******e and you'll have to fight each other. But you can't do it right now, Rules and such." It's like, "SHOCKER! Your character plays an important role in your storyline! People who get in your way may be dispatched for DS points!" Spoiled the game for you.
  2. New sith warrior? w00t! Here's a protip: You can Ctrl+Left click on an item at a vendor to see what it looks like on you. Once you hit the fleet, you can view all the commendation armor at the vendors, that's how I was able to find all the pieces I really loved here's what I ended up with http://i.imgur.com/ljCjH.jpg I found the cape chestpiece on the tattoine commendation vendor and the boots are the Dark Side point vendor's
  3. I went ahead and changed mine last night before crashing in bed. I now use 1-5, shift 1-5, qerfc, shift qerfc and the mouse buttons Basically, I unbound my turn left and right keys and moved strafe left and right to them since I never turn with the keyboard (FPS player). I bound Q to Force Charge and R to Smash, with E as Scream. F is Retailation and C is Backhand. Shift + Q is Force Throw, E is Choke, R is Enrage, F is pommel strike Mousewheel up and down are change targets prev and next. Alt+mousewheel is camera zoom. Shift+up and down are select friendly targets Mousewheel click is steamy regen. Mouse 4 and 5 are Taunt and Threatening Scream Tab gets me out of roots. Shift + space throws the huttball <--Honestly my favorite decision. Next to mwheel selection. I looked into the naga, damn that's a fine looking mouse. I'll stick with my MX518 though until I can justify the cost It's going to take me a level or so to get used to it, but it already feels WAY more comfy than before. Maybe it's the fps player in me, having bound a load of keys around esdf... wait... I should move my movement to esdf and open up qaz.... maybe later, but it looks like this is plenty of binds for now
  4. I just hit 30 and I'm beginning to have a mess of skills to use. I have the secondary skill bar set up to Shift+1 through = Primary 1 - Assault 2 - Sundering Assault 3 - Vicious Slash 4 - Smash 5 - Disruption 6 - Force Choke 7 - Chilling Scream 8 - Force Push 9 - Endure Pain 0 - Saber Ward - - empty = - Channel Hatred Secondary 1 - Retailation 2 - Force Scream 3 - Ravage 4 - Force Charge 5 - Taunt 6 - Backhand 7 - Unleash 8 - Empty 9 - Enrage 0 - Invicible - - Guard = - Heroic Moment In general, I'm comfortable hitting 1-6 accurately in battle and shift+ 1-4 semi accurately without paying attention. My rotation is mostly: (rage in parentheticals) Enrage (6)> Force Charge (9)> Smash (6)> Force Scream (2) > Ravage > Force Choke something (5) > Retaliation whenever available (4) > Maybe a backhand or Vicious Slash So... I really am just curious how people set their bar up so that I can figure out what the most efficient method for placement is. I'd like quick access to force charge, retailation, taunts and Disruption but beyond that I'm up for ideas.
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