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Everything posted by PhantomDemonic

  1. I would love if when you clicked on something, especially a bonded attachment/component/ect in the crafting menu it told you how many you already had in your inventory.
  2. Love the new fleet shuttle to take you to the different sides, would like if the bike was right next to you when you loaded into fleet as well.
  3. I was actually coming here to recommend this, and I would like it to be not restricted by mat type if possible. Meaning being able to look at all grade mats arch/scav/bio side by side.
  4. Howdy, Queequay. If you are looking for a family-friendly guild I think Imperial Army would be a good fit. Our current main focus is PVE and conquest but we dabble in a little bit of everything. One of our biggest tennants is our code of conduct, the guild itself has been around over a decade since Star Wars galaxies and it has stayed that way because we support eachother, respect eachother, and try to create an environment of inclusivness that is conducive to all forms of gameplay. Please take a moment and check out our website at Imperialarmy.info. Let me know if you have any questions. - Omnius
  5. Same I am having the issue as well. I reset the phase which made it worse, now I have to wait till tomorrow to even try it again.
  6. Is the allies channel the only ops channel on the server or is there a better one? Only been on server a couple of months.
  7. I have researched it a little and found that you cannot get two relics of the same type because they will not stack. I.E. two arkanian boundless ages. But will the combination of an Arkanian & Obroan, or an Obroan & Brutilizer work together? I could not find a clear answer.
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