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Posts posted by weejohnathon

  1. Me and a few guild mates have logged on today to level our chars on Alderaan, although we are running into what appear to be invisible walls. These were'nt there before the patch today. This is happening on The Red Eclipse server, I can't say if its happening on others. I am also now unable to log in my vanguard right now as its just sitting on the loading screen has been for nearly 10mins. Please help my poor Vanguard who must now be feeling like a trapped guinea pig.
  2. Hi there I have on my Sage 2 x Black Market Force-healer's MK-2 Motivator, however when I go to my Char page it shows me as having 2x Partisian Relic of Ephemeral Mending. It also shows me as having 2 of the PVP relics equipped when looking at the relic rewards from the new Ops mission. However to further confuse things I have an old Arkanian Force Mystic's MK-V Package and when I hover over that it shows my 2 Black Market relics are equipped.

    Anyone else experiencing this issue?


    Update: I can also confirm my stats are showing the 218 expertise coming from the relics.

  3. I don't disagree with that logic that millionaires have more power, although there's a couple of flaws to your reasoning here: Since f2P launch SW:TOR revenue has increased by around the 50% mark every quarter this isn't a small figure so a lot of money is going into the cartel market and what have we really gotten for it? confirmation of no new class, no new class stories and no companion story arc continuations, so throwing money at the cartel market isn't really the way to go as it would honestly make the game feel like more of a cash grab than it already does IMO, and yes I have invested a ridiculous amount into the cartel market until these was confirmed as after hearing therm confirm those I couldn't bring myself to spend even more on the game than what my sub already gets me.
  4. I think its too late for that to ever be put in SW:TOR as many people have said the game engine being an issue, but more importantly the player base has become use to the current system as well as the fact that BioWare will probably see this as the same as class stories where they said that the cost was too high to warrant the pay off. SW:TOR doesn't need to try to get more people with the combat system as the Star Wars name brings in people which games like TERA never had.


    That's just my view of course and in no way am I trying to speak for anyone else.

  5. The reasons have pretty much been listed, although the community hype wasn't the main cause it was they took the data to base a time they'd have for people levelling from beta which meant they thought they'd have ample time to release end game content, this was their first mistake which started it all as they overlooked a vast majority of players at launch had already levelled through beta so got through the levelling process a lot faster than they did in beta. That created their first problem.

    Then came their second problem, they got lazy with the bugs (anyone remember having to relog when getting knocked off the speeder?) and that wasn't even the worst of them. Then they took too long to adapt to the problems and deal with them (management issue). Then they essentially replaced their team, then came f2p which EA uses to milk players, it's ok for cosmetic items they you know what your getting however gambling packs was I typical EA greed ( anyone remember the outrage when rumours ea wanted sub + micro transactions?) well now they've got it. Also there was rumours BioWare were forced to release before they were ready to rival the WoW Cataclysm expansion.


    Now skip to now and this is personally the worst part of it for me, we were promised continued class stories (which co and writing had already been done for) and continued companion arcs, these have now gone and to top it off they have no plans of releasing another class. Now we don't need another class yet but that should be something they should be at least thinking of as they take the longest time to create. All of these things added up doesn't ease the fears of this being a cash cow that can be pulled at anytime as well as despite their revenue increasing by around 50% each quarter since f2p there's been no word of them trying to build the team back up again.


    This game would be amazing if BioWare focused on what they do best which is dtory and characters that you really care about.

  6. Hi there, I recently changed my char to a Twi'lek, when I viewed the Devastators Mask with the Phantom Chest the hood was up (viewed when he was a human) but when I tried this look after race changing to Twi'lek the hood no longer comes up when the mask is showing, at first I thought it could have been because of their lekku but even that isnt showing with the mask enabled so I dont see how that could be the cause.


    Is this intended or is it a bug?



  7. Lol, free CCs would be nice indeed ! Mama Treek ain't gonna buy herself alone now is she ? :D

    It should NEVER go f2p, as has been mentioned their enticing subs, lol seriously what would honestly be the point of subbing if everything became free eventually? Also the plan is to inject money into the game/company not throw it away to people who have no intention of putting any money into this game imo. The only thing they could have done better was make all previous owners of the expansion receive the coins as an appreciation, but as I have said elsewhere I ave had it since preorder and for £6 I feel Iv more than gotten my moneys worth. What did surprise me was the ammount of subs (not new players either) that hadn't gotten the xpac/dlc although both provide more content normally :p

  8. As long as you and your companion is reasonably well geared this shouldn't really be a problem. As has been said already the mobs scale to level but the lowest they go to is 35 so you could really do this at level 34 if you were geared enough. The only problem you might have is the planet mobs which will not scale. Just keep running and you will be fine. Also check dulfy.net for the tauntaun mount guide which tells you were all the nests are. When I was farming the data it took about 1 hour to 1 hour 20 mins based on luck. Good luck getting your mount (best mount in the game imo)


    Off topic, I wonder why they put a varactyl in the packs but not a TaunTaun Mount, surely they would have made a fortune. Not complaining as its nice to have things that aren't from the cartel market for a change.

  9. I'm sorry just have to say this, we aren't getting any more class specific story lines, companion story arcs are no longer being done and you are complaining about a vendor! The above mentioned was promised at launch at they wont be happening so I don't see why less than 1% of the player base think their entitled to more exclusive items. Yes when bought you were told it would be updated regularly, well guess what we were also told we'd be getting more class stories "sooner than later" at launch. I think these are issues that need to be worked on that affect the whole player base and was promised at launch rather than some vendor. Before people say I'm whining because I don't have the CE, its true I dont have it because I didn't want it for me the CE was more about the physical items that came with it.
  10. Only thing I have an issue with is the fact that if bought now you basically get it free and you still get the title which is a joke to those that bought at the start. That being said I preordered so Iv still got my other stuff.

    Another question, does that mean people who get it free with sub, do they only have to sub for one month then drop the sub and still have it as f2p or is it on something like the psn thing where they have the expansion for as long as thier subbed and lose it when they aint subbed?

  11. well that's just you and whatever person that wants to be cheap. Understand that


    A. to make and create such content you need money for development

    B. to ensure the development is going well you need revisions i.e. updates and patches

    C. these patches require money to happen for its all new codes of lines that need to be flowing and communicating without negatives

    D. testing/test servers for new ideas

    E.. applying new codes into main servers to improve and or add on content and or changes

    F. Repeat all of the above


    what does that mean? it means you need money~ obviously having to pay is the best idea because it actually does something. Why are you having a fit over paying? besides if it were free to subs then there wouldn't be any new content because there's not enough money to produce said content to sell and give

    You have taken that one line out of context of my whole post. There is no need to monetise everything, yet as I said your SUBSCRIPTION pays for the development of new content its what your sub is for. So your whole post is invalid, before you say that they need more money than subs no they dont not for everything, as before the f2p move and with other sub only mmos the content comes from the subscription. Anything thats considered too big for a patch is put into an expansion. This is were my point 1 comes in where they could add all of the stuff into the next expansion but if the first one is any indication I dont see it happening as they would need to add that along with levelling content. However I also stated it was too early to say.

    As for you calling me cheap that is not the case at all I understand how MMO's work the costs you listed are also included in the subscription fee as this was worked out before the game was even launched. Did you honestly think these costs just happened with the f2p move?

    If your going to quote one of my posts please quote it all instead of taking it out of context and rambling on about nothing. Also while I am at it I said I am against them monetising everything as in just because they can monetise it doesnt mean it should be in no way did I say nothing should be monetised after all it is a business .If content that wasnt included in an expansion or patch had to be paid for even if subbed what would be the point of subbing?

  12. I am personally against monetising everything, that being said subs should be given it for free, then they have 2 reasonable options in my opinion:

    1. Release it as part of an expansion. This probably wont be likely if the last expansion is an indication of their plans for expansions. That being said its too early to tell.

    2. Release it like they did for Section X. This way it can be added any time after it's ready, subs would be given it free which is how it should be as the point of the sub is to pay for the creation of new content and f2p players can buy it from the cartel market. This is personally in my view the best option as it gives Bioware another feature to tempt more f2p players to sub.

  13. Lawl, first off tool. Its good to know you can do math. Good for you. Golf clap.

    One, dont talk about me or act like you know me, by typing your big thought out post of really, nothing.

    I am actually in the top 2 percent of people who spend more money then most, Id say, and yes I do feel I and my wife should get some compensation for all the crap service, crap customer service, etc. You dont know what we have went thru, anything. So for you, in your jealousy over my disposable income, talking about who is entitled or you think know and your big math thing, is rude. Go troll someone else. Its funny theres always one chump like you, well more actually, considering the people who actually post. I rarely post other then recently to complain about the complete lack of customer service and communication. Which as it shows in MANY other posts, to be true and rampant. I play still, and pay, yes a sub, in hopes this game will turn around. Again what I do,is none of your business. No one stomped their feet, which maybe you did, and trust me you havent spent what I have spent. I spent so much, I was shut down for that month. Capped it. So you be quiet, go back to your basement, or whereever it is you dwell, and stay there. No one cried, but you are in your post, trying to look like a adult with your storytelling of my situation. And last I checked, since it does look like you can read....I started with Eric, not you or the community. If I had his number...Id of called him. But I had to post here in a thread that he was monitoring..

    And to end with your witty quote...lol so fail.


    Basically, I feel bad that I had to waste time, to even respond to you.


    In all honesty if you have so much disposable income, why not just buy the codes off ebay, their up all the time, or just go to a cantina.

  14. The price for the dyes are ridiculous, especially as they are a one time use. This is where people will need to decide enough is enough and not buy it, Bioware should then get the picture, however then comes the people with no sense that will encourage this sort of pricing. On my server both of these dye colours can be had for around for 1-2 mil so the prices won't fall on my server much if at all. Also I noticed a lot of people trying to compare the value of the item with credits, this reasoning is flawed as credits have no real world monetary value where as cartel coins do. So trying to compare these cant be done. Example I have 1050 cc that is £5.99 in real world, I have 1050000 credits, that is nothing in real world.
  15. Hi there, is anyone having issues with Treek, first there's the bug where even at max affection you can only speak to her once on the ship then nothing. ( Tried this with 5 chars now and this issue has happened every time with 3 being at max affection, the only time this didn't happen was on the first char that got her, all the rest from collections have had this issue.

    Then today I'm playing my Vanguard and Treek doesn't appear to be healing, she uses the dart that heals if the target attacks you but that's it, all she appears to be doing otherwise is dps. I have tried dismissing here and summoning her again as well as taking her out of her healing stance and putting her back in it. I am tank spec so this isn't too much of a problem I guess it's just causing a lot of downtime and can make tough fights a lot harder (Champions etc.)

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