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Posts posted by weejohnathon

  1. I'm just wondering what idiot at BioWare decided to piss off a reasonably large portion of the player base 2 days before the next cantina tour and ignore them on the forums.


    Not so easy to ignore someone when their right in front of you tbh I'm glad I wont be there because if they think their gonna have laughs and people will forget I fear they may be sorely mistaken.


    They need to say something before the cantina event.


    (This isn't a threat by the way, please don't take this wrong its just how I see this event going tbh, unless people get starry eyed and just throw money at the devs)

  2. I expect they do know how improved it would make SWTOR. I also expect they know how difficult such an undertaking would be for them, how expensive it would be, and whether it would be feasible to do at all.


    I rather expect you do not know, or have any inkling.


    I also believe this is a very roll over and just take any crap given comment. When a company decides to make a game especially an MMO that has a much longer lifespan normally than other games it is their responsibility to make the game as stable and optimised as they can. It's simple logic here the better the game runs the less people need to go out and buy new hardware which means more people are likely to stay. You also forget that part of our subscription (not all) goes into the development of the game so we are already paying them (those of us that sub) to enhance and improve the game.


    It will be interesting to see if they do update it or if they are just milking the player base for the last amount they can before they completely destroy the game because since 3.0 it appears their hell bound on it.

  3. Hi there, there has been many issues with the game since 3.0 in which we all can agree. Many of these issues still exist and one thing that I cant understand is why our community team is so terrible at communicating with us.

    An exception could be made for Tait since it looks like he's been doing about 90% of all the posts as of late. However there has been many issues (Slot Machines being the latest) where there has been zero communication for days from the community team. I personally feel like they check the forums and only reply when they have to.

    If you notice when the slot machines were first released we had to wait until Friday for a response yet it was known on the Tuesday about the issue. An argument could be made that it didn't fully kick of until Thursday morning when the items became unbound. However part of the problems I feel stem from the community teams strategy of ignore it and hope it goes away. There is many situations where confirmation of a change i.e. nerf to slot machines or even a message simply saying that they are looking into this could help diffuse some situations. Instead we get nothing for a few days which often makes the problem a lot worse.


    What do you guys think of this?


    Sorry for the wall of text.

    TLDR: The community team need to communicate with the players more and faster.

  4. Thanks for all the replies. We have had 3 on the Red Eclipse now (same sellers) since about 6pm gmt last night. The prices are ranging from 12-14.5 mil so I think they might have hit their highest price or at least for trying to do the trick that theyve currently been doing
  5. Hi all how common is this mount across servers? We have 3 on the Red Eclipse cheapest at 12mil which seems insane. I can only assume we have less people buying packs.

    Although Im curious is this a ridiculously rare mount or just down to fewer packs being bought?

  6. 2 Things to take from the update.


    1. Casino Slots Event


    This serves 4 purposed that I can currently think of at the moment. These are:

    1. It sets a theme for the Shipment 5 Cartel Packs. Confirmed going by the PTS.

    2. It sets up a build up for Galactic Strongholds Expansion which has shown the Nar Shadaa Sky Palace a lot.

    3. It fleshes out 2.8 a bit with the pushback of Galactic Strongholds hense only slot machines?

    4. This is probably the main reason. It's a mass credit sink. With most people saving at the moment (not everyone) for their strongholds the devs needed a way to get rid of some of the credits so that people couldn't get all the Strongholds. Or at least I believe that is the thought behind it. As for it ending in August that makes sense as the Strongholds become the credit sink meaning the Casino Event at least for the time being had served its purpose.


    2. The Next Makeb like Expansion


    There definitely will be one this year as they need to have one out to compete with Warlords of Draenor. I know not everyone is WoW fans but like it or not WoW is what everything else gets compared to. I suspect this expansion will release in December although I think the devs are waiting on Blizzard giving a release date for WoD. I expect the launches of both expansion to be very close to each other.

    As for them not releasing details about it yet, they won't while trying to promote Galactic Strongholds because as soon as they issue details about the next level increase Galactic Strongholds will likely become old news and everyone will be more focussed on the makeb like expansion. So I dont see any details about this releasing till September at earliest.

  7. So if my subscription doesn't expire until after May 11th, will I get the rewards that include the Palace Stronghold with 5 extra rooms (my sub runs out on May 23)?


    Also, will active subscribers during May and July get two Palace Strongholds (one with 5 extra rooms, one with 3), or will we only have one?


    We only get one

  8. What nobody knows is WHO is spending the money, on top of the subs. Are the subs, a vast majority of the subs, or the freeloaders?


    Because logic kinda dictates that, if a player won`t spend 15 bucks a month, on grounds of "this game ain`t worth it", it won`t spend 20 or more, right?

    It was said that it was the subs that was also spending the most on the cartel market as well. I cant remember where I saw it but it was also brought up on a post in the forums last year.

  9. Why does the number of subscribers matter? That's only a fraction of the revenue puzzle, and a fraction of the active players puzzle.


    Do you care about revenue or how many people are playing?


    As some people have pointed out the subscribers matter as the subscribers supply a consistent income for the developer so that they can then make future content and know what money they will have. The Cartel Market has to be updated often as the new stuff gets them a lot of money but it isn't consistent and so they cannot plan around it.


    If the subscription numbers where to fall to a point where it would make more money for BioWare to focus on the Cartel Market then thats what would happen,a lot say that sunscriptions don't matter but if that was the case BioWare wouldn't be pushing to get people to sub (The free expansion, bonus cc in April and May) also f2p would be allowed to do ranked arenas.


    Its the same with charities someone giving £3 a month for example is more valuable than someone who occasionally gives £50 a month as they can then budget around their income as they know thats what they will be getting. They can't do that with the guy that yes may give more but it is not guaranteed so they cannot include that in their budget.

  10. I don't believe many have gotten my annoyance over these. I do not have a problem with the cartel market or items of it.

    My complaint is that they created a false deadline to pressure in more sales of this pack last weekend. Now yes they only posted on the dev tracker but most players were aware of this being til Monday either through Dulfy or Reddit or the forums themselves. Also many people were telling people in game that it was until Monday so the argument no one knew doesn't stand. (Also look at the ammount of Armour Sets on the GTN and packs, people knew)


    I don't think it's right for a company morally to treat customers that way, sure they said limited time so legally speaking they didnt do anything wrong but morally I feel that they used the player base to increase sales far beyond what they would ahve been had they said theyd be around again this weekend. That is my complaint.

  11. So I noticed that the pack is back up on the cartel market. I'm slightly annoyed at this as the dev post made said it was limited time till Monday last week. So annoyed to see it back up again that Friday, hate to sound negative but that's dirty marketing by BioWare creating pressure to get an item by making you believe that it isn't going to be around for long when actually its going to be there every weekend.


    Don't get me wrong I get why the Cartel Market is there, this isn't a whine about the Cartel Market its a complaint about the dirty marketing technique that was used last Friday for this pack.


    Hey everyone!


    Starting at 4PM CDT (9PM GMT) today, the first Grand Acquisitions Pack will be available on the Cartel Market for a limited time.


    The Grand Acquisitions Pack features a selection of items from the Cartel, Contraband, and Bounty Shipments, and each pack contains:

    • One Reputation item, for either the Contraband Resale Corporation or the Bounty Supply Company.
    • One Rare bonus item with a chance of a Super Rare.
    • One Rare complete armor set with a chance of a Super Rare.


    The Packs cost 900 Cartel Coins (10% off!) and will only be available until 11AM (4PM GMT) on Monday, April 14th, so make sure you pick up a pack soon!



  12. Hi there so 2 years have come and passed. I was wondering whats happening about the guild features in game. I know a lot want guild ships and stuff but thats things that take a lot of resurces to make. (Im for player/guild housing btw :) )


    I'm talking about simpler things like a guild calendar in game so that the officers can schedule events and such this is such a basic yet vital feature for guilds I'm honestly surprised it hasn't been added to the game yet. I know we have guild websites like enjin for that but in my experience with my guild getting members to go on there to sign up for events or even check for ops is like trying to draw blood from stone.


    Another thing I would like to see is a log available to the guild leader and or officers. The log should show things like who invited who to the guild, who left the guild and who removed who from the guild. As a guild leaser myself theres nothing worse than logging on to find that guild drama has gone on while you were not in game and that people were kicked/ left etc.


    Can we please have an update on if these are likely feature we can see?

  13. Hi all the Jawa Tactical Force guild is currently recruiting new members. We don't care if your a sub or not as long as you social.

    We are looking for mature members to join our ranks, most of our guildies are in the gmt timezone or within 1 or 2 hours of it so this is the timezone in which mos events will happen.

    Our goal is to have something for everyone, we are for the new and older players of SW:TOR and are planning on PvP groups, Ops group, Guild Events (prize draws, competitions, Datacron farming etc)


    If you are active an interested please let me know in game by /w Gódríck sending me a pm on the forums or simply replying to this post with your chars name.


    We look forward to meeting you all!

  14. Although I won't turn down more content, I don't think chucking tons of events at us is the way to go. For me the game does feel stale (I'll go with that) and it doesn't for me feel like BioWare is trying to make this game awesome. I think their taking as much shortcuts as possible tbh. Yes we got some new content but its the same things dailies mostly. What I'd personally like to see is BioWare take a risk, get back to the creative routes and amaze us like they can do. Once BioWare start putting real effort back into the quality of the game like they do with their other titles these threads will disappear.
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