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Posts posted by Azoic

  1. Leveling is very easy. Being always overleveled makes the process ridiculous.

    What BW really does with Double XP is: "Come on, skip the content we made!"

    That means you end knowing nothing of class rotation, even CC and other stuff. Not funny.


    Um I usually level my characters in a dps spec (since I solo level usually) and when I hit level cap I have no idea what talents to even use as a healer or for that matter what some of the abilities do. Know what I do instead of level as a healer to learn to heal? I look it up online to get a base working knowledge. Maybe people who level during double xp weekends really ARE NOT at a disadvantage if they take the time to google the info they're missing?


    Some of us simply want to fill out and cap all classes at level cap. We know how to play the game, we know how to CC, we know most of the abilities (as we have raided with people at max level with those classes or done end game pvp), some of us even have the mirror of one class on one faction and want to level it up on the other side (I have a Merc I'm leveling because I already had a Commando at level cap), and a whole list of other things. Having a double xp weekend does not suddenly erase this knowledge and experience from our minds.


    Playing as many warzones as I have on my main, it's obvious that even dps can hit level cap and have no idea what they're doing. This is during normal gaming time where people DON'T level faster. My favorite is seeing someone CC their target and then auto attack that target to break said CC after less than 2 seconds have passed. Taking more time to level does not equal skill or a working knowledge of a class.


    It also doesn't guarantee that they will be too lazy to do their research. Most alt-o-holics will put in the time to at least google a proper spec (cookie cutter talents) and a normal rotation. The double xp weekends do not in any way gimp their ability to play. People who are too lazy to learn are gimping themselves. Double xp has nothing to do with that.

  2. So, the Species Change and Barber Shop mentioned in the Dulfy interview from months ago are finally realities. That's a good sign! It means the devs are actually serious about their "Yeah, we'd like to do that" statements.


    In that same interview, it was mentioned that Advanced Class changes were also on the table and likely to happen. I'm curious if the community team can update us on whether there's any time-table for when this will be implemented.


    Ideally, I'd love it to be a switch you can unlock, then flip any time — finally allowing me to Tank & Heal with one character.


    I'd imagine it'd come in the major expansion if/when they add new classes.


    In order to remove the hassle and cost of re-voicing the 1-50 content, it could just be a new advanced class that is chosen at 10 that branches off of one of the pre-existing base classes. So we'd still have Inquisitor, Warrior, Agent, and Bounty Hunter. BUT instead of choosing one of two advanced classes (say Sorcerer or Assassin), they could add in a third. So the story voice-over is the same, since they're written for the base class, and it isn't a waste or needing to be re-done.


    If this happens, I'd imagine it'd be logical to add the advanced class change soon after that so people who already have a max level character that shares the same base class can choose to become the new advanced class that was released in the expansion. It's the only thing that makes sense to me but I may be crazy. I don't know if I agree with being able to toggle back and forth, but at least a one time change makes sense if they do an advanced class launch like that.

  3. I'm jumping on the list for this one too. I'm SO glad they added this. Funny thing was I was reading a forum a week or so ago about things people would like tweaked in the UI. A gold post actually dropped in and said this is something "he'd like to see added to the game." I think it was a subtle hint personally. I am still very pleased either way though that this was added.


    I don't really see many threads saying this so I'll type it out too. Thank you guys for finally adding this!

  4. Traditional Jedi robes for players is what this game lacks and is something which would be in pretty high demand and something that was requested over and over not just by me! Srsly Bioware! Eric said they are in plans :'(


    I completely agree with this. This has been bothering me since launch. Every set of semi Jedi looking armor has some weird armor added somewhere. It may have a nice Jedi cloak, but the chest piece is this huge metal plate. Or there's a cool cloak but there's weird shoulder pieces. OR there's another cloak that looks decent but has this weird pattern on it so it's not cloth looking but like the Gree put their box pattern all over it (thinking of one of the rare sorc pieces with this one).


    I went from Republic to Empire and I can honestly say that on both sides the set of armor I want MOST is a set that looks EXACTLY like what Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon were wearing in Episode 1 and for Sith I want what Darth Maul was wearing. Complete with baggier pants here people. There was no extra metal crap anywhere. It really made me feel like they were surrounded by the force and didn't need the same armor as the tech based people to protect themselves. They didn't need the extra body armor because they could deflect or dodge the blaster bolts.


    Summary: I just want ROBES. Black ones and the traditional brown and cream ones. Simple is best in this case.

  5. I put together a datacron checklist a while back and recently updated it to include the Makeb datacrons.


    This is a link to the GoogleDocs page with all of these lists and checklists.


    Original description:

    • This is a spreadsheet for both Republic and Imperial Datacrons in a checklist style.

    • Each sheet is color coded to remind people which faction's page they're on so they don't forget. Blue for Republic and red for Empire.

    • It is first sorted by each planet's recommended level for that faction and then by codex entry number.

    • Beside the codex entry number is how much the Datacron increases your stat by.

    • Each stat is underlined because it is a direct hyperlink to the guide on SWTOR-Spy.com on how to get that Datacron. There is no need to scroll down to find the relevant Datacron in the web page.

    • There are 8 pre-configured columns in each faction's spreadsheet for the 8 advanced classes on each side.


    New additions and changes:

    • There is now a link to a guide for the Imperial Fleet datacron. There isn't one on SWTOR-Spy.com and I gave up waiting for them to add one. Instead I used a guide from swtorstrategies.com. There is a youtube video on this page as well showing you how to do it.

    • There is a new column that shows the coordinates for each datacron. There was a group of people who wanted to know *where* the datacron was but not *how * to get to it. So I changed the list slightly to accommodate those people as well.


    Note: I added in a few more tabs since last time because this is info that I use a lot and hate spending time looking up. I figured I should share it just in case it might save someone else 2 minutes of google time. I made these lists for myself but if anyone else can use them, I'm more than happy to share.


    Crafting: This lets you track which character has what profession. I have so many toons I honestly forget who is what kind of crafter. Of course there are the lowbie alts that have professions but I don't remember what level they are. Instead of putting an X for max level crafting, I put the number of their level in the box. This spreadsheet shows both Imperial and Republic toons at the same time.


    Legacy Character Unlocks: I included a checklist for individual character Legacy unlocks. This does NOT include unlocks that affect all characters on one Legacy. I did not include Cartel Coin cost or Credit cost since I've seen patch notes where costs of other things are adjusted. My main purpose was to keep track of what alt had the companion affection bonuses for conversations and gifts. I included everything else in the list too though so things like crafting bonuses and field respec can be tracked without having to log onto each toon to check.


    Companion Gifts: The last list is something I put together because it's a pain in the rear trying to get the GTN to cough up what I want. It's a list of gifts you can give to your companion by NAME. It's sorted by type first, rank, then rarity. I have the ones marked that come from the Curator on each capital ship. The ones marked "Curator" are sold for credits. The ones marked "Fragments" are the ones that you can get from the curator with the Gift Fragments obtained from various gathering professions. I continually forget how many each gift rarity takes so I included the value of each as well. This list does NOT include gifts acquired from personal storylines. These are all able to be purchased on the GTN.

  6. I'm not a huge forum buff so I have no idea what this "necro" thing is that people are talking about. But on topic anyway.


    I think I understand what the OP is saying as it was probably the same thought in my head originally. This is why I googled what this vendor does BEFORE I spent any currency on it (I still will but I won't be disappointed since I know what I'm getting now). It isn't that there aren't multiple modifications, it's that he thought that he can equip multiple at once. I was figuring it would be something like how our character has a helm slot, gloves, legs, etc. So you can modify the droid multiple times with these mods. I figured the vendor would have a mod for the "head" slot on the droid that buffed one profession, a mod for the "feet" that buffed another, and so forth to make the ship droid the ultimate crafting companion as that's all he's meant for. The idea that there are different modifications but you can only equip one at a time wasn't something that even remotely crossed my mind. I'm glad I looked it up or I would have been very confused. I am glad though that they even added these mods to begin with.

  7. There probably is a way to do this, and if not, there dang well should be.


    - I'd like to see a feature where I can compare the armour, mods and enhancements from one piece of gear with another at the same time.


    - Preferences

    - User Interface

    - Scroll down to "Tooltip" settings


    Different settings and their functions:


    - "Show Detailed Item Tooltips" Enables showing individual mods and their stats in the item tooltip.


    - "Enable Comparative Tooltips" Enables side by side comparison of your current equipped item and the item you're mousing over.


    - "Enable Companion Comparative Tooltips" Enables showing your current companions gear and the item you're mousing over. This can be used with the above option to show the item you're mousing over, your equipped item, AND your companion's item at the same time. 3 Frames can be shown as a result. The owner of the item is at the top of the tooltip for each box. Companion gear will have the companion's name at the top of the frame and player items will specify that the player is wearing it so there's no confusion.


    - "Enable Stat Summarization in Item Tooltips" Enables a sort of "total" mechanic where the computer itself does the math to determine what stat changes would take place if you or your companion equipped a piece of gear. Totals are at the bottom of their respective tooltips. Companion changes are in the companion gear tooltip and character changes in the character armor comparison and shown at the same time.

  8. What Eric said plus.


    Add abilities to re-size change even more in the ui editor including chat window as a big one. I hate were the chat window is and would love to move it. Same with where tracked missions go.

    Ability to enlarge certain buffs/debuffs and particularly only ones that apply to you or were applied to you.

    Ability to set default window locations for things like inventory / bank / vendor. Still allow us to move them but let us pick a spot where they always spawn when clicked.


    I keep checking the date you posted the comment and I get confused. I'll just assume you don't have nearly as much time on your hands as I do to poke at all this stuff. You can currently change the location/size of the chat box and the mission tracker.


    To move the Chat box, left click and drag on the tab in the chat window that says "General." Drag the window wherever you want on your screen. There's an icon or marker type thing in one of the right hand corners of the chat box where you can click and drag to resize the chat box too.


    I would like to be able to remove the left side border though since it's space that I think is wasted. I don't click anything over there and it just means my chat box is shoved more toward the center of my screen by a quarter inch. Also would LOVE to have the ability to completely disable chat tabs at the top of the window (make them invisible and unclickable) and have the chat edit bar at the top of the chat box rather than the bottom.


    As for the mission tracker, go into your edit ui mode. Click on the + icon on the left side of your primary attack bar. Enter "Edit" mode. There should be a dropdown menu in the popup frame that lets you choose what elements of the UI are shown in the edit mode. Make sure "All" is selected to get a better idea of the elements you can move. In this mode you can clearly see a box that is identified as the mission tracker (where you would normally look to check your list of missions). Left click this mission frame and go back to the window where the dropdown menu is for visible UI elements. In the bottom half of this window there will be more options for the selected element (mission tracker). You can change size, location, and such here. Just save the settings to your current ui profile and you don't have to worry about fighting with weird positioning again.


    I personally really hope they'll add more color options to the UI. From the frames themselves to the health bars and other things. I'm used to health bars either color coded to class or green for health. Red is awkward for me to associate with health. I also would love to have a purple or red framed UI. Blue is pretty but I kind of want something that says "I'm with the Empire!" if you get my drift. Or just colors to show class pride. I love to theme things. Some people come up with a full RP backstory for their characters, I come up with UIs that have their own feel that matches with the character I'm playing. I may just be weird though. Would still be a nice "fluff" addition.

  9. I'm surprised it took me this long to find this thread. I've been thinking for quite a while that it would be a brilliant idea if somebody put together a thread for civil discussion about small things that could be changed about the game. I also appreciate the safe environment to express our "papercuts" as most other threads will devolve into "Deal with it the way it is! It doesn't need to be changed!" posts.


    Onto my list. Some of these may be in other threads but collecting them together into one thread can only make things easier I hope.


    UI Colors

    I recently swapped factions and I'm now playing as Empire. I feel a little awkward when playing because I feel like the coloring of the UI is Republic focused. Republic is colored blue and Empire is red. Yet our UI elements are colored blue and so is the beam that shows on mobs that have loot for us to pick up (if there's only trash items on it). I would like an option to, at the least, change these colors to red. Color themes for each class would be nice though. I would love to have purple UI and loot beams for my Sorcerer but that may be getting too picky. I'd be happy with just having red as an option so I don't feel like a Republic spy so much.


    Companion Preview Window

    I would love to have the preview window fixed when it comes to previewing things on our companions. Currently it buggs out if a player has a Companion Customization item (changes the appearance of the companion) equipped. Currently the workaround is to unequip the item and preview will then work. I've heard this broke during patch 1.5 (I was on a break from the game at that point) and it would be nice to get it fixed now that we're on 2.0.


    UI QOL Items

    The ability to adjust our UI is a great step in the right direction. Compared to launch, what we have now is just awesome. There is always room for improvement though. Most of these are probably for the OCD crowd.


    • A built in grid option while editing our UI would greatly help with alignment.
    • A "Snap To" function would be awesome as well.
    • I have approximately 10 saved UI profiles, an option/ability to change their order in the menu would be awesome.
    • Coordinates that are editable for each UI element in the edit window would help more precisely adjust the location of elements on our screen.
    • Ability to copy and paste color profiles for the chat window from one character to another would be nice.
    • A setting to toggle the use the same keybinds (global keybinds) for all characters who have the option enabled. Wouldn't have to re-bind everything each and every time we make a new character. My auto-run key is always the same.
    • Option to turn off player portraits and add the option for a square shape portrait if desired while displaying it.
    • Square minimap option for those of us who like to stick to a uniform grid style in UI design.


    I'm sure there's more and most of those are just things that I wish were in the game.


    Edit: Also, being able to change our character select screen would be nice too. The order of my characters and the fact that they aren't auto sorted by faction drives my OCD nuts. Leave it default for those who opt for it, but adding the option to move characters up or down in the list without changing the order after logging in would be awesome. Having the option of two panes showing at once (one for each faction and color coding them) would be really nice too. This "page two" thing really doesn't feel right to me for some reason. An option to scale down the list and put up two panes and it'll be golden.


    Character Create Unlocks for Species

    When you unlock a Twi'lek for the Republic side, you get the Empire colors and tattoos along with the Republic options in one character create window. For some reason this is not done with Zabraks, Humans, and Cyborgs are kind of 50/50 in that area. I haven't really looked at the other species past that but these are the three I'm familiar with most. Humans were my first "papercut." When Species Unlock first was in the works and we were hearing about how it would work, I thought that my Republic Scoundrel would be able to get the facial tattoos that the humans on the Imperial side had. I wanted her to be a red-head with blue eyes and the red tattoo over her left eye like a patch. Her name was to be Patches and be Sawbones spec. Apparently this tattoo somehow has a class restriction (Sith Warrior) and not a faction one. As a result, I never got to make Patches. As back then, I still wish we could get ALL of these options unlocked when we unlock the species. We can have a blood red Twi'lek with Republic tattoos, why can't we have a Human with Imperial tattoos? Elara Dorn (Imperial defector) comes to mind as an example as to why Republic should be able to have access to all Imperial customizations and vice versa. There are defectors and so it still fits in with lore as to why the other faction would have the same features.


    Profession Interface

    Dragging a crafting profession and/or gathering profession icon from the crew skills window onto a bar for quick access causes an error when attempting to access the profession through that button. Sometimes I can pull up my crafting profession through the icon on the bar, but never the gathering professions.


    Also, sorting things in the crafting profession's window is still buggy. Lets use Synthweaving for an example. When sorting by weight (say, light armor), then type (orange gear maybe), bugs out the list. Words overlap in the list pane, can't select anything, the whole thing just goes haywire. Would be nice to finally have a fix to that.


    I saw that this thread has something like 72 pages so it kind of goes without saying that I haven't read through the entire thing. I hope my post isn't too long or out of bounds with requests. Kudos to the OP for starting it!


    Edit 2: Forgot these.


    More Face Options

    Would be nice to have more face shape options for some species. Twi'lek females and Cyborg females are atrocious. I like the human female faces 18 and 19 but neither are used in the Twi'lek or Cyborg lineup. The current nose and lip options just don't appeal to me enough so I haven't really rolled any of these though they look awesome otherwise.


    Appearance Gear Tab

    This may be too far out there but it would be nice to have an appearance tab for gear skins that show up and a normal armor sheet for the gear with the stats. I forget what game has it (my boyfriend played it but I didn't) but something like Runes of Magic or something had two separate sheets for battle gear and appearance skins in the character sheet. This would cut back on needing to spend a chunk of credits ripping mods out (I'd love to change my look a lot more often). Essentially you have two sets of armor equipped but one shows on your toon in the world and the other gives your toon stats. It's not like we can spend credits for cartel coins so we don't really need the credit sink imo.



    Some of us have the maximum amount of toons (16) and taking the time to get all the datacrons on each toon is more than a little daunting. For the most part after the 4th character, it seems most people stop bothering with them. A Legacy unlock or a cartel item to make all datacrons from one character spread to others in the Legacy would be an awesome QOL thing for alt-o-holics.

  10. Completely agree with the OP. I remember playing the game that "shall not be named" and FINALLY seeing the option to re-order your characters yourself instead of having them sorted by date created. All you had to do was select the character in the list and an up and down arrow to the right would show up and you could bump up or down in the list. When I saw this I literally did that thing where people put two fists in the air and jump up out of their chair. My main for about 9 months was the 3rd in the list and I hated having it below two alts. It was more important than them so it should have been at the top of the list. Nowhere in their setup was anyone forced to change their list, it was a QOL thing just like in game UI changes and such.


    Though imo the character select panel could be scaled down a bit (I really don't understand why the character boxes are so huge) and also have one panel per faction. One on the right side for one faction and the other faction on the other side of the screen (if scaled down this shouldn't take too much space to worry about), users choice as to whether Imp is left or right and Rep taking the other. I hate it when my imp and rep toons get jumbled because I was jumping between a bunch of them. This two panel design would also let me view all my toons at the same time rather than needing to hit a "page two" button.


    I keep things like my inventory organized, my cargo bay organized, my UI is organized, why would I NOT have an organized character select screen? Just like changing your UI is a user preference thing, changing the character select screen should also be user preference. Those who don't care how it's set up don't have to organize it or deal with the choice if they don't want. Those of us who do care should be able to at the very least sort/separate by faction without needing to re-log into each of our 16 toons to do it.

  11. I agree. I wish there were something similar to a character create for a lightsaber hilt. Almost like a repeatable mission where you can bring in your original saber and re-forge it at the forge where you originally got it. At least in the case of Jedi anyway since Inquisitors kind of just have theirs handed to them.


    Some NPC hilts are really detailed (Satele's comes to mind) with elaborate etchings on them. I think it would be cool to be able to add more detail to our hilts for when we zoom in and really look at it. Changing the shape at the very least would be cool. The pommel is one thing that I really wish I could change as well as the guard by the blade.

  12. I was actually recently talking to my boyfriend about this. We ended up talking about the new achievement system that went live as the backbone behind why there should be Legacy unlocks for mounts and pets.


    Originally in the "other" game (as you put it :p) the achievement system launched as a per-character setup. There were mounts that could be obtained via achievements. Each character had to do the achievement to get the same mount as one of the other alts. The achievement system eventually went account wide and so did mount and pet unlocks.


    The SWTOR achievement system launched as a Legacy wide system and not per character system. I brought up how there used to be (don't know if it's still there) the missions to do certain hard mode or nightmare mode bosses (at 50) to get a specific type of Aratech mount. The black one, the flame one, the coral one, and I forget the fourth. These could be changed to achievements rather than missions and due to it being an achievement, it would unlock these mounts for every character that is part of the Legacy as SWTOR achievements are Legacy tracked. To me it only makes sense.


    In my opinion all speeders and pets should work this way though but I may be biased. I'm a collection freak. One thing that really kept me from changing my main from a career Resto Druid for 4 years to a Disc Priest for another year (went Resto Druid all 5 years before I quit) was all the mounts I'd gathered on my Druid during those first 4 years. Even before achievements hit I was obsessive about rep, mounts, and pets. In SWTOR I'm swapping my main healer from a Sage main to either an Operative or a Sorcerer. I still don't know which it will be. The only reason why I feel free enough to do this? I never bothered to make the same mistake as before and collect enough to tie me to one character and make it an obligation to keep playing it. It was a waste to ditch that many mounts and pets and let them sit and rot while I played another toon. If they made it so mounts and pets were Legacy unlocked, I'd start collecting them again in a heartbeat. Seems like such a waste since quite a few mounts are really cool looking.

  13. No. Get in a damn guild and stop being anti-social. There's even a solid reason now with 5% more exp.



    Like it or not, endgame will always require multiple people. So you might as well join a guild, make friends, and start raiding with them.


    Antisocial: Behavior that lacks consideration for others and may cause damage to the society, whether intentionally or through negligence.


    Not having a guild does not damage the rest of the in game community. They also never said they weren't in a guild, just that they can't or aren't allowed to raid with them. There are also the people who have alts coming out of their ears and cannot get all of them into a guild run raid. Their alts shouldn't have to sit there unused because nobody else in the guild has more than one or two toons that they want to play.


    There is nothing wrong with people who are introverted and they shouldn't be treated as though there is. Calling them antisocial is not labeling them, it's insulting them. This is simply a personality trait where some people just dislike being in large groups and such among other things. The desire to keep more to oneself and think more about what is going on rather than constantly chatter with others isn't anything bad. The lack of a desire to constantly socialize with others is also termed differently.


    Also, some people are simply not interested in a guild because they don't play enough to worry about it. Some guilds have problems getting enough people to fill all the raid slots and avoid having people who are rude. If someone is in a pug, they don't have to worry about seeing the same rude person week in and week out. They also don't have to worry about guilds who require members to log into a website and the game itself a certain number of times each month or they get the boot (some jobs and family styles make logging in regularly difficult). There's a whole list of reasons as to why some people just don't want a guild or can't raid with one.


    One example is people who live in rural areas. These areas depend on volunteers to run the squads that do first responder calls (people who get there ahead of the ambulance because travel time from a bigger city is so long) and fight fires. These people have normal jobs usually but they are on call whenever they're not at work. They are not paid and the pagers can go off at ANY TIME alerting them to a 911 call. Which means if you're in a guild and trying to raid, you have to drop what you're doing because the pager went off. Not many guilds will stop and wait for 2 hours or more for this one person to get back. Raiding regularly with a guild at this point is near impossible. No guild would put up with a member being unreliable. These people also deserve the queue system for Operations. There are many professions that have an "on call" portion of the job, and there are many other reasons as to why a player cannot raid regularly with a guild.


    In the end, you don't have to use the system if you don't want to. For those who are asking for it, it's a huge step toward enjoying the game again when they can. Not everyone is a clone of the person next to them. One thing may seem simple to one person (getting a guild and logging in at the same time) and to another person it is near impossible.


    Tl;DR Don't be rude. Just because you wouldn't use it doesn't mean that nobody else should have it.

  14. I've been wanting something like this for a while. I have a thing for wearing a lot of black because it just feels more natural to me. It'd be cool if they had more color variations of other armor sets with black as a base color. I know it's too much to ask for armor dyes to be added so something like this coming from their end would be a nice half way meeting point imo.


    Voss Mystic Social Armor in pitch black with red or white/gray detailing would be awesome. I love the normal white set too, but a black and red set to use with a Dark Side 5 Sorc would be awesome.


    I'll admit I'm weird. I have the normal white set on my Sage (this was before I went Empire) and I pretend I'm one of the mystics by using the Life Day Orb to regen force in pvp. I've never been an RPer but it's just something that feels so awesome to me and fits with the Sage Seer role really well. It'd be freaking awesome to have a dark side mirror to that and maybe get a glowing dark red orb to regen with too? :D

  15. It might just be that bioware is digging the grave on new races here... if they chose not to implement the cathar the way they were in the game at launch and instead made a new "more human" cathar, they are definately going to sell alot less of the cathar since the folks who actually like the cathar like them because they are different from humans, and not the other way around.


    Add that to the fact that alot of people seem to refuse to buy cathar just because they want another race and are trying to prove a point, this might actually kill off all future races...


    I'm not sure but I think technically both versions of Cathar are still in game. They didn't edit the old ones on Ord Mantel or anything, right? I doubt they would do this but they should give us a preview of which version of Cathar is going to be unlocked when purchased if both are still in the game. We should know what we're getting into with the purchase at this point I think. These newer ones aren't something I'd even spend my free coins on to be honest.


    I didn't realize how different the two versions were till I saw a couple screenshots someone else posted. The screenshot of the female was a HUGE surprise to me. Where are the fuzzy effects? Where's the normal hair on top of the head? Why are the ears almost "nerfed" down to human shape? I wanted a cute snow leopard type Cathar for my Sorcerer (until Togruta IF it gets released) and they always have poofy furry cheeks. The new female face with painted on features and no fur seems more like a pre-launch unfinished version of the race. Almost more like a stand-in until more detail is added. Also kind of makes me think of summer street parties where you get your face painted. You can pretend you're something else because you have paint on, but you're still a human.


    I should have looked up screenshots of these new Cathar on Makeb since I didn't remember seeing any myself (beyond the male panther one). This is actually a huge let down and considering I wasn't expecting much and I'm not a huge fan of the race in the first place, that's saying something.

  16. Considering you're going to be doing it for each of your characters I imagine it's going to get expensive since the Barber Shop is more than likely a token that needs to be purchased every time you want to make a change.


    Oh I'm well aware that this coin based barber shop design is probably going to be how it's run and as much as I dislike the idea, that's why I'm stocking up on coins now. lol I don't really see anything else I want (currently or in the near future) so it's not like I'm missing out in the mean time. I have the legacy unlocks I want and the gear is something I can do dailies and buy with credits if any of it piques my interest. The Phantom Chestguard (the one with the hood mind you) on my Sorc makes me giddy but the rest I shrug at. So when Cathar drops and if/when barber shop drops, I'll have the means to change everything I'm interested in changing.


    I think the people who complain about prices are people who just don't plan ahead enough and rant the loudest. Cathar is something people have known is coming for a while (I wish they'd just get it over with so we can move on) and they know it will cost coins. For the most part the player base is pretty smart though it probably wouldn't seem this way since most don't go on the forums. They plan ahead for things like new raids, new pvp seasons, new expansions, changes to crafting, etc. I don't think people who stockpile free coins for the Cathar will be a minority. It's just basic math and smart management of income.


    Honestly I just want them to hurry up and release it so we can move onto the next race to be worked on. A lot of the races people want are already in game for the most part too. Some people hate the Cathar, some love them. The sooner they're out, the sooner new stuff can be worked on and people can move onto being excited for what they DO want in the game.

  17. I completely agree. I would LOVE for this to be added. I was hoping somewhere down the road they'd add the "snap to" and a few other features to control it into the UI customization and the user preferences. A few of these controls could be an option to show and edit the coordinates of the current selected UI element (possibly in the edit box that is already there during UI editing, just add them at the bottom of the box if enabled and if one number is 200.5 you could edit it to be right on 200), a control box where you get to choose how close two elements are to each other after they're snapped together, and also being able to control how close two elements need to be before the "snap to" function triggers and snaps them together. That last part is very important if you have a small screen and everything kind of gets close together.


    For example, trying to snap one smaller attack bar to an attack bar on the left and instead it snaps to the map on the right is SO irritating. Making the "snap to" trigger distance shorter would make it so you have greater control and can just overlap the smaller bar with the bar to the left and they'd snap to each other while completely ignoring the map to the right.


    A grid overlay to align elements with the others that aren't right next to each other would be nice too. Using notebook paper to find and align with the center of the screen is more than a little old-school.

  18. Simply put NO! id pay for Torgruta but a republic kitten race I have no interest in not going to happen


    After they launched the legacy species unlocks, which makes it so you can ignore all lore and faction limitations, I don't think they'd even try to make Togruta a Republic only species just because of some current faction balance issue. The launch of Togruta would probably be implemented the same as Cathar, through the Cartel Market. This would make it into an automatic legacy unlock like the current ones. This method would ignore faction alignment as well as class choice. It wouldn't likely be a case where a new player could download the game and automatically have access to making a Togruta for their first character. It wouldn't be similar to, for example, WoW during an expansion where everyone on the right faction and class gets automatic access to the newly released race.


    Due to this freedom to be whatever race on whichever faction, I recently went Empire since I can be a Togruta Sorcerer once they're released. Originally I only went Republic because I knew lore wise Togruta would be a Republic only race (I would have enjoyed it too if it weren't for gold and pebbles). Back then we had no idea we could eventually unlock races for other classes or even the other faction. While I dislike the Xenophobia issues on the Empire side, I do prefer the lightning on my Sorc and purple heals (I honestly feel that this is the driving force behind any faction imbalances). Initially I wanted a Republic black and white Togruta that was grey aligned. I had this whole idea in my head that the character would be completely themed like a Yin-Yang. Now I really want a way to make an Empire Togruta that is black and red.


    This is my current desktop and my inspiration for my Empire Sorc: Black and Red Togruta

    She needs black body stripes imo and a couple red ones on her lekku and montrals, but otherwise I think she's perfect.


    I really don't want to go back Republic but I honestly think there isn't a snowball's chance that they'd make any new race a faction specific one. All we really need is patience for them to finally release it. I don't even care about clipping at this point and I know a few others are the same.


    Summary: Just breathe. It's extremely unlikely they'd release a new species only to reintroduce the idea of faction only access because of population trends. I stress out over stupid things and this isn't something people need to get worked up over (so I'm convincing you and myself at the same time here). This idea of faction specific is not likely to happen at all. No need to get worked up over someone making an odd suggestion.

  19. You just described why the Cathar will sell well.


    Your two posts seem like they were written by two different people.


    You acknowledge that alot of people will use/buy the Cathar simply because they're different, but then turn around and act like there's no way they're going to do well.


    Actually that's because I spaced it and didn't fully express my thoughts. I didn't say they'd sell well, I said they'd be popular. People like me who want Cathar as a change to the norm and are subscribers will get it basically for free (price isn't set yet but they said they don't want Cathar to cost more than a month's worth of free coins to subscribers). So they'll be running around like crazy but won't necessarily have made the game any money from the "transaction" since we get the free cartel coins in the first place. Yes there will be those who pay real cash for it, but I think most people will plan ahead and keep the free coins for the race unlock and race changes (I'm stockpiling my coins since I have a bunch of toons that need adjusting).


    Here, I'll make it easier. There's nothing you can think of that they haven't already thought about at this point. People love to assume that they think about things or have figured out something that the devs have no clue about, when in reality nearly every little detail of a game is discussed beyond the point it should be. It's not uncommon to have hour and half meetings about what corner of the screen the mini map should go in, or something like that.


    Devs talking or thinking about everything doesn't mean much of anything to me. The launch of 1.2 (that patch caused me to quit for a few months) was a show of exactly how talking about things really doesn't help if nothing is done to address the issues. I lost a lot of respect for the dev team after that patch but I've heard that they've gotten rid of a few of the bad apples so I'm simply cautious at this point. I quit WoW a few years ago as well because of poor decisions made with the game. Devs are human too and sometimes make mistakes or simply don't care about certain things that the players maybe do.


    I don't figure any dev is ever reading my post(s) and I'm not trying to talk to them. Only once did I try to type "loud enough" for a dev to notice me but it was ignored, as were numerous other people. This was during the patch that the GCD effect was changed for something like a third time (weeks before they put in the UI option to edit the effect yourself) and people with no previous medical problems were getting migraines and such from the flashing lights. Because they took so long in fixing the problem (and took a fair amount of time before even responding to people's concerns) I ended up playing with sticky notes on my monitor over top of my bars.


    Right now I'm expressing my ideas to other players. Sometimes people make observations about something that I didn't realize and vise versa. I don't expect any changes to be made because I have an opinion. This is just a sharing of ideas between players that promotes thought on a subject.

  20. So yeah, easy to implement, and a market gauge as well.


    To be honest though if they base other species release off of Cathar, then they aren't really aiming for success (I'm also nervous about the threshold of profit they'd set to determine if more races will be released). They've said and many poles have shown that Cathar are by far not one of the popular races, so expecting them to sell well enough as the only justification for making more races isn't exactly a winning train of thought. The sales they would make if they put out one of the top desired races would be a better thermometer for this kind of product.


    If my Togruta is at risk because Cathar aren't popular enough, I'll be quite peeved. They know going in that this isn't something the main playerbase wants and we shouldn't have to throw away $20.00 for something we don't necessarily want just to convince the devs to keep the other races coming. If you set something up to fail, you can't be surprised when it does. IMO this should just be a test species for more releases to make sure they get the kinks worked out before dropping the big ones. The others shouldn't depend on the success of this one.


    I can deal with clipping, I just want to be able to play Togruta. The only thing stopping me from playing a Twi'lek at this point is the face options, not the head tail clipping or disappearing. Human body type 1 female faces 18 and 19 are my favorites. Twi'leks have nothing remotely close to that or else more of my characters would be Twi'lek (LOVE the lekku tattoos). The lips on all Twi'lek faces irritate me too much to be able to look past it. Ugh and the nose shapes. *shudder*

  21. The only new Cathar I remember was the Imperial Captain and the big problem I had with him was until I got a conversation option "Whats a Cathar doing in the military" or something like that I didn't release he was a cathar I thought jus some generic grey pointy eared species. Now I am sure his going to be the kinda Cathar we will be able to make but I would have hoped for something a bit less human and a bit more cat.


    I was playing this storyline with my BF at the time and at first didn't realize he was a Cathar either. I remember asking out loud if it was some kind of zombie-vampire hybrid species (to be honest I dig the fangs on Cathar though they could be a big longer when I look at my cat). Part of it was the camera angle, I couldn't get a good look at him to tell since he was always looking at the friggin computer screen. I was glad they put in the conversation line about him being a Cathar so I could be sure.


    There are some common mobs that you can kill in one area that I remember seeing a white Cathar. I am pretty sure it was one of those white tiger types, I just remember a white Cathar style face/nose and an imperial soldiers hat on top. If anybody else remembers seeing them and has a pic, that'd be awesome to throw up. I didn't take one when I was playing through.

  22. Cathar are not really a favorite race for what I want to assume is the majority of players, but at the same time there is an audience for them. I know my girlfriend is excited about them, and she has friends who think the race looks cool and most importantly different.


    When World of Warcraft comes out with a new race, all you see is that race. Friggin' pandas left, right, and three ways to Sunday. The biggest positive I see with the Cathar is that we'll get some added into the world, but as long as it's not given out for free, we'll not upset the race balance so much that it becomes Rise of the Cathar Cathar Cathar Cartel. If we can avoid a RotCCCCC situation, I'll be fine with it. As long as more races come, and hopefully don't take as long (if they can streamline the process or just avoid clipping because I don't care, I want a Togruta), I think it'll be fun enough to see a new race come into game.


    I bolded the part that got me jumping up and down. Togruta is my end all-be all race. I had hopes during beta that they held back the Togrutas for official launch so it would be even cooler and was very disappointed (am I the only one that thinks the rear head tail is too short on the NPC Togrutas? Look at Shaak-Ti's, it's as long as the front two). Cathar are just a little something to keep me entertained while I wait for the release of Togruta. I'm crossing my fingers that this coincides with the species change I heard rumors about that is supposed to come sometime during the summer (though this may be synched with Cathar instead, if at all).


    I think the release of Cathar is an experiment. If they fudge this race, it's not going to be as big of a deal since it's not one of those top demanded or loved races though they do have a fanbase. This is the only thing keeping me patient while I wait for other races to come. The player base may be more forgiving with Cathar blunders than if it were say a Nautolan or Togruta released and the head tails and tentacles didn't show at all or something. Hopefully they don't take another year to release another new race though. I do have this hope that we'll get more races a little more often than WoW did because we've seen that they aren't tied to the launch of expansions. One can hope.


    I think part of the problem with WoW and the new expansion's race being over played to begin with isn't so much due to ease of access. I think it's because people get bored with their current options when they're around too long. So you get everyone stretching their legs on the new race at the same time. Even if you make Cathar unlocked through the Cartel Market for 1k coins, you'll still see a ton of them. They are new and people love options. To me that isn't a knock against the new race or a reason not to play it. If you like it, play it, if you don't, then don't. I'm just holding out hope for Togruta to be the next race released.


    If it doesn't break the game and players enjoy their toons, leave them be. It's not like the Cathar have tails (I'm actually really sad about that, I wanted a female snow leopard Sorc with the right poofy tail to go with it) and when you're zoomed out far enough, you can't tell what race they are anyway. The knock against the game at launch where people were saying all races look human becomes a good thing then. You don't have to rage about everybody being the new race because you can't tell anyway.

  23. This has been talked about pretty much since launch. There are some pretty lengthy threads on the subject. As much as a number of us would LOVE something like this to happen, it just doesn't seem like it will. I recently caved in and swapped factions because of it. I've had enough of the bright pillar of light shining on me when I cast Salvation or the bright gold glow when I cast Benevolence. In comparison, the purple of a Sorc is just cooler to me than gold and it also doesn't have the same effect as the "kick me!" sign of bright goodie-goodie gold.


    Originally I rolled Republic at launch because I had no idea that they'd make races unlockable for the other faction. I wanted to be a Togruta which are not aligned with the Empire as far as I could gather from research on their backstory. Everything I did in game since launch was in preparation for the addition of Togruta. After legacy was added (the bonuses, not just the name and level that was available at launch) I even obsessed over maxing companion affection to get a ton of presence to amp up my companion to make it easier to re-level a Togruta Sage. Due to races not being faction specific, I don't have to worry about that part. I got fed up with throwing a gravel driveway at people so re-rolling was really the only option. Sure I had to go the extreme route and swap to the other freaking faction but it was a big enough issue for me that it's worth the growing pains of re-leveling my other alts Imp side all over again. All I need now... Togrutas added as a playable race and I can re-roll my Sorc for the ultimate main. Or by that time they'll have the species change added to the Cartel Market so I can swap my Ratattaki Sorc to a Togruta.


    Would have saved a lot of hassle if they'd just have done some legacy unlock that lets your alignment affect the graphics. Maybe they'll add it in the future. I'm not holding my breath though.

  24. Someone suggested that I should start a new thread so people could find my link easier and possibly get it stickied. What I have for everyone is a GoogleDocs link to a spreadsheet I made for people to keep track of all their acquired datacrons on all their toons.



    • This is a spreadsheet for BOTH Republic and Imperial Datacrons in a checklist style.
    • Each sheet is color coded to remind people which faction's page they're on so they don't forget. Blue for Republic and red for Empire.
    • It is first sorted by each planet's recommended level for that faction and then by codex entry number.
    • Under the codex entry number is how much the Datacron increases your stat by.
    • Each stat is underlined because it is a direct hyperlink to the guide on http://www.swtor-spy.com/datacrons/ on how to get that Datacron. There is no need to scroll down to find the relevant Datacron in the web page.
    • There are 8 pre-configured columns in each faction's spreadsheet for the 8 advanced classes on each side.
    • There are dashed horizontal and vertical lines to help keep track of what row or line you're on.


    There is no link to the Imperial +10 stats datacron guide because swtor-spy doesn't have one posted. All other datacrons have guides listed.


    GoogleDocs link:



    Thanks to Rankyn for helping me to get some of the kinks ironed out in GoogleDocs. I'm new to the website and it took me a bit to get everything right. Speaking of, the guidelines in the website itself are a bit different than my original upload but when the file is downloaded in Excel format the lines are fine.


    Original SWTOR forum thread link:


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