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Everything posted by LonelyWookiee

  1. It'll be interesting/entertaining to find out what he's been up to with his Force training.
  2. At first PVP seems intimidating but it can really be a lot of fun. In fact, it can be refreshingly different from the same dull PVE content. Try it again with an open mind and you may enjoy it.
  3. Retroactive rewards would be nice. I've invested enough time grinding the same things out already and the LAST thing I want to do is grind them some more. Give us something new!
  4. Thank you for the effort. Using colors to separate the sections would help.
  5. Yeah, Dulfy is a good site that will mirror SWTOR news in one location.
  6. It would be nice to have an event that was welcomed (new content) by the players instead of something recycled.
  7. That's quite obvious. Thank you. The point here is that instead of something new this is BW telling us to go back and grind what we've already spent the last 5 years grinding. Deliver something new.
  8. This is fine for new players but for those of us who have done all this already it's needless, mindless, endless, grinding all over again.
  9. The rewards are not retroactive. Seriously?! You want all of us subscribers who have gone through all of the content already to start back over again with every class? Please, don't waste my time. This is fine for new players but yet again you neglect your long time end game players.
  10. Would be nice to adjust the survivability of the Commando and increase the damage of Marksmanship for Snipers. Otherwise, I'm glad the changes are relatively minor and not broad-sweeping.
  11. I trashed the helmet on my main thinking I could always get it from an alt if I needed it. Bam! No more legacy helmet and for some reason I can't unlock it in the collections. It made me upset at first but then I realized I hated the thing anyway.
  12. I have always enjoyed that there was a definitive lightside and darkside of the force and the innocence in that approach. Gray is much closer to "real life" and I prefer to depart from RL in my adventures.
  13. I'm definitely not a fan of it, or really any of the HK weapons. :/
  14. That is a great question and I'd also like to know the answer.
  15. Yeah, that struck me as odd too. I mean, I knew it was coming but it was just so sudden.
  16. I think it was a good chapter and good storytelling. I am really interested to know if I made the "right" decision at the end.
  17. Thank you! I needed help at a couple parts since the map destinations weren't working.
  18. Progression Team looking for skilled Vanguard or Shadow Tank. We run Wednesdays (9:30-12 EST) and Saturdays (9-12 EST). Currently working on Revan, then finishing Rav and running NiMs throughout. Try outs start immediately. - Be proficient with and knowledgeable of your class specs and utilities. - Experience tanking all HMs. - Bring a good attitude and be a team player. - Punctual attendance. - At least 220 min/maxed/augmented gear preferred. Shoot me a message if you're interested or have any questions. Edit: Tank Found
  19. I have actually and will likely do so once it's completed. Thanks for the encouragement!
  20. Only need these 3 and then I'm done! Thanks!
  21. Eric already posted instructions and what the team did to try and rectify this situation in the Dev Tracker section of the forums.
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