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Everything posted by Mantang

  1. I wasn't expecting infinite story no. Usually in an MMO I hit end-game and if there is an aesthetic draw to doing end game raids for gear (like how cool the original end-game tiers looked) then I can stand to put for the effort to doing raiding and if that means a bit of dailies to get to that point I'm good to go. However, as I mentioned the aesthetics of end-game gear now totally turn my off so that option of gameplay is no longer in the cards for me. Therefore I'm left with just wondering if the story of the expansion is worth the time. I assumed the story wasn't class specific and it appears I was right. I see that sniper was the recommended experience for Imp side from the post above. My options for each side as far as leveled characters are Sniper, Vanguard, ***, Guardian. I'm in the middle of leveling a Mara right now so that's another option if I choose to play her through to 55.
  2. That's what I figured and I hate dailies with a passion. The excitement of leveling and experiencing the story is why I play.
  3. So I used to raid back after launch and had a good amount of fun with my guild. Being a mostly Aussie guild they left with those free transfers and my friend in Guam and I (in Hawaii) couldn't go with them because according to Bioware Customer Support manager, "Hawaii and Guam aren't Pacific enough to qualify for a transfer." So I was gone for a while out of disgust. I took a renewed interest when RotHC was announced but then I saw the new tier of armor... and then tiers of armors since and I just can't see myself investing my time into acquiring/doing any of the endgame stuff. So I've just been leveling alts to experience their story lines. My main is still sitting at 50. Am I gipping myself or is RotHC story actually worth the money to play through? I wouldn't be doing endgame stuff though so basically the value has to be in the adventure for me. Appreciate any advice!
  4. So I just started leveling my smuggler. She is the 3rd to last storyline for me (still haven't done JC or BH). I went in literally knowing nothing about what kind of story it was but I just left Coruscant and I really couldn't be less interested in the reason I'm being sent to Nar Shadaa and Taris. Without giving away spoilers, is the reason I'm going there the overarching theme of my entire storyline? I hope its not. My smuggler is being iced if it is....
  5. I've done Trooper, IA, and most of JK and SI. If you do JK I'd say be a female, its kind of nice experiencing an over the top female jedi since this storyline is the most like the movies and its creates a nice perspective that's different. IA was a fun story and intriguing but not as "OMG awesome!!!" as everyone makes it out to be. SI inquisitor is fun if you're light sided. Sometimes you being light sided makes absolutely no sense with some of the decisions you have to make but its hilarious to be a constant pain in the *** to all the douches you meet in the story. Trooper was just fun just because the male voice is hands down the sexiest voice in the game. Body type 3 with McDreamy hair and play with the ladies (as in turn down Elara and butter up Garza) and just that is an adventure in itself. Also there is a major plot decision later in the game where depending on what you pick can send yet another woman who's after your junk into a mental institution (read your mail!). My trooper easily rose to be my main due to how fun this was.
  6. Cyborg here. I'm black with the red and white prosthetic eyes. Since I'm dark sided it works out quite well!
  7. Lieutenant Pierce. Something tells me he's big and thick all over, what else could some good man on man action require beyond that?
  8. Not sure if this is a bug (no pun intended) or just something strange I noticed about our little light sided Borg knock-off but I just complete Hoth using Vector so I got his full set of armor for this planet sans his helmet. When I finally got the chest piece he started off white and brown. We then went to the Imperial Fleet and he was white and grey. Next we headed off to Quesh where he was white-ish and forest green. Finally we headed back to Droman Kass and as of logging out his armor was white-ish and orange. Anyone else notice this?
  9. So I've been gone since 1.1 and I came back and found out that my old main was a fairly rare combo and now that 1.2 has been out for a good while I'm curious to know what you guys never really see these days. I hear Rattataki are fairly rare still especially on the Republic side. There are a few dated threads like this but none of them include gender pairings. So what are the ones that you never see?
  10. So I notice running around and leveling on both sides of the galactic struggle there are just some companions that just never seem to get any face time. Hell, when I look up companions on data sites there are ones I don't recognize for anything and a few I would probably think were stationary NPCs if I were walking around the fleet. So who in your opinion is the least seen companion?
  11. This simply just isn't true. Not only does Gut do far more overall total damage by the end of its dot but also does not have that animation delay. Energy Blast allows you to get an extra move in once every 30 secs but you lose the ability to keep multiple strong dots on enemies if you have to switch. Gut creates sort of an "aggro maintenance" on mobs you have to switch off of. The downside of Gut is that you 1. lose the ability to give your Stockstrike a damage buff from talents and 2. after using Gut for a while I found that there's usually other things off CD to be used that help your overall tanking in its place. Its about the equivalent of "when I get a free minute while I'm cleaning the house I'll read a book". You never get to the book because you always find other things you still have to do around the house. EB is off the global CD so to its credit, you can use it in that split second and provide yourself with some ammo utility you wouldn't have otherwise. Just a note: If you're one of those people that likes to use 1 spec for both PVE and PVP you hands down want to use the Gut tanking spec.
  12. Hello all. I'm just getting back into the game after being gone since I think patch 1.1 (whatever one had the original Rhakghoul outbreak). I used to do raids and HM Flashpoints and I mained a Vanguard Tank. Way back then the Gut vs. Energy Blast debate went back and forth a good bit but nobody every came up with a solid answer on which was the better route to go. I know there have been numerous patch updates since I left. Basically each side had these arguments back in the day: EB allowed you to jump back up into max recharge range allowing you to fit in another damaging move once every 30 seconds (I forget which one). Gut allowed you to maintain damage when you needed to switch back and forth between targets and thereby maintaining multi-mob threat. If I recall correctly the math indicated either could be better and the deciding factor was enemy armor. Personally, I ended up using Gut as it just seemed more fun and made a decent PvP spec too. If anyone can tell/direct me to any definitive argument made in my absence I would much appreciate it! Thank you for any assistance!
  13. Its the principle of it. We live in the region and yet we are denied the option. Had they said, "Yeah we thought this might be an issue" and were willing to work on it with the very small population it would affect I wouldn't care. I agree it is easier to make a blanket qualification for this as their qualification sounds logical at first glance "ineligible if you have a US address" but any modern businessman knows that if there is an easy fix to keep a customer you may have overlooked its always worth it not only for the retained income but the positive word of mouth that comes with that flexibility. It would be like if I owned a gym and I said "20% discount for anyone on our street" but you find out the building next door's front door faces the side street and not your street so they have the sidestreet address. It would be ridiculous for a worker in that building to want a membership and the front desk staff to tell them they don't qualify and have to pay full price.
  14. I'm always on Asia-Pacific servers due to my work schedule regardless of ping issues.
  15. I decided I'd give Bioware a chance so I called customer support. I got a guy on the phone and told him the situation and said if my characters were transferred I would resubscribe right now. He said he would have his supervisor check if this was possible. He came back and cited that I got an email saying I was ineligible for the transfer and I said I know which is why I tried calling. He said that would be handled by another department, so I asked if I could talk to that department and he said sure. So I went back on hold and then the same guy comes back and says that his supervisory thoroughly reviewed my account and that the transfer was just not something they were willing to do at this time. I said, "A simple transfer issue is worth losing a customer over?" He replied, "In this case it is sir, I'm sorry," and ended the call at that. So long Bioware! Such a shame as I really liked this game.
  16. I'm sorry but I have to vent on this one. I live in Honolulu and play with a couple friends from Guam and we raided with a mostly Australian group. We all planned on transferring to the new servers together but sure enough the transfers came up and there was nothing for us. I sent an email to customer support about how I don't even think you can get more "Pacific" than Guam and even moreso Hawaii and their response was just "sorry but you can pay to do so soon!" So I canceled my account as the Guam guys quit over this and now everyone I knew is gone. I'm sorry but this is utter crap.
  17. So I've done some forum searching and Google searches to find a priority and rotation for this build with very little luck as most PVE stuff is about Vigilance. I'm level 32 now so I'm getting close to the point where I will have most of my abilities to get in the swing of my final rotation. So after looking ahead and what I have now this is what it seems to be: Start-Off: Saber Throw->Force Leap->Sundering Strike->Force Stasis->Force Sweep Priority After Initial: Leap->Force Stasis->Force Sweep Combo Dispatch (if under 20%) Master Strike Force Exhaustion Leap->Force Sweep Combo Blade Storm Sundering Strike Slash Strike One final question. As a trooper we have an utterly useless but theoretically powerful move call Riot Strike which looks to the have the same type of mechanic as Opportune Strike and Pommel Strike. It doesn't really ever want to proc for us even when its supposed to so we typically leave it off our bars. Should I do the same with these two or is one preferable to keep on?
  18. My Sith Marauder has quite a few options for flirting especially for the 2nd companion before he even joins me!
  19. So my JK is to be my 2nd 50 and I chose it because it seems everyone says the storyline is absolutely epic. So I've been playing and having just come from the trooper storyline and it seems rather scatterbrained at the moment, I know there is the "big villian" and all but as I go from planet to planet I feel like the main story is similar to the generic quests I'm getting on the planets along with it. I'm in the middle of Tattooine now so I'm wondering without spoilers when in your estimate (which planet basically) should it really start to shine? Thanks!
  20. I always thought his biggest problem was that they actually call his deity the Scorekeeper.....
  21. Well isn't it a moot point for Aric and Elara? If they're wearing helmets (not sure why you wouldn't later in the game) you can see anything distinguishing about them anyways. If we had the option to turn it off like we do our main characters then I could see it but that's just not the case here.
  22. I love my Vanguard if for nothing else than the animation of Sonic Round. I loved that in the movies. However, now I'm in Columi and I can't stand the sight of myself.
  23. In order of my personal favor: Khem: I love the option to have him try and eat weak Sith as the Sith generally irritate me. T-7: I don't think any other companion has the inherent loyalty you get from this guy. Kaliyo and Vette- Sexually liberated and no-nonsense women are always welcome. Jorgen- If he could actually act happy and have a face that gave some level of approval for when things go his way I'd like him a lot better. He's always either broody or pissed. Qyzen- If he didn't wear trooper armor and worship a deity with a ridiculous name he'd be further up my list. Haven't experience Mako or Corso yet. (Waiting for Legacy to see what I can make).
  24. I can't take him seriously after finding out his god's name is The Scorekeeper.
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