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Everything posted by ELizamariska

  1. also why was this moved from customer servuice without a cs rep making a statment?
  2. apparently bioware have policy's against the company doing this but that doesnt stop a helpful soul doing the same id suggest zipping a copy of your tor folder and using http://www.fileconvoy.com/ Could a cs rep please say if this is against EULA so i dont get anyone into trouble accidentally
  3. Probably a dumb one but cant bioware make a torrent or something of the full game including new patch? This would allow those of us having issues patching to play the game we pay for
  4. Ok so, I'm a brit but Ebon hawk is busier during my my times then Lord prog is, I dont have any 50's on the server yet which means I dont mind what faction. What I'm looking for is "traditional" if your republic you jedi, if your empire your sith etc, none of this dark jedi BS Lots of rp Pvp (dont really care about this long as its ok for me to ) Master-apprentice RP, dont know why but its the part of Star wars RP I enjoy the most people able to have a laugh and forgive the fact my typing sucks. There sorry its short, but I hate public forums.
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