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Posts posted by SangraelWoW

  1. 7 days 10 hours a day play time to 3 days for 3- 4 hours a day play time personally and have no desire to reup more then monthly (if I do even that) at the end of my 6 month sub. TOR is so impressive I just set up a group to play AION (as its gone full on F2P now) in the many no TOR days. Im doing everything I can think of to stretch my game interest to the end of my paid subscription so I dont feel as though it was completely wasted money!


    Call up customer service and tell them you're going to be busy/out of country/etc and that you want to put a hold on your account. They'll cancel your sub and note the account. Don't log into the game until you're ready to play again, and then call them up prior. They'll credit you back for all of the time you had previously paid for but didn't play. I did this the week after my 6 month sub went through, and now I have over 5 months of playtime I can use in 6-7 months when the game is fleshed out.

  2. There are other methods to give them your feedback, if that one failed. It's just that ranting all over the general forums IS NOT one of them.


    I have yet to rant about anything. And I did call them after when I had them put my account on hold since I had subbed for 6 months and quit before the first week of paid time was through. Now I can come back in 6-7 months and see how the polish looks.

  3. Lol I tried. When I cancelled my sub, I took the time to write up a very polite summary of what caused me to unsubcribe. When I hit submit, it sent me back to the login screen and erased my whole reply. (which I had just logged in so I could modify my subscription 10 minutes earlier) Meh, ahh well! Just another bug!


    The exact same thing happened to me and a friend that unsubbed on the same day. Apparently they don't really want feedback after all :p

  4. I really don't understand the point in arguing for or against either position. It all boils down to personal preference and opinion, and it's highly doubtful internet rantings will change someone's opinion either way. Of course it lost subs, virtually every MMO loses subs after the first free month. It probably lost a bit more than the norm because it was incredibly hyped, and I don't think any game on the planet could have lived up to our expectations. At the end of the day, I wasn't enjoying my time in TOR anymore, and neither were the majority of my guildies. There's still an enjoyable game in there, and I don't regret the time I did spend playing it. It's incredibly early in the game to start prophesying doom, I know I at least will probably check back in 6 months or so to see if there's endgame content. Most WoW raiders I know did the same thing in between patches, we'd explore other games. That's a reality in MMOs.
  5. 15 bucks a month is not breaking my bank, unlike a car like that would.

    MMO's, from the very first, have been some of the buggiest messes at launch. There is a reason they are not on consoles. These things take time.


    I'm not saying I might not unsub for a while and wait for more content, but I am not bored yet.


    To put it simply, BW has done a better launch job than any other MMO I've played, and is handling some of the situations better than what I have seen a new game do in a while.


    Give this game time to stay steady out, instead of wanting perfection right off the bat. Using your car reference, a first model car is never quite right. It takes until the third or fourth generation of that car for it to really make a name for itself.


    I'd like to point you to Rift. An incredibly launch (minus the problems with server queue's), very few bugs, very feature rich at launch.

  6. I canceled my sub just after the free month ended. IMO ToR is an amazing single player experience, and if they called it KOTOR3 with enhanced multiplayer it would be one of the best games I've played in a long time. Unfortunately its marketed as an MMO, and there's very little MMO feel to it, at least to me. Grouping is a pain, raids are freakishly easy to anyone with a background in it, and PvP turned into a kill swap environment in Ilum. There's just zero end game right now, and not much to do outside of it. For those people that are new to MMOs I imagine TOR is downright amazing, and provides a very good link between single and multi-player experiences. As a long time MMO vet, I just find it very lacking.


    As an FYI to anyone else that did an extended sub and then quit, you can call us CS and have them put your account on hold. I have another 5 months paid for, and I can call them when I'm ready to play again and they'll reinstate my time.

  7. I'm surprised it let you have that name. I would have thought they'd outlaw that one; along with Skywalker and Solo.


    Mine is Mystwalker. So my BH is Jynza'rah Mystwalker.


    It sounds cool, but is sorta lame. Like an above poster, I didn't really fully realize what I was choosing when it prompted me for it. I wish there was a way to change it.


    Mine is also Fett, but only because I was convinced it would tell me it was invalid, and then I could try and figure out what I really want...


    Nope, it's Fett. Here's to hoping we get to change them at some point.

  8. You could always re-roll Juggernaut and then you could complain on their forums about a lack of AoE threat. The simplest reason that our Guard is 15m is probably because BW has the impression that we are a "ranged tank", when in reality we're a melee tank with minor ranged capabilities. I've done the Ops available, finished every non-bugged heroic FP, and I'm up to valor rank 72. I enjoy the class. If you don't, it's probably best you play a class you can enjoy. If you already dislike the class at launch its doubtful you'll be satisfied anytime soon.
  9. I'm beginning to think your problem might actually be reading comprehension and not an issue with the class. I specifically said to guard healers in PvP. In terms of PvE, guard is fine, if a sniper is pulling on a boss consistently and they can't stand 15 meters from you, and they do it often enough that you don't have one of your two taunts up, I suggest playing with different people or learning a better rotation. You are aware that we have the only ranged AoE taunt in the game right? I'll take that over a bit of range on Guard.
  10. I constantly queue with a friend of mine that plays a Corruption Sorc, and together we're basically invincible. Him being with 15 yards has yet to be an issue, and typically you'll be worried about peeling melee off him, so he'll already be in range. Ranged are typically a non issue, and you can always grapple them over. Basically anyone with an AoE CC is already in melee, and anyone without is most likely focusing the healer anyways.
  11. Ion Gas is definitely low currently, but at least it can be talented to create a DoT so you can railshot. You never want to waste guard on a healer in PvE content btw, put it on a marauder or sin. If you have ranged you can put it on them as well for the times you are close enough, but even if a mob peels off to go to them you can taunt while it's sprinting about. Obviously still guard healers in PvP, but frequently they'll be up in melee anyways for their own CC/knockbacks, so it's not an issue.
  12. No slows, No cc, grapple works some of the time, stuns work some of the time, and why in the name of SWTOR creators did they make Shoulder slam suck so much *** in the game period. Between pvp and Elites and up for PvE i feel kinda skimped out on the amount of abilities that actually have effect.



    Note: Shoulder Slam is useless in nearly every form of TOR

    Edit: also. kinda tired of getting out threated by a jawa


    I'll assume you're not trolling and actually respond. ST and pyro both have talents in the second tier that cause your cylinder to slow the target. Grapple works all the time unless they've used an immunity CD or their resolve is maxed. Nothing would help with the first, and the second is solved by paying attention to the resolve bar. We have an AoE and single target stun, so there are two forms of CC. Shoulder slam is identical to skills every other class gets at the same level (Kick, Eviscerate, etc) and they're all PvE only, this isn't a BH issue.


    If you're having trouble with threat it could be a spec problem, or a rotation problem. Jet charge the elite/strong in a group, rocket punch, then flamethrower or flamesweep depending on how spread out a group is. FYI, you know that tank companions have a taunt that's automatically set to autocast right? That's not a case of them outperforming you in the threat department, and if they are, then it has to be spec/rotation, because they suck at holding aggro.


    Sample PvP spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301GohrbzroMZZbIbbdh.1

    Sample PvE spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301GoGrborogzZrzbZbz.1


    To the OP, you're not going to feel like a complete class until you have Jet Charge. It allows you to instantly close to melee where you belong. I've petitioned since beta to have it moved into the base skills for our AC and replace it with some other tanky skill, to no avail. Carbonize is another skill that will really make you shine in PvP, and you won't pick it up until 46. By 50 you should feel considerably better. Also realize that level and gear make for a huge disparity. As a fresh 50 I had 0 expertise and around 13k health. I now have 19.2k and ~500 expertise, and I've been unlucky with my battlemaster bags, plenty of people with better gear. Bolster is by no means a solid method of comparison in PvP due to skills and increased stats at 50.

  13. I have a level 30 Powertech and I have to agree with this, to an extent. I feel like this class was meant for range. I do not have a problem leveling, PvPing, or doing Flashpoints. But this just doesn't feel like a melee class at all. The Powertech's melee abilities dont feel very fluid. I am getting a little bit put off with my Powertech at this point, I think I would have liked playing a Merc quite a bit more.

    I feel the opposite about Lightsaber users, they feel like they are meant to be melee.


    Just my two cents!


    The powertech really feels like a class built around the ST tree. If you go ST, its very intuitive. Close to melee with jet charge, use flamethrower on groups, and hadouken as often as humanly possible. For me the disjoint comes in when playing as prototype or pyrotech, especially pyro. Pyro gives you two new 30m abilities and enhances railshot, and gives you zero capacity to close to melee for rocket punch/flame burst. Prototype is giving you bigger flamethrowers and tosses in another melee ability, but fails at giving you any method of closing the gap to melee. I think it would go a long way to making the AC easier to play if they just gave powertechs jet charge as a base skill and replaced it in the ST tree with another defensive talent.

  14. Well... I do enjoy the smell of napalm in the morning (Flamethrower), and I prefer my republic players extra crispy. :rolleyes: What about damage reduction/soaking? Can the Powertech take more punishment than the Merc?


    Mercs can't use shields at all, so if you're looking for extra DR its there. On the other hand a DPS focused powertech isn't using a shield, just a generator, so that's a bit moot.


    And on my server at least, heals and tanks are literally everywhere. My friend list is full of DPS that I can pull into a heroic, because tanks and heals are found instantly. Quite possibly different on others.

  15. The simplest decision is, do you want the ability to tank, or heal? That cements your decision if you care either way. If not, then do you prefer melee, or ranged? That's going to be a factor as well. The powertech is primarily melee with some ranged capabilities, since most of your damage will come from Rocket Punch/Flame Burst/Flamethrower, and those are all close range abilities. Merc can sit at range and nuke away, with no incentive to closing into melee range. Neither class is inherently "better" or OP currently, just pick the one that suits your playing style.
  16. FYI "make friends" usually implies meeting "new" people and becoming friends with them. Not dragging people you already know into the game. IE, join a guild on your server and start talking to people, or even just camping in general looking for people you like. It's not hard.


    So you suggest joining an existing guild of people that already came over together? Thank god you're not reinforcing my original premise. And camping general for people you "like"? I had no idea that putting together an FP is now consistent with speed dating. And it's not "hard" for you perhaps, which means it shouldn't be difficult for anyone, ever. Anyone on the forums is most likely an extrovert, at least on the internet, but what about everyone else? You're deluding yourself if you believe that the majority of gamers are able to form connections easily. You're just another small minded individual confused at why other people don't have your exact background and skill set, and how their world can possibly be at all different than yours.

  17. I love the "make friends you social outcast" posts. You're assuming that everyone has an immediate subset of gamer friends that have the same outlook and ideals on what's enjoyable. I made the transition to TOR with my guild from WoW, so it's not going to be an issue for me, but how dense do you have to be to not recognize it's definitely an issue for the average player? Yes, for a long long time we didn't have the LFG tool in WoW, but we did have global trade for the majority of that. And by the time global trade was gone most people had established connections. If people new to the MMO genre can't readily find other people to do things with, they're going to quit. And I personally want TOR to succeed, because I don't want this turning into another Aion/AoC/Rift/etc that flames out and dies after a few months due to lack of interest. Try having a bit of empathy occasionally. Or just learn when you should **** because you don't have anything constructive to add.
  18. Hmmm.... so my guild who had early access should be expected to move to a different server? Undoing all the work of the past week?


    So, an alternative is to not allow new accounts to create toons on overpopulated servers until things even out. Certainly, those who didn't have early access should be going to those new servers.


    This. Our server already had 1-2 hour queues at night pre launch, and then for some reason new people are continuing to roll on the server, and now there's literally always a 30 minute+ queue, and freakish queue's at peak time. Noone in my guild really wants to ditch our level 40+ mains and start over on another server just because of the horrible queue system (notably the fact you go back into queue at the end if you're DC'd or crash.)


    And to the wonderful people commenting on some people's "refusal" to get decent internet, not everyone lives in the city. Some of us live in rural areas with minimal options and absolutely zero broadband possibilities. I suppose we could all move, but I'm reasonably sure you like to eat, so we'll keep the farms going instead.

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