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Everything posted by Nemeses

  1. And this is exactly what they counting on people like you lol so telling like it is whinning and crying lmao
  2. Don't doubt it, its their way of controlling all the f'ups ..and unfortunately posters like you help them ..cheers
  3. Well guys and girls with this quote it pretty much means they will do nothing to all the people who got their valor unfairly (which to be honest is again BW fault, they f up, then try blame the players) By not having a rollback we now know they will take no action, take our server (Niman) for instance, we could not even spawn in ilum base, we were dead within 3 seconds and I mean 3 seconds. I would guess almost every single sith on that planet maxed out there valor in a couple hours as even with dying ever 3 seconds at the words point, tho we did have a period whee we pushed them back a bit I still made 4 levels valor (47 to 51) Imagine what they made. Thats why they say "we will be carefully evaluating and taking action as necessary", as they know that way there is no way we can see the action as its private ... typical BW. Problem here is not that they should punish anyone, its a MISTAKE they made, its their f'up. which they trying to shift the blame. Any 10 year old kid could have pointed out this problem to them before they implemented I mean how thick are they? The one and only correct fix here is a roll back, but they seem to dense to even see that.
  4. Even tho we heavily out numbered and been slaughted in our spawn point on Ilum I have still made the best part of 30k valor. Typical stupid a$& idea from BW, but nothing these clowns do surprise me anymore
  5. ...that the changes to PvP on Ilum was a good idea, I'm guessing its the same moron who thought that no brackets in PvP was a good idea, high time he got the boot me thinks, but BW will be more concerned with my post, as their feelings will be hurt, and they will be crying foul to their mums
  6. Plain and simple he is a liar, that has nothing what so ever to do with re-subbing as you had to sub to get your free 30 days ...seems there is nothing BW will not lie about!
  7. lol m8 fixing stuff is not something they can do, well not well anyway
  8. For the first time I have started thinking about canceling the sub from the lies, to the total ineptness of BW, to a game that is well for me feels very unsocial, and taking it I'm in a pretty big guild that does lots together. They made no attempt to make this game social, and I don't know game just does not feel as it should. Arena PvP is a joke. Them lying about the graphics, pathetic! Poor UI, beyond a joke Broken Guild interface even tho they say its fixed. Very poor Guild interface BW giving it a damn good go to see if they can Surpass SOE as the worst, and dishonest game providers.
  9. Only the idiots point to EULA, as they not worth the paper they printed on in the UK, (this been so for about 4/5 years now when the house of lords tossed it out), sure its the same in a lot of countries now. Had they just being upfront and honest about it, and said they got a fix or looking at getting a fix, they would, have not had half the amount of jib they have gotten, but no they rather lie through their teeth, shows you just how they rate their customers!!
  10. For playing the kiddy faction you mean! We would not have this issue had BW/EA not been so tight and had much higher server caps.
  11. Great work, always thought this was a brilliant tool for people looking for a guild.
  12. Do you have a reading issue? No where is there a rule that says you can not loot a box, nor does say it that because the Dev's are thicker than 2 planks and make such a stupid mistake its OK to blame it on the players!! For crying out loud why did they not put these mobs right next to the box, then the issue would never had arisen, idiots is the only word that springs to mind.
  13. Pretty pathetic Reid and co they mess up by having this containers loot-able, then try warn and ban people because they to stupid to get it right, but everyday we see glitches glitching in pvp and zip happens ...
  14. Been like this for over 8 months with about 10 promises it will be fixed, so no matter that link saying they will I would almost bet you that its the same come February!! Even tho they say its fixed ...guess what its not!
  15. BW seem only to fix the things they want, not whats needed, they tend to take the path of least resistance, for me they just seem lazy. Simple things like staying in group after a pvp match, having a guild panel that actually works, just 2 of the many things that bug gamers. Never mind the more than useless PvP arena system, that a only a total moron idiot would think was a good way to go. erm lets see, yeah we will make expertise Armour for pvp, then we will let him against a a level 10 guy with limited skills but hey we will boost the level 10, so its a fair fight, yeah right! .. even my 10 year old son could have told them its plain dumb!!, but then its easier and less work, so yeah thats the way we will go!!
  16. This a 100%, the reason we have unbracketed pvp is it the lazy easy way to do it, which it seems that what BW always aim for the laziest and easiest! A level 10 v 50 with pvp kit and expertise, can whale away at him for hours making no real damage, its a stupid stupid lazy way to make BG, any idiot could see it was a bad idea, tells you a lot about BW.
  17. LOL its funny the OP put forward a decent argument about what he thought was wrong with the game, while some of it I don't agree with, what gets me is the childish fanboi replies, why cant people a) put a proper reply, or b) just don't post.
  18. lol what a constructive post, pity you even allowed near a PC
  19. This has always been the case, this issue has been about for about 7 months yes that far back in beta. same as the guild window where you cant see the members, same as the kick to character window sometimes when queuing for pvp. I could go on and on with all the bugs reposted in beta that were pretty much ignored and still are, will always think of BW and its Dev's as extremely lazy, no other reason why some of these fixes have not been done. Funny I remember must have been 2/3 months back the companions issue was really bad, and the Dev's said next day they will bring in some changes that should fix a lot of the issue for people,...lol what they brought in??? the 30 min delay on emails ... talk about just plain ignoring what people want! (and by people I mean paying customers!!).
  20. Get the 15 minute warning then serve shut down immediately, I mean what a bunch of rude ***** the Dev's are. They have already shown that they have zilch respect for the EU players as they stick out maintenance about when its almost the busiest time. ...and if I remember correctly they said they would make sure the down time was at the lowest usage times, typical of these clowns. Let the fanboi bashing begin!
  21. More bollcks by swtor, only reason they want the card details up front is they know people less likely to cancel, and some forget, so they can sneak in a few more pounds off you, just typical of a small minded penny pinching lot!
  22. The raising the caps is rubbish they just feeding that line to keep people quiet, the caps have not been raised all they have done is open new servers, which will not fix the problem!
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