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Posts posted by xellfish

  1. As for the social aspect, sure I really miss making new friends while finding groups, and then keeping in touch with those people at a later date for new dungeons, but that by no means equates my hatred for having waited countless hours for a simple dungeon group


    I admit that the LFG tool helped with finding groups faster, mostly because more people started to actually even bother again. Didn't have much to lose after all, since they didn't have to do anything. Cross server grouping obviously also helped a lot, if not more so. But that just alleviated the essential problem WoW had without fixing it. The problem being that Blizzard royally f*cked up the holy trinity. Before Wrath, the ratio between healers and tanks and DPS was approaching 0. That's why most people didn't find a group, even after spamming the LFG chat for hours on end.


    The reason I even bothered picking up this game is that it has a much better chance of fixing this problem, with almost every class being able to either heal or tank. That way, players at least have a chance to balance the system without being forced to reroll. I think it will be much easier to find groups in TOR than it was in WoW, at least after the dust settled a bit. And with this, we hopefully won't need a LFG tool, because you'll actually be able to find people in chat.

  2. interesting. So the way you make friends in a MMO is with your LFG chat spam? Can we all have your magic chat line or whisper you send to other players to make them want to befriend you?


    You don't make friends with a single whisper. You do that by playing with them more than once. And that's exactly what an LFG tool makes very hard to.


    Before the LFG tool in WoW, I always gravitated towards people I already new. If I was looking for a group, I checked my friends list if someone was up for it. If someone I knew or remembered asked in chat, I was inclined to answer. That way, it was actually common place to group with the same people multiple times. That's how you build friendships.


    With the LFG tool, people don't bother looking or asking people any more, they just get randomly grouped with random people. Even if you happened to find a group you like playing with, chances of being grouped with them again would be pretty slim, because everyone just went back into the queue waiting to be grouped with someone else.


    LFG chat spam, as trivial as it is, also helps breaking the ice. I ran so many groups in WoW where people literally didn't say a single word to each other. The content being so trivial that you didn't even need to know what everyone else was doing didn't help much either, of course. But still, with the LFG chat, you at least have to say *something* to each other to begin with.

  3. So, if you would... please explain logically your complaint about how Early Access is progressing...


    Your logic is invalid. You don't have to be promised anything to feel entitled to it. That's not how it works any more. If you want something, the world automatically owes it to you. I think they changed the rules specifically for this generation, though, so you probably didn't get the memo.

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