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    Jet engine mechanic
  1. nope you're wrong. from wookieepedia: "While the ability to wield such destructive power originated with the ancient Sith, its existence was discovered during the Jedi Civil War by the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Revan, who recorded the secrets of its creation within his Sith holocron." keywords "ability to wield" meaning they had the power to if they had known how to do it.
  2. Revan created the thought bomb...nuff said
  3. I don't know man. Right before Revan was captured by the emperor I think he was close to, if not at, Krayt's level. Also from Wookieepedia: "After the Jedi Civil War, Revan was wiser and understood the Force in a vastly different manner than any Jedi or Sith. He understood that both the light and dark sides of the Force were more closely intertwined with each other than either the Jedi or the Sith would ever admit. He had learned to balance on the knife-edge between them, drawing on both the light and dark sides for strength." If using both sides of the force doesn't give you insane power, then I don't know what does.
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