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Posts posted by rooTheDay

  1. geez why didn't y'all *tell* me I needed a different companion.

    After spending time tweeking my tree and my armor and my skills and my fighting style, I picked up Talos and took him into battle in place of Ashara, and I'm a death machine. Fights that I was not even a contender in before, I'm walking away less than 10% down on life points.




  2. When I was levelling my (Deception) Assassin, every conversation found me with my fingers resting ready on two keys - Electrocute and Force Cloak. Zap'em, bug out and plan your attack while FC's on cooldown. There's no clock running, the target's not going to come looking for you if you're out of aggro range and the break helps you stay calm, focussed and ready to kill. It saved my bacon more times than I can count. Things got even sweeter when I got Force Shroud as added protection against in case I screwed up my timing and someone managed to slip a DoT in ahead of my disappearing act.



    Force cloak helps alot. But not always. Am fighting Talz's now and they detect you when you're stealth-ed and cloaked. In addition, my last fight was against one of them after a cut scene. I Force-cloak'ed out. But then as soon as you're done, you get attacked by the Champion. No time to react, can't cloak, can't do...anything.


    I left another mission cuz, it leaves you stuck in a dead end halway by a locked door. While your companion is trying to unlock the door, you have to fight wave after wave of droids. First two aren't bad, but I get hurt. Third wave has grand-daddy driod, and I'm already hurt, and, of course, can't really heal much. *Splat* Even if i Force Cloak out of the first wave, I can't FC on the 3rd. And even if I FC out of the 3rd... where will I go? It's a dead end hallway. About the only shot I have is to get in a cheap Maul or something, but ...it don't help.


    I just think the game is set up for toe-to-toe fighters. I'd love a mission every once in a while with an near-unbeatable boss that you could stealth around.. or maybe assassinate, rather than just beating on. Seems like the class is focused on stealth, but the missions are all rock'em-sock'em.


  3. I'm with the OP.

    At 38th level, I'm easily killed by a random encounter on the roads of Quesh. I focused on Madness, which was probably a mistake and I may re-balance.


    But I am disappointed with the class. Stealth is amazingly fun and cool, and I'm ok with going DPS and not being a strong tank. I know that means I'll get manhandled sometimes. But, it seems like the game sets me up for failure. Many/Most of the missions involve a one-on-one fight with the end boss (well, 2-on-1 since you've got your companion). These often happen after video cutscenes where you can't prep for the fight. I almost always die in my first attempt.


    When I can pick my enemies, and get the jump on them, I'm ok. But when I get hit with any kind of surprise encounter or one I can't stealth away from, i'm toast. It wouldn't bother me so much except that the game seems to set me up into so many bad situations.


    Just frustrating. It's sad because I love Stealth. It saves a ton of time to go around guards, rather than fight them. But eventually, it seems like every mission ends up in the "you have to play tank" moment.


    Ah well.



  4. did a search for this on the forums but couldn't find a related thread, but maybe i'm just missing it.


    I found out today (by accident, btw) that I can drag and move my chat window. Cool.

    Can I do that with my Inventory or Character windows?

    If so, how?



  5. very, very little things, but


    1. why can't you use the stuff in your ship? You can sit in the chairs --cool-- but you can't sleep in your bed? You can't use most of the storage lockers (and why isn't the one that you can use in your bedroom? why is it buried down the hall?)



    2. romance cut scenes where you are still wearing your mask. "Oh you look so beautiful in your...ancient, scary, death-mask" ... and then you kiss in your mask.



  6. My first character after launch was a Trooper. At level 10, I hit the AC choice and chose Commando. When I looked in my inventory, for some reason I thought that the bag that was related to your advanced class was some kind of "totem" or chit that I had to keep with me throughout the game so that I could play as the Commando variant.


    At one point in the mid-20s I got to Nar Shaddaa, still carrying the little bag with me. I got tired of it taking up my inventory slot so I stuck it in the cargo hold.


    Right after that, I tried to go out to get the Strength datacron, and after getting all that way, when I went to open the datacron, I got a message "YOU MUST COMPLETE MISSIONS BEFORE YOU DO THIS."


    At the time, I had no idea what it meant, but I assumed it was because I had left my AC bag back in the cargo hold. So I ran all the way back there to get it, then came back to try the datacron and after finally jumping those damned pipes enough got back to it, and still got the same error.


    (It was because I had too many missions in my mission log, but I didn't know this at the time.)


    So anyway, I kept the bag with me after that, out of superstition I guess.


    One day I'm back at the fleet, taking a break from the missions on Tatooine. I'm level 31 at that point.


    I see someone over General chat say, "Don't forget to open your advanced class bag to get your goodies."


    And I get this chilling thud in my stomach, combined with the thought, "You didn't really do that, did you?"


    Right click the bag, boom, there's the assault cannon I should have received back at level 10. LOL




    Loved this. LOLs this morning. Happy to say I *didn't* do that, but that was just luck. :)


  7. I'll start.

    On Quesh, you land and walk over to this elevator right away to take you to the main area.

    I fell.


    Not only did I fall, I fell so badly... i died.



    Fought my way through hoards of Republic troopers and Sith-eating monsters, and then fall down. No enemies. No rush. And it wasn't even in the Cantina.


    I'm sure I'll never live that down with all the other Dark Lords out there.


    Just thought it would be interesting to see what else people have done.


  8. Thought this was interesting. I got pretty frustrated with Zash last night, as you may have noticed. I'm also running low on credits since I have to repair my armor and replace med kits so often.


    So I headed to Taris to finish a couple missions and re-group.

    Ended up beating Bashun -- the boss from the Cathar quest. It was an insanely close fight, but I took him. He's elite 35th, while Zash is only elite 32nd, so she should be whimpier, but ... not so much. At least I dont feel like a total looser now.


    Planning to bump around Taris a bit and finish a couple things to get some cash and experience before trying again with Zash.

    Frustrating, though.


  9. I give up.

    I get so close to beating her, but keep screwing it up. Tonight, i was almost ready to win when I realized that I had no med kits. Went to take one and realized I was out.


    Even so, I'm not sure it would help. Frankly, all I seem to do is spend every round interrupting her. And that leaves me barely enough time to damage her. Meh.

    Thanks for the help.


  10. I'll give it another try tonight.

    I failed last night, but I think I just flatly messed up the fight. My timing was way off last night. I kept interrupting her after she was already done and such.


    I made a side trip to Taris and managed to find a better belt for my companion. And picked up a nice stim too. So maybe that will help. I also think I didnt' click follow (that's a good idea. I think that's one my main issues, actually).


    And I'll try some of jkcheng's patterns. Frankly, I just haven't been thinking about Darkness. Originally, I wasn't planning on focusing on that, so I think I got into combat habits before I made that move and just haven't changed back. I use all of the abilities mentioned, but I just haven't re-thought how often to use them.


    I'll give it another shot tonight.

    thanks for all the feed back.


  11. the gear is the best I could find. Even went to a few planets just to go shopping and couldn't find better.

    The point about crushing darkness is good. I wasn't thinking about that. I do use it sometimes, but probably not enough. same with death field.

    I'll give that a try.



  12. OK, looking for help & ideas.

    I'm trying to beat Zash solo. I'm 35th level, focused on madness. She's 32. But she kicks my tail every time.


    I've seen lots of strategy things focused on the sorcerer, but they don't work for assassin. Zash heals too fast for me. Even when I think I've got her, she just Overloads me and heals up before I can finish her.


    My general strategy has been to Mind Trap her, so I can Maul, then use Electrocute to interrupt her and Maul again. Then I go back and forth between shock, lightning and saber strike (when I run out of force). But since I"m not healing and she is, I can't do the DPS to take her down before she whacks me.


    What else can I do?


  13. well, i guess they're sort of ok, and I can see some people may like them. They just don't seem to fit the rest of the game in style. I remember KOTOR had speeder races, for example, but they seemed consistent with the game in style -- same graphics, same type of control, etc.

    Just seems to me like I'm stepping back in time when I play them and having to shift mental gears from strategy and role playing to eye/hand coordination.


    Thanks for the input.


  14. Just finished my first 2 space battles. Are they all that lame? Reminded me of a video arcade game from 1985. I couldn't steer. I couldn't slow down. Things just popped up in front of me me without any warning. I couldn't seem to change my view to look behind or anything.


    Are they all like that? Or do they get better?

  15. I try to do the same :))


    To flag yourself LFG, go to socail wiindow and at the bottom theres a tab, who, this dsplays players currently online in that world (including you), find yourslef and there should be an option in there to tag yourself LFG.


    Hope that helps :D



    got it. Thanks.

    that's the kind of thing I was looking for.

    I'm sure I'll still do general messages, but that makes it easier.


    Thanks all,


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