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Posts posted by Nwalmaer

  1. I would like to start by saying this idea or something like it may already be posted. There are alot of post on the pvp boards so I have not read them all. This idea may also be familar to those of us who play MMO's. This is just an idea for a starting point. Also give me a break with grammar.


    Why Do Open World PVP

    1. Open world pvp valor Levels
    2. Best in game pvp and pve gear
    3. Access to special class abilities
    4. Open world pvp comms used to purchase special class ablities, items, outpost and base upgrades



    Lets start with 3 new planets, 1 Republic, 1 Empire, and 1 Neutral planet. For a story line you can say they are in outer rim space, unknow regions or something. The Republic and Empire planets are the forward staging points to launch operations to take control of the neutral planet. Once you control the neutral planet, you have access to the planets Flashpoints and Operations.


    How it works


    Each faction will have 4 main bases. Each main base is supported by 3 outpost. Each time you take control of an outpost, it weakens the associated main base. By weakening a main base you lower the level of the npc garrison, defensive armaments and shielding of the associated base. To take the main base you must lower its shield and enter its comm center.


    You could think of the whole process as a combination of the following, but all in open world:


    1. Alderaan Warzone (taking the outpost)
    2. iLum pvp before patch (Lowering main base shields)
    3. Voidstar Warzone (accessing the comms to take the base)

    Once you control all of the other factions bases, you can take control of the outpost and bases on the neutral planet and claim it for your faction.


    Control of the Neutral Planet


    Once you occupy the outpost and main bases of the planet, you are granted access to the planets Dailies, Flashpoints and Operations that have best in game Pve drops. I'm sure some new story line for controlling the planet can be be developed for the FP and Ops.


    The reward system for pve content can be similar to the current system.


    Taking Control Of The Neutral Planet Away From A Faction


    To take control of the neutral planet away from a faction, you must retake control of your factions planet. This means taking all outpost and bases back. Next, you must control a percentage of the other factions planet. This will cut off supply lines and force them to recall reinforcements, opening a breach allowing you to launch an assualt on the planet.


    Once the assaulting faction takes an outpost on the neutral planet, the other faction can no longer access the neutral planet without controlling their own planet and a percentage of yours. But members of the occupying faction already on the planet, can stop what they are doing and defend outpost and bases.


    Until the assaulting faction takes a base, the occupying faction can revive on the planet. Once the assaulting force takes a base, the occupying faction will no longer be able to revive on the planet. They could revive on their fleet.


    And of course from there take control of the planet.


    I know this was alot to read but its just an idea of a place to start for open world pvp. Any thoughts?

  2. I dont think some of you play deception. The damage you say you are doing isnt true. Well it could be if you are a level 49 vs a level 25. I wish some of you 400k 5k crit deception assasins would come over to Nadds Sarcophagus so I can see for myself this damage.
  3. You might want to try an op or sniper. If you do play an assasin go Darkness as someone posted before. Deception has abilities that sound good but are actually worthless. Plus you will be force starved and waiting for 1:30sec for cooldowns. Do not believe post you see about deception. If you have a level 50 run some warzones. Find out who the assasins are and check there stats after the match. That will give the truth about the overall damage and how much they crit for. The class doesnt crit for 5k or do 300k in warzones.
  4. Who designed the assasin pvp armor? So now we wont look like peacocks, we will look like medusa or one of those medieval drawings of the sun. I mean Darth Maul was a Shadow Hunter. What did he wear? Wouldnt that be a better starting point when designing Assasin armor?
  5. I meant blow past or push a healer just got my words in a jumble. I have a serious question for you. What level are you playing?


    3. If your VS is doing 800 damage only than you are severely under-geared. Considering the baseline damage before calculating your stats is 465-541. If you are only hitting for 800 you need to look at your gear.


    I am valor rank 79


    I have a full set of Battle Master Gear-Champ- and custom sets. Mybe my character is bugged, but I see no diffrence in damage or survivability based on expertise after a certin point. I ran warzones in each set of gear. Actually The battlemaster set does less damage and survivabilty is about the same as the other 2.


    I know some are gonna disagree but if you wanna waste a weekend when the server has heavy pop, take a close look at the comparisons.


    My custom gear has all battlemaster,champ and some EV armor mods in it.


    I think in full battle master gear:


    Damage = 722- 906

    Crit = 31.45

    Crit Mult = 68.32

    Exp = 697


    And just to let everyone know, I am not trying to be disrespectful, and i hope no one ever thinks that. These are just observations that I have noticed while playing. There could be something that I am doing wrong?

  6. Upside: Great Burst - can blow through any healer/sniper/ranged damage dealer within a few seconds. Their initial burst and ability to blow push a healer is really amazing if played right.


    What is this burst damage you speak of? From what I have noticed:


    Spike = 335 avg Damage

    VS = 800 avg Damage

    Use cool downs

    Shock = 1100 avg Damage

    Discharge = 3.2k avg Damage


    Is the above the burst damage you are speaking of? The rotation above takes time and requires you to use other abilities not listed in the rotation to maintain control and complete the rotation. Another thing to factor in:


    1. will you get knocked back and stunned once you open on a target.


    2. Alot of other classes are running absorbtion shields of one kind or another that seem to be on 5 to 10 second cooldowns these day. While stalking some targets I notice that when their shield goes down another seems to come up within a few seconds. You must factor this in because the target still does painful dps and absords all of yours


    Also what do you mean by blow push?

  7. I have battlemaster gear. But I try alot of diffrent gear combinations because running full BM seems no diffrent than running custom armor configs. I spent days replaying fraps of wz in diffrent gear to see what was going on. As far as my rotation, it is a follows:


    1. Spike

    2. VS

    3. VS

    4. Jolt, force slow or 4 sec stun as needed

    5. Pop all buffs

    6. Shock

    7. Discharge

    8. Stun (Elec) if needed

    9. Maul if EW procs

    10.Depending on health of target, restart rotation or move to step 11

    11.Assasinate if Im not dead. ( This ability lacks dps to be a finisher.)


    While doing this of course my target isnt just sitting there lol. And of course, our attacks don't apply dots like other classes. Also, if I get knocked back it sorta screws up the rotation. Not to mention running out of force. Maul is useless. Exploit weakness takes to long to proc and maul doesnt always fire. (Required condition not met). Also you dont have time to wait for 5 charges to max damage output.


    A smuggler or op would have you dead in 3 to 4 attacks or have you running.


    I still do not see deception assasins criting for more than 4.3k max in a wz, and that 4.3k is against a fresh 50. Sometimes I will see a dection assasin topping out a 260k damage and 3.9k crit in a wz, but those are the top assasins running with their guildmates.


    So you guys hitting 400k and 7k crits in wz deception speced, please share you rotation and strat.

  8. Pretty sure Im playing the class right. And if you are doing 400k in a warzone you are in a premade being gaurded with heals or playing against undergeared players. Assasins on average crit for no more than 3.5k, where as scoundrels and ops are hitting for 4.5k to 5.5k on average. I would like to know what servers you guys are on doing all this damage in deception spec.
  9. The deception assasin spec is a worthless tree. Anyone that says its fine, does not play against equally geared players. Our dps sucks. Voltic slash= weak shock=weak maul= stupid, you need to attack a target up 6 times to get exploit weakness to proc. Not to mention being force starved. Scoundrels and ops will kill you in 3 to 4 attacks plus heal themself in combat (ability heal), not to mention criting on average 4.5 to 5.4k. But I guess as others claim the deceptoin tree is fine? Come to Nadd's Sarcophagus and fight Grape , Paralle or Aijaiz. If the spec is as good as you say you should have a pretty equal shot at winning a fight with one of these guys (lol good luck).
  10. Ath, You expressed your views very well, with good detail.


    As an assasin," deception spec", our out of stealth damage is not very good. Our abilities are dependant on procs. Those procs are not automatic. You might build a static charge once every three attacks and exploit weakness seems to require at least 3 attacks to apply and sometimes more.


    Our out of stealth damage isnt really that good. Maul for some reason when behind a stunned target has a 1 in 5 chance of saying "required effect not met" or somthing like that. Assasinate works great when a level 49 uses it against a level 20 in pvp. Once level 50, if you want to use it as a finisher, you wait til the target is below 10%.


    90% of the time if we pop all our damage boost we get a 2.5k to 3.6k discharge and then a 1k to 2.3k shock.


    It takes a very long time for assasins to restealth and get out of combat. Sometimes up to 38 seconds of hiding.


    Operatives can heal during combat and can still crit for up to 5.1k with a single attack and follow that up with a 3.7k crit plus a dot and thats during a so called prolong fight if you survive the burst. The heal I speak of is an ability not a stim which makes that heal even better.


    If our abilities actually did damage and the procs would build or apply to the targets, I would completly agree with you. But trying to wait for 5 static charges to apply for the bonus isnt gonna work. Most of the time we use discharge and our other abilities as soon as they are up.


    One thing I will say on a positive note, I think voltic slash is the only ability that actually does the 600 - 800 damage the tooltip says it will.

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