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Posts posted by gwrtheyn

  1. Damn, diablo franchise did not age well .... I'm watching Kripparian and other streams on twitchtv and it looks like d3 should have come out 5 years ago. Who knows maybe PvP will elevate D3 but right now how is that game gonna hold people attention for a long time ??


    think of d2 and how long it had attention.

  2. 2 weeks ago ~ 160-300 ppl on fleet(~20+waiting for daily reset)

    the last 2days ~ 25-35 ppl on fleet(~2waiting for daily reset)


    wazones pop slower day to day,you have only ~1 active warzone on my server,so you play with and vs the same pll all the time(+big que times)


    Edit: since you face the same with the same,most warzones end the same way 6+win or 6+ lose,which side has the better team wins all

  3. done a lot pvp in recrute gear(2 chars -> bm)

    there is no gear problem left in this game with 950+ expt(recrute+bm weapon+2ximp(pre saved coms))

    sure you will not win 1 vs 1 all the time,but still manage to help the team win.


    but still a lot ppl run warzones with less than 800expt(no recrute gear,no or few pvp gear) and here you got a problem,as recrute gear eq player i can win 1 vs 3 vs this "bad" gear.


    if 2 recrute gear players focus a wh healer(even with guard) you will get him most of the time down.


    Edit: btw i fawor the all same gear and 100% random(no grp join) warzone thing(kinda like gw1)

  4. After starting a new Smuggler toon recently, I sat back and thought - 'Man! Those new to pvp have such a grind on their hands, and need to get used to constant butt kicking'.


    The bolster system may soften but the lack of key abilities early on, mean that in most cases, 1v1s against higher level players - you will always end up getting beaten. Once you've battled and bruised your way through low level pvp and ding 50 - it opens up a whole new world of whoop ***!


    PvP then moves away from stat based to gear based pvp. Yes, at launch, things were rosey because we only had 1 bracket(with 50s in), then Bioware added lvl 50 brackets - fine. But with SO many gear choices now, new level 50 pvp'ers will end up getting licked again until they get War Hero gear - as most lvl 50s are now in full WH gear.


    Is this really how PvP should be? Is it far for entry level 50s to be cannon fodder again? Isnt it about time Bioware either moved away from gear based PvP and either introduced a new non War Hero pvp bracket, or allowed players to purchase WH gear at say valour rank 60 and not being able to wear it until 70, just to help?


    Servers need a new flux of PvPers but when many see how this game does PvP they wont hang around for long. Come Bioware, take a leaf out of Guild Wars 2 book.


    got lv50 2 days ago and no problems with recrute gear+bm(saved comms) in wazones(most of the time near top on BO/dps/guard)

    there is no prob getting 1k+ exp fast and be a good part of the team.


    Edit: ~1 week til most ppl have near full bm,which is more than ok

  5. Vanguard tanks in dps gear are allot more dangerous.


    tank gear stats do not affect pvp in most cases

    def -> not working vs tech+force

    absorb -> not working vs tech+force

    shield -> not working vs tech+force



    Only melee and ranged attacks can be shielded against.

    A critical hit is never shielded.

    Your critical chance can push your opponents shield chance off the roll



    -> tanks will go dps gear



  6. Did some of you noticed the damage pyrotech can put on a single target or multiple targets only with that insane combustible gas? It put down a 16k HP player in less then 5 seconds only by that. They spin around and you get 30% HP short after. Is insane!


    more like 9+sec and only with crit luck,relics and adrenal(gcd 1.5sec less than 5sec would be 3gcd,termal det not possible since dmg after 5sec,so how should a pyro do 16k dmg in under 5sec?)


    dispell the fire effects -> pyro does low dmg(will overheat fast if he trys to get em up again)


    leath snipers are by far worse,since the dispell does not work so well since patch,you will get the trippel shot/sec channel anyway(cull)

  7. healing is ok the way it it.

    in a good grp healing is still OP(guard,taunt,cross heal,cc)

    even if you kill a healer(assist) in a warzone the respawn times a lower then the ttk of a healer.


    more heal debuffs(30-50%) on dds and a dispell of enemy buffs(hots etc) would be more needed.

  8. Vicious Throw only under 30% and has 6sec cd (http://www.torhead.com/ability/fz6R1xj/vicious-throw)

    all hits where crits



    [16:00:06.004] [@ Guardian] [@Me] [Force Scream ] [ApplyEffect : Damage] (2732* kinetic) <2732>

    This ability gives bane a 4k dmg bubble. instant cast. "


    no it does not if you have impale(http://www.torhead.com/ability/hzn1xsa/impale)

    you will not have sonic-barrier normal (http://www.torhead.com/ability/a074iXB/sonic-barrier)

    since its kinda deep in the tank tree

    -Sonic Barrier absorbs ~700 damage

  9. There is a very small window of a couple hours each day where you can go in with a random group and have a 50% win rate. Outside of that window, not only are the queues around 10-15min but one premade will completely dominate.

    I don't whine about how I get owned every match or claim a class is over powered. I just log off and try again the next day. I know I'm not the only one who does this and this lack of players for pvp will cause more and more people to log out due to no chance of winning at most times of the day.

    This needs to be fixed as soon as possible. As it stands now, it's nearly impossible to even get a win during most times of the day if you aren't lucky enough to be on that premade side.


    Cross Server PVP Queues would be real nice !


    i think it will take more time for bw to code this,kinda tricky(server<->server com,dual names,trades etc)

  10. its simple tank dps is on par or higher then regular dps on equal geared War Hero level. Why bother be DPS when I got a ton of tools to defend on top of ubar DPS as a tank.


    got a ton of tools to defend would ba a mara,most tanks hav 1-2 cds,not 4+ like maras

  11. problem nearly solved,primetime you see nearly only premades

    Pre4+Pre4 vs Pre4+PuG4(happend a lot today,if the PuG side gets a good one i can be fun)


    atm i would guess a lot less ppl who qued solo stoped doing lv50 pvp or joined a premade.


    Edit: btw 180+ ppl on fleet and que times over 10min

  12. jep queues gone up 5-10mins

    non prime time they are kind of ok 1-5min,but as soon to many premades run,the times go up 10-15min

    since they drive out the solo quers

    premades need atm to farm gear for rated wz, so they are much more present then bevore patch

    (bevore 1.2 insta-->2min que time most of the time)

  13. Why is this even an issue? You have a "General Chat" right? Let me help you out.


    1MLFG - Want to join a premade for lvl 50 pvp. I'm a lvl 50 "insert class here".


    Now, just copy and paste that, add your class info and put that in general chat on your fleet when you're ready to fight.





    most ppl do not want this,not a 20min+ grp search/gear check,vent join

    they want some fast fun,premades ruin this fun,most ppl will not search like you posted,they will stop doing pvp(or stop playing this game)


    ever played guild wars ? fast random pvp action and if you like it nice 8 vs 8 grp combat,both possible witout hurting each other(random que where a lot less premades @ the first months,so it was real fast fun pvp)

  14. I've always said marauder/sent damage is fine, i want no changes to that, they are meant to dish out some hurt.....

    What they do need is to lose the Undying rage/Guarded by the force as it is far, far too OP.



    /agree this one cd is a little op,5sec imortal to get healed/guarded on short cd is to much

  15. when you compare the two specs side by side the survivability of the tank spec far outweighs the added damage.



    mara cds > jugg cds so mara survivability by far > jugg survivability -> mara wins in dps and survivability

    sin tank spec is good dmg and survivability


    Jugg and BH dps tanks life not longer than a full dps,sin dps spec does not life long too


    a good mara/sniper can tank more(with cds and -dmg in dps specs) than most dps tanks

  16. Probably because getting owned by the same Premade for 3 hours straight, no matter which day you log on to play, isn’t fun and BW isn’t exactly Speedy Gonzales on implementing the PvP improvements it has promised. If you’re on a low pop server, you know what I mean. At the very least, give us cross sever PvP so that different premades can own we PUGggers. Variety is the spice of life, even when getting your *** kicked.


    the PuG matchmacking is terrible too(premades skip this problem),like 4+ of the same adv class,facing premades without heal or tanks etc

  17. Obvious troll is obvious...


    Step 1: PvP with friends instead of soloQ.

    Step 2: No step 2, just invite some friends.


    Step3: only Premade vs Premade and let the solos have some fun


    Since you say do only pvp with grp/friends,there should be no difference for you.

    (else the solo quers will stop playing,only very few will build grps)

  18. It's true, you might only que with 4 other people and use vent or mumble to coordinate your attacks but it's still a major major advantage over a group of 8 pug players, if adding insult to injury wasn't enough, you have 8 players making two parties then by dumb luck are grouped all together in the same Warzone match with them coordinating their gameplan and attacks on mumble/vent, it's so unfair and unjust that pugs must suffer the humiliation and disgrace of defeat against an unfair match between pug and premade, this must be stopped or no non-premade players will enter wz matches again.


    premade vs random sucks and should not happen

    everytime some good premades run que time go up by 5-10mins(a lot solos don´t que anymore)

    most solo quers don´t have the time to build a grp or just don´t want to

    even without vent a good heal/tank/2dd team will work much better than a random grp(possibly without a guard tank and a heal)


    premades are atm driving a lot ppl out of pvp(possibly out of the game)

  19. Step 2: make top tier PVP gear = top tier PVE gear (or build infrastructure to allow equitable exchange for time rendered)


    Step 3: allow PVP skill to differentiate good players with good gear from good PVE players with good gear


    Step 4: let the player have fun without some stupid differentiation requiring some epic amount of farming to be moderately competitive.


    Currently, Expertise HAS broke PVP.


    I don't think examples are needed, theres been some pretty epic rage posting lately with regards to the new system. The easiest system is almost ALWAYS the best. Make gearing consistent from raiding and PVP, then let skill determine the winners. GZ, BW: get rid of expertise and SAVE YOUR GAME.



    PvE has its own reward.

    PvP has its own reward.


    recrute gear+some saved w comms -> 950+ expertise for a fresh lv50,so there is no problem with expertise.

  20. What happened in Patch 1.2 that destroyed the Operatives and Scoundrels? Before when it used to be "oh crap an Operative, better be on serious guard"... you know, the way pvp should be, a challenge....


    To beat down a fully BM geared Scoundrel, oh he's going after the med pack... I'll let him get in, he gets it heals back up to almost full, I /dance with him, he attacks me again, and I rofl stomp him.


    Then I get jumped by an Operative in a different game, hmm, this is gonna suck I say to myself, except it didn't suck, it I didn't even have to burn any cool downs.


    These are all the same players, same names that I've encountered dozens of times before... what did patch 1.2 do to screw that class over? (the healer side of the class are doing better though)


    atm Concealment Operative are like a dog humping on your leg,anoying,but not lethal :p

  21. Playing my trooper, guy leaps at me, stun chokes so i hit tenacity and but I've already lost 1/4 of life already...i backpeddle away and EVEN AT 15 METERS DISTANCE his lightsabers still inflict big damage (not dot) and I'm pretty much dead within 5 seconds and I have heavy armor.


    Those are some pretty long lightsabers.


    this is called pvp lag,he is behind you,only his grafik is not

    same goes the other way when you play a mele,you are on the target,not able to hit. even if he is stunned,not in range,later he "ports" back to his real pos.


    "real" position/rotaion in not equal the pos/roatation you see em(somehow the skills etc can test vs the real pos,but the engine seem not to be able to draw em there)

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