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Posts posted by Akmadan

  1. Are you 12? Comparing three 1st world luxuries to what is missing in a video game?


    I suppose I can use the same analogy. Yes you can get by quite well with the items mentioned, just as one can get by without the need for speech ballons. Just takes a little more work, a little more paying attention and effort.


    Be patient. I'm sure the ballons will be coming your way. Like I have said, use what you have currently, and do not let it get in your way of RP.


    I myself have no problem RPing 1 on 1 right now. But more people would just be confusing.

    And yes, it takes more effort and attention, but BioWare is here to satisfie everyone. And just as a guy stated above, its not only for RP.


    When you're in a heroic area wanting to kill some heroic guy, and the guy(s) next to you ask to get in, you most likely wont see it as you're concentrated on the screen. There you go, BioWare. Not just useful for RPers!

  2. I find it amusing that non-roleplayers fail to comprehend the fact that they are not the only ones that play this game. Chat bubbles and sitting in chairs would bring a level of immersion to the game that would satisfy the RP community and, with an option to toggle bubbles on and off, I don't see why anyone would have an issue with it.


    The bottom line is not everyone likes the same things.... I don't like grinding out PvP for Gear just so I can do more PvP. Especially when the PvP is meaningless, other than to get more gear.... However, I understand and accept the fact that there are those that are perfectly happy with this rinse and repeat game-play style.


    Nevertheless, as a Role-player, I feel cheated. I can't Role-play because the chat system does not facilitate it. If there are more than 2 individuals talking to me, I find it difficult to carry a conversation, especially if I am trying to look about the environment... I was excited to hear that they were finally implementing some chairs you could sit in, only to be floored when I realized it was my cockpit seat. Thanks Bioware, now I can sit in my cockpit and role-play with myself or perhaps, my companions. I find this game has very little in the Immersion department and that is very disappointing...


    I really hope BioWare realizes soon that the community is made up of more than just Power-gamers and Gear Junkies and begins to take everyone into consideration or they might find their Server Populations dwindling.


    Thank you... thank you, what this guy said. EXACTLY!

  3. Maybe its just me..But I've noticed a rise in ERP. It seems to be effecting the forums more then the servers but, odds are, at this very moment, this post is going to be surrounded by ERP topics....Some on top..Some on bottom....Its getting very, very hard...To enjoy the forums with it.


    Yes, I know this is a community forum. and yes, I know its their right to do it if they want..In private at least. I've never had a problem with people ERPing. I have a problem with people doing it in public. Or even advertising it in public. I, personally, wouldn't have a single problem if BIOWARE set up an ERP sub-section of the forums, and everyone in game did it in guild(if they allow), party(if everyone else is okay with it), or private(if consensual) chat.


    WoW has Night Elves/Blood Elves.


    Star Wars has Twi'lek, easy. People are excited by pixilated characters.

  4. Adding in chat bubbles at this stage is a bigger job than some people seem to realize. It's not something you can cook up over night. Yes, perhaps people will chime in and say it should have been there to begin with.. But it is what it is.


    Personally I don't want chat bubbles. I at least want the option to turn them off in the social preferences.


    With a room packed full of people, you're not going to be able to see a thing.. It'll make it look way too cartoony for me also. If someone types out a large sentence, chances are - you're still going to need to look at the chat box to read it all anyhow.


    I think a reduction of the /say range would solve the problem. The emote range seems fine.


    You'd be able to see someone sit down from a distance, but not what they're saying to their friend.


    Emote and Say range should be the same, no question there.

    I agree with the large sentance typing, I do look into the Chatbox IF there is a big sentance. But I don't know many people that even bother to make too long sentances.

  5. I'm in for it, obviously.


    It's like a basic thing for RP for me, I've been RPing on wow for 7 years. Nerd 4 life <3 and its easier to know who is talking, instead of scrolling over the chat box to see who spoken among the 10 people around you.

  6. Good Day,


    This may have been written here on the forums before, but I'm just making sure.. we all want chat bubbles don't we?

    Those of us who RPed on wow know that chat bubbles is almost like a basic thing, at least for me. It's easier to see who is talking, you don't have to scroll around in the chat box to find the one guy who spoke in a crowd of 10 people.


    Does Bioware plan to add the Chat Bubbles?

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