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Everything posted by Xatonia

  1. I had a jacket on my smuggler at around Nar Shaddaa level, it looked similar to the 'Deadeye's Prototype Jacket', and had the same collar, but was in a burnt orange/reddish colour. It's the coolest jacket I've had on my smuggler. This was before I realised you could keep old gear and just mod it to be better. I have no idea if it's moddable, or not but I'm praying it is. Please help me find it?!! Thanks!
  2. I know alot of people will disagree with this, but I dislike alot that you can gain xp / level through PvPing. For me (in WoW etc) PvP has always been something I can do while waiting for friends etc, or as an escape from questing. Even questing for reputation rather than xp would be better in mho. Now I find I'm worried about PvPing incase I level past my story quests. What then?? Will they just become way too easy and boring? Also if I join up with my Jedi friend and do HIS story arc with him, will I level past my own? Puzzling and worrying... Or maybe I just take 'being in the world' too seriously...
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