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  1. Not everyone min/max's. In fact, you do not need to min/max to clear normal or HM ops. There is no real motivation to min/max other than for epeen. Maybe NMM but even then you do not need to do it to get all the Rakata gear as HM will do (thus no motivation to do NMM and then no motivation to min/max other than for bragging rights). Also, you laugh but most of the replies here on this thread disagree with your main premise. I'm not here to say that min/maxing is useless or not fun but I am just saying that there is no motivation for the general populace to do so other than to compare the size of their epeen. So think about it for a second. As a developer, should he/she stop working on existing bugs or additional content to enable the ability to choose your crafting bonus via item mods? Why should the developers put this in priority over all the existing bugs in the game especially when the current crafting system works? Does the current problem demand that changes be made for the entire swtor population or is it only a matter of preference on your part? Doesn't the legacy bonuses coming up and the excellent story arc for each class promote leveling alts? Why can't you make an alt and level up your crafting to take advantage of the Synthweaving augment crits? I have to say, it sounds like you want your main to have a particular crew skill with a bonus crit chance but because you do not have it you decide that this is a problem that requires the developers to make overarching changes to the item mods. I think you raise a good point on how there is an imbalance as to which classes have crit chances on crafting skills but that simply just requires a rebalance. But even then, this is not a dealbreaker and can wait until other issues are ironed out first. If you are afraid that you will not have an edge with the competition in terms of crafting augment slots then go level an alt and enjoy a great story line while you're at it.
  2. Sorry but it just sounds like you are crying about not having the best crit chance It is not game-changing as you say it is and with patch 1.2 coming down the pipeline everyone can still crit-craft an augment slot Some might have better chances but everyone can still do it. If you pick your character based on your crafting skills then I would say that you are missing the main point of playing a BioWare game: you are supposed to play for the story
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