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10 Good
  1. it's all good, guess I should expect a little forum pvp after all these years of posting lol. thanks for the fun
  2. Well said, thanks for the response. I guess I just wish I would actually see a few other players when in the city hubs on the planets. It would just add to the virtual world feeling.
  3. Where did I mention my time was precious lol? Someone getting annoyed they are not bothering me and actually amusing me?
  4. The things youy mentioned are good points and can be annoying but when does the game go from an MMO to a CORPG?
  5. Wow nice logic lol. This is a forum, you are quoting me and I am responding. It takes me little effort and time to answer you. (sips coffee)
  6. No I'm not upset at all. You made a statement and I responded with my opinion. Are you hoping that I'm getting upset?
  7. I was stating my opinion about something that I feel detracts from the game. Also the excuse that that's just the way the internet is doesn't excuse the fact that it's not a way to foster a good communtiy on a new games forum. A forum where people can actually feel they are able to come and voice thier opinions positive or negative in hopes of contributing to the future development of the game.
  8. Once again I'm not saying it needs to be removed completely. It just seems like it's done to an extreme that is not needed. I'm lucky if I see one or 2 other players while questing in the open world.
  9. Exactly it just makes it feel like more of a single player game than an MMO. I'm not saying it needs to be eliminated completely. It just seems like it could be lessened greatly.
  10. Well hate to burst your bubble but plenty of current MMO players also use the term phasing in regards to what I am saying. Correct or incorrect as it may be. If you understood my point why even comment about that.
  11. What is wrong with you people. Is this the attitude you give all people who post. I made a spelling error and a typo and that's what you choose to post about? If you get what I was saying then why even point these things out. I figured these forums could not be as bad as people told me, guess I was wrong.
  12. seriusoly? there changed it for you grammar police...
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