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    Omaha, Nebraska
  • Occupation
    Graduate Teaching Assistant
  1. I know they have incorporated the option to hide the helms from our characters but why do they not have an option to hide them from our companions? I know that if I do not want to show the helm on my character why would I want to see my companions running around with them on? I have been searching for a forum to post something like this but I guess the general discussion is as good as any.
  2. The major problem I have seen is the mod-able gear that you can buy with commendations both have the Patron Mods. I do not see the point of having the choice between two pieces of gear (usually RD or TD) that contain the same mods. I am not sure if this was a major oversight by the creators but it has been getting confusing since Balmorra (where I first saw Patron Mods).
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