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Everything posted by DarthNigyl

  1. Hello, Using Kreia's robes in concert with the Steadfast Master's Gloves chops off your hands.
  2. To Whomever it May Concern, I humbly ask that we as players be allowed to stack multiple Karagga's hats on top of one another, like a stack of pancakes, so that we may be even more awesome. I'm sure the playerbase would rejoice in this addition to the gloriousness of the hat that was Karraga's. Thank you, Nigyl
  3. Dear Swtor Person, Thank you for listening to my feedback, My friend Declan is happy to have this additional time to clear Gods. Thanks, Nigyl
  4. Hello, I am disappointed, but must live with it. Thanks, Nigyl
  5. No, I think he's from the UK. At least that's what his accent sounds like.
  6. Hello, My friend Declan would like you to delay the 7.0 release so he may have time to clear Gods. Thank you, Nigyl
  7. I also experience this, I do not like it. Please change this, thank you.
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