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Posts posted by Tumri

  1. 300k damage as a Sentinel in Watchman spec is nothing. The fact that you had a pocket healer and an organized team makes it even worse. This is a screenshot from yesterday where I solo queued in PvE gear and didn't have a healer following me around(both of the healer sorcs focused on healing each other instead of healing others).




    Sentinels/Marauders have the potential to do absolutely devastating damage if used properly. The main problem we run into are games with too many sorcerers/sages on the opposing team. Sorcerers/Sages are every Marauder/Sentinel's bane as you may have noticed.

  2. power doesn't make the bleeds higher :/


    Yes it does...


    There is not static stat priority but once you get around 350 crit rating you should be focusing on Power and then Surge. It's easy enough to do the math really quick to see which stat benefits you the most with your current gear.


    For relics you should NEVER get anything but power under any circumstance because the diminishing returns makes large amounts of crit/surge for 20 seconds every 2 minutes worthless.

  3. My guild brings 2 Marauders to the raid and we killed HM 16 Soa(Nightmare is bugged and impossible right now) earlier this week and I believe we were world 6th based on forum posts claiming kills. Carnage's Burst damage is absolutely incredible for Soa and Annihilation has some of the best raid utility and sustained DPS in the game. The 6% healing to the party every time I berserk adds up and my self-healing means I rarely need to be fully topped off since I'll simply heal up passively by the time I take any damage again.


    Marauders are definitely worth bringing to raids. They definitely have their usability issues and the short window you get to refresh Annihilator makes it inefficient to use your better spec(Annihilation) for the majority of EV fights since Soa, Pylons, Gharj, and Droid all have downtime where the buff will fall off. The prevalence of 1-button ACs like Mercenaries because it is a bit annoying knowing someone is facerolling and getting similar results.

  4. Just FYI @ your first point.


    Pink Lightsabers are exceedingly difficult to obtain. The only way to get them is by killing world bosses for random drop patterns and then getting a magenta adegan crystal by going to Tattoine, getting a buff, going to hoth to get an item with the buff, and then defeating a champion mob that requires around 3-4 people on Ilum. Purple lightsabers are very common because of how easy Columi weapons are to obtain. People on my server pay upwards of 1 million credits to have the +33 stat pink lightsabers and most of them don't even care that the stats are better, they just want a pink lightsaber. Republic has a MUCH easier time obtaining pink and the purples aren't even comparable in difficulty the empire has to obtain pink.

  5. Honestly dailies take me about 40 minutes at most since my guild usually 4-mans them all to get social points and for the harder quests we "cheat" by corpse running to Raxxus and stealthing through 4-Light and stealthing or corpse running to Averion. The three mods/armorings/enhancements I get sell for 40k each or even 50k. It's 40 minutes for an easy 350k/day. On top of this you can easily make money by killing elites since they drop about 1.5k each time. Depending on your DPS you can make lots doing this. I personally made around 200k in an hour running around killing elites.
  6. I did it without a knockback in our group at all. The problem is our DPS had to be extremely high to compensate for this fact. His immunity isn't active when he fights 1v1 against you so if you burn him down to his immunity fast enough he will pick someone to 1v1 and they can finish him off by bursting down the rest of his health. This strategy requires very very high dps though.
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