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Everything posted by Infernallo

  1. That was insanely epic! But I must say that old Adolf actually kicked Vaders *** in that one. But no matter, Vader kicks *** in so many other vids! Such as this one:
  2. I fear that my Sith Sorceress Infernalia in some real trouble now. Not the kind where hordes of enemies threatens to kill her but during the Quest the Big Show she interrupted a speach by some villain. Sure enough he sent his loyal Screaming Blace Cultists to slay her and almost succeded. Her companion fell and her health was running low so she fled for her life towards the exits so that she could get to safety, revive her companion and return. But! When she returned there were no enemies left. And the cultist she was supposed to talk to is "unclickable" (aka he will not engage in a conversation) so my main quest for my character is in danger. Help me Obi Wan Kenobi! What shall I do? How can I complete the quest when there is clearly a bug in it. Can I try to redo it?
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