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Posts posted by Beansoup

  1. I am not a wild Hillary, as evidenced by my name being ikinai and not Hillary. I'd offer up some sweets, but alls I gots left is some moonshine, I guess that'll have to do. At least until I run over to the bakery.


    Um, oh yeah, uh, welcome to the funhouse!


    Hi there. If you want to give famous people gifts, just send the moonshine over here. I'm famous. Everyone hates me, yes, I mean everyone. Wait, that's infamous. Well who cares, it's close enough.


    ...Oh, and hello pocket healer.

  2. Idk. When snipers first got their roll I think they were very strong, maybe even OP. Nobody played them simply because they are boring as **** to play. But several other classes received large buffs and snipers got a minor nerf in flashbang. I'm not aware of any other buffs or nerfs to sniper while this was all happening, so unless something else happened to snipers they would naturally be a little underpowered right now due to power creep of the other classes.


    Minor nerf eh? Two words. Orbital Strike.


    ---snip snip snip----


    Sniper: In PvP, this class if left un-check can turn the tide of a battle.




    Yeah, I keep hearing this. Lemme tell you something bozos, any class if left unchecked can rain death upon you. Some classes even do more dps than a sniper which is a pure dps class. So what sort of an idiot argument is this? Never go full retard.

  4. This is a great point which im glad was brought back up, every other class brings something to the arenas that is helpful to the team. Snipers do not.


    Hybrid dps has been buffed and by the devs own admittance they want these hybrids able to put out numbers very close to pure dps.


    So then whats the point of the utility of these hybrids being left out in teams to bring a pure dps class?


    Mauras got a buff to dps so they are now more valuable again (but still wouldnt you rather a jugg?!?!). We are a handicapp considering our numbers arent that incredible anymore AND we bring what exactly?


    Snipers need a team role. They are pointless right now in teams especially since theres another 30m dps that can bubble the team (Force Barrier), offheal the team, heal themselves (Unnatural Preservation) and do more dps...:rolleyes:


    I'v could of not said it better myself. QFT.


    Also, let us not forget that MM snipers especially have to take time to sit down to use their DPS abilies to full. Meaning, it takes time and gimps mobility. Hence less DPS in PVP. Add that to the mediocore damage while being a sitting duck, and voila... You are a deadweight with nothing to give to the team.


    P.S:. Remove that blinking billboard shield already, that says: "I'm here, kill me". It looks idiotic. The class is called Sniper, not Christmas Tree. Do we really need a handicap enhancement for the utterly incompetent players to spot out where the sniper is?

  5. So, the only ones that can beat you are: sorcs, snipers, sins, and ops..... So half of the ACs are a "threat" to you. Doesn't sound much like balance to me or a "fair trade" considering "everyone else" is only half the classes.


    The problem is with arenas when slingers/snipers get obliterated in the opening, because stealth do use their full burst rotation.


    And the DPS isn't so spectacular compared to other classes, i can do the same damage with my slinger as with any other class, sometimes a bit more but not much.


    But anyways, go play some solo ranked when u get 55, where your team blames u for the loss but they did nothing to support you while you were focused in the first few seconds.


    ^^^ This.

  6. Then never ever open a cartel pack or play the slots again.


    Heck, I'd actually advise you to not leave the house because the likelyhood of you injuring yourself with that kind of bad luck is insane.


    Actually most of the accidents happen at home.


    ...PSA. The more you know.


    Post what you have seen go horribly wrong in WZ's since 2.8!


    How about MM Sniper? Complitely useless now. I'm just waiting for more buffs to other more mobile classes. The design is amazing on this one. Please don't fix snipers, they are just fine as long as no one plays them, anywhere.

  8. Just reposting this:

    Snipers can do very good damage in ranked arenas, but they have a surviveability issue (especially against internal/elemental damage) in ranked Arenas.


    The problem i see is that most of their defensive cooldowns are medicore at best in pvp and awesome in pve (covered escape for example because of the predictable damage in PvE), so you cannot straight buff them.


    2 suggestions:

    The previous evasion change (Force/tech immunity) but just against other players (not for pve).

    Players get a debuff that lessens their damage when they attack a sniper while the sniper activates a certain skill (Evasion, Orbital Strike ....)


    F with the ranked arenas, worst idea ever. Why must BW repeat all mistakes done by Blizzard.


    I agree, there is a problem with survivability, but how do you do very good damage over all sorts of absorbing bubbles that even resist leg shot, how about some deflect on you? Add tank to that and you'll get no one killed. Sure the damage is mediocore, but when you get no one dead, it does not matter how much led you pump in. 3000000000 damage, no kills. Well, the damage is good. Ain't it?


    Try fighting crosshealers with a tank. You'll get the point.


    Maybe we should make Sniper (especially MM) an evasion class that just evades everything instead of killing anyone, and add healing ability on top of it. That would fit to the insane grand scheme, as it seems to be ATM.

  9. sniper dps is fine in pvp. For marksman, you need to outplay them to get equal numbers and it's very easy to counter.


    as for the question... it's still survivablitiy


    "what is the plan to make snipers more viable in arenas, considering that they are always the main target in arenas, due to the lack of strong defensive cooldowns. Evasion / Dodge works only a very select few classes and it is mostly used for dot cleanses. Is it not possible to combine that with entrench to return the "force/tech" immunity as well to it?"


    While it would not solve the focus problem on snipers, it would provide a 3-4s duration where you can get out of dodge and wait for your other CD's to be back to make it out alive. If you kite perfect, there is only a 3-5 second window where you are in real trouble. Having a a real "oh ****" button, would allow you to kite for another 30s.


    How is it fine? One would expect a full DPS class to do more damage than any other class. Not so in SWTOR.


    Oooh wait, you want all classes to be same porridge, no flavor to any of them? Sure, go for more survivability.

  10. Glass cannon that is mostly just a glass and glass. Hmm... Maybe increase the damage over other classes so that the class fills its role as FULL DPS CLASS. How about that? I don't want more survivability, I want to do more damage as an trade off to healing and godmode bubbles and heavy armour that other classes have. As it is now, Sniper damage is barely even close to the level of other classes.


    -MM Sniper

  11. Dear Bioware,


    Can you please nerf healers, tanks and other DPS because I can't kill anyone in PvP.


    Yours truly,



    I second this. No, iI do not get your sardonic remarks, at all.


    Yours truely,

    MM Sniper.

  12. We all **** like monkeys. It's a simian thing. Anyone who says they don't **** are liers. However, you have to evaluate a meaningfull relationship over wanking; Always take the meaningfull relationship over wanking, that's human. One level up.
  13. ...with no gear on and sit and hide in a corner and do NOTHING the entire match while berating and taunting his teammates saying things like "You guys suck, can't carry 7v8", "I got better gear for ranked", "You morons can't kick me because i'm not AFK", "You guys suck can't cap even 1 node 7v8"....


    Anyone else seen these guys? I saw one he's on Jung Ma and his name is Rexall. He has been doing the same thing every single warzone since I started playing last year. We lose 90% of the time.


    Bioware gave you force pull, go and use it wisely soldier.

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