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Everything posted by Bakakiba

  1. Sometimes, you just have to use to get the point across to some people.
  2. Since 2002 at least: From urban dictionary: salty pissed, upset She was salty because she lost the game. by Anonymous August 20, 2002
  3. Of course we have cookies! nom nom nom There's plenty of comic relief to be had. Everyone else can still see when we call him out on his hypocrisy.
  4. Welcome to the club, robertthebard!
  5. You're just upset that the truth burns white-hot.
  6. Rather sad to see so much hand holding. Don't get me started on the whole "I have to fight ALL of the trash mobs on the planet" either.
  7. You also probably use your companions in tougher content than Max.
  8. Because it's what they want?
  9. Clearly, they are using the approach.
  10. Is that similar to an Agent taking down the second most powerful force user in the Empire?
  11. I was just raising affection and tried to avoid the marriage option. What a surprise to find out that I was married to Mako, and that I found out through the mail.
  12. The bounties scale to your level now, and the non-kingpin bounties are easy anyways.
  13. He edited his post as well. Nice how he complains about being insulted, then resorts to using an insult.
  14. British Dictionary definitions for MMORPG: Not seeing anything about forced grouping. Do you?
  15. Not bummed at all. And the opinion of those who have already said they are leaving are irrelevant (Hi Max!).
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