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Posts posted by Erishumlol

  1. lol midian and boss premade against randoms >< so hard give feedback you're good tho but id like to see a game where you're with pugs against a decent team



    Great constructive criticism you have provided. Seriously though why are you so butthurt?

  2. Lol look at this guy telling everyone they can't learn new things from anyone other than themselves. Speak for yourself buddy, I learn lots of valuable tips by duelling my guildies and listening to their feedback.


    Also who are you to claim that there aren't many good players on MDN. As a matter of fact a lot of players who pvp regularly on this servers are very solid, and I can identify them by name. Who might you be to judge the skill of all other players, I've never even seen your toon names in wz before.



    Don't worry about him mate. Lets just focus on trying to do good by our server with these tournies, helping each other out with classes etc considering the state it is in. We don't need to take people like him serious. Ignore him and he will eventually go away.

  3. I don't know how many of you have seen the thread about the R.A.W Championship I'm holding.

    Quick intro - I am holding a Ranked APAC Warzone Championship next Saturday 8th December, pitting as many RWZ teams against each other in bracket form as possible. Each match is 7v7 with 2 commentators on each team, so as to stream properly and make it fair (ALL THE INFO IS ON THE MASTER DAR'NALA SERVER FORUM).


    Cut to the chase - I've been plugging this pretty hard, tweeting, facebook events, plugging the guilds as they join, announcing a 2 Million Credit prize for first place.


    Bioware today did their Community Round Up - and left this off the list.


    A couple of people tweeted @SWTOR to get them to at least re-tweet the event if not post it on their Community Round Up. I myself have done this as well as comment in the General Forum where they posted it.


    Bioware have completely ignored us.

    The first ever SWTOR eSports event. Nothing.

    Clearly, they really don't give a **** about APAC.


    Pretty pathetic Bioware... Pretty pathetic...


    ALSO - If you want to join in the comp, please let me know by TOMORROW, so I can make the brackets and schedule everything before next week! We desperately want more teams to get involved!!! Also, if you think Midian will smash it - not so. Midian won't be participating due to a lack of numbers. So it's anyones game now!



    Can't believe they didn't add this in the community round up. Looks like they really don't care about APAC going by the way they have been ignoring us lately.

  4. 1. Will the engine be fixed so that it can handle large scale PVP?


    2. Will day/night and weather cycles be introduced?


    3. Will there ever be chat bubbles?


    4. Are you going to bring back wPVP with pvp dailes?


    5. Will solo Q ranked be introduced?


    6. Do you ever plan to bring out arena for pvp?


    7. Are cross server warzones being thought about?


    8. Will you bring out an achievement system of some sort and armory like wow has?


    9. Have you decided what will happen to the APAC servers?


    10. Are you looking at fixing the amount of CC and how the resolve system works for pvp?

  5. That's funny, didn't you just say:




    If you're allowed to do something other than play the game why can't anyone else?



    I know eh, we play the game and post on the forums as well but it seems like all he does is troll on the forums because he is butt mad that EA took his money.


    It's really sad tbh.

  6. I agree with pretty much everything you said in the OP.


    Sure I'm enjoying myself in the game but yeah, the world really does feel rather dead. What I miss:


    - Weather


    - Ambient sound


    - Background music


    - Wildlife


    - Day/night cycle


    - NPCs and mobs that move, all they do is stand around until killed, then they respawn in the exact same location.


    - Freedom of choice. Everything is so, soooo linear.


    - Map design. Linearity is a problem here as well, and I feel that a lot of planets are essentially "the same" but with various kinds of "debris" and different color filters slapped on. This leads me to the next point...


    - Playable races. They're basically all "humans" with very minor modifications and different skin colors. I mean, what appears to be humans with a piece of cloth covering their eyes is a different race. I'm not arguing that they're not a unique (oh well) race, I just think it's a shame that they didn't use the wide variety of species available in the lore to create diverse playable races cause that would also lead to the world feeling more alive, more vibrant and diverse.



    Pretty much this.

  7. Like I said, I wouldn't be here if the people posting in this thread would simply be honest and explain it's only about the pvp server, and not the rp and pve servers.


    I will post where I like, and have the opinions I want to have - this is a forum, which means we are allowed to discuss things here.



    Have you compared the AP RP and PVE servers to the NA and EU recently? You call standard servers for a FTP fine? LOL

  8. You're not the consensus, and neither is any of the pvp server people. The consensus lies on the pve and rp servers, where the majority reside, and who are doing really well since f2p...thanks all the same.


    That said, I hope they give the rest of the pvp server people a transfer to server of their choice. Don't want to see the pvp server people merged into our server types however, the play styles are incompatible.



    Since your server is doing so well can you kindly remove yourself from this thread? Thanks.

  9. Fixed



    Bahahahaha you typed all that out just for me? I get under your skin that bad over a video game?


    Well I guess I know what your priorities in life are....video games. So sad.


    There's a class section you know, you should get some advice from the Mara's there on how to beat them 1v1.

  10. Ok since you act like a kindergartener I will repeat myself like I'm talking to the child that I probably am talking to: THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 10m/15m leap is MINISCULE.


    Now go away little mad troll with a chip on your shoulder. Go back to your friends that think Ravage can be interrupted.



    Why so mad? Can't beat a Mara 1v1?

  11. Lol at the people calling this a QQ thread. All of you are just proving that you can't read.


    Most Marauders in these forums are so scared to death about getting nerfed they can't even hold an intelligent conversation about their abilities.



    LMAO how can anyone take what you say serious after this -



    Up to 2 leaps available which are effectively two ranged interrupts. Also, those interrupts are true interrupts. The person being lept to is stunned the instant the marauder hits his ability...before his feet even leave the ground to leap to you.



    2nd leap is specced into and is only 15m. Point taken.



    It's 10m oh I see you edited that after getting schooled by MusicRider lol. Also you make it sound as if all 3 specs have a second leap, next time get a clue before you make a thread like this if you expect people not to laugh at your QQing. This guy has some nerve telling people they don't know their own class abilities, ROFL at least I had a good laugh at your QQ thread. THANKS!

  12. Amazing, all the WOW ******* who cried for arena leave and it never gets mentioned on the forums. Now it's gone f2p arean cries are back. They're obviously back with their tearsand bored of humping pandas.



    What a mature and very intelligent reply, your parents must be proud.

  13. want arenas... go play WOW.. they have it.... you can get all the damn arenas you want...


    I think them fixing Illum is way more important then arenas.


    adding more warzones is more important then arenas. They should have 10 warzones by now... Illum should be fixed as well by now.... but they have done nothing for those.


    SImple fix for Illum..


    Plop a base dead center... side that controls it... gets a realm buff...


    simple and would be fun blowing up a base. SWG base blowing preCU and pre publish 13.



    But we are playing SWTOR and like playing it, why is it so bad that we want arenas here as well?

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