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Everything posted by Stratoforce

  1. You clearly don't understand the gripe of medals. Playing the objective, versus playing the medal game is a huge difference. There should be incentive to win, and there really isn't as a pug. At least as a premade, not only can you know you'll win, you can farm medals and get tons of valor. You're right, you don't NEED to be on the objective to play the objective, as long as you are actually killing key targets. Like healers. And I mean actually killing them, and not just keeping them busy.
  2. Made a video about this. http://youtu.be/AUktZDYrH_s Let's get them to change, or add more medals.
  3. You do the weekly. It is almost impossible for republic on my server, and the empire sits around for a good 4-5 hours trying to complete it. This isn't even the weekly.
  4. I was thinking about Ainew's post of having a different medal system, and objective medals and I think it is a worth while idea to think about. We can have our traditional medal system, possibly lower the valor gained off them. Then have the objective medals, which is where the real valor would be. This would urge people into actually playing the objectives.
  5. If they rewarded for playing the objectives, PvP in general for casual and hardcore players would be miles ahead. Well this, along with a few other changes.
  6. @Menno: I agree with a lot of the huttball stuff. There should be incentive to actually score and pass the ball. Right now, most teams/premades only score 3-4 times and then camp on the ball. Passing it around between their teammates and farming medals. @Jooj: Agreed. But if we as the community start putting effort into making sure we are heard in regards of testing things well, we can change things before the game gets along. @Ainew: That's an interesting idea. Some people like to win, and get rewarded for it. Not every class can get 8-12 medals easily while playing objective. I can actually only think of a few specific classes/specs that can. Unless you are a premade, intentionally letting enemies capture bases and extending the game time which is almost like exploiting anyway.
  7. I agree. Alot of little tweaks could be done in the process, but tracer missiles itself ignores defensive shields and such. Along with all other yellow damage abilities. If they fixed all those kings of bugs, and THEN tested classes to see if it is still fronting a lot of damage, then they can tweak the damage numbers. Believe me, I really think some class talent trees and abilities just need a overhaul, or things moved up higher. I feel incredibly dirty on my sage playing the hybrid spec and getting 11 medals simply cause of how much utility is so low in the trees. Just lots of things that could be addressed and -actually tested- before being put into the live game. But I am rambling now and apologize!
  8. I'm not playing the scoundrel, I am commentating. I don't want to get into a class discussion thing, despite if X class is over powered or not, there is no excuse for say, dirty kick rooting you in place to work as opposed to the operative counter part. Or Seer's top tier healing ability having an initial heal off it, and the sorcerer version not.
  9. Some bugs, or things that generally just aren't fun for the community off the top of my head. Random loot bags Expertise - Should or shouldn't it exist? Medals - there should be more Long animations Characters getting stuck, and /stuck not working. Wall jumping to exploit Doors - Sometimes last the entire respawn time, other times last half of it. Speed hack GCD abuse hack Commendations - We want to hold more Bags - non-unique would be nice, so newer players PvPing while leveling can collect lots of bags and not go into 50 as free kills. This is assuming bag system stays the same, and expertise stays in. Biochem - Still the default profession of choice for PvPers. Make others more appealing, such as expertise mods, craftable BoP expertise gear (again, assuming expertise stays in.) and such. If anyone has any other things to add, feel free to! I'd love to get some real discussion about at least a few of these things.
  10. Hello everyone. MD bringing you another video in hopes of moving the community past the whine of class balance and Ilum. This video is about playing the objectives, or the lack of need to, as well as attempting to bring discussion on real things that need to be fixed with SWTOR PvP. http://youtu.be/AUktZDYrH_s I'd love to start a discussion on things that we, the community feel need fixing besides Ilum and class balance, both here and on youtube. The more we expose laggy animations, terrible loot, wall climbing bugs, being stuck glitches, doors and such the easier it is for bioware to get to it. Also it would be nice to throw around some ideas on how to improve the medal system.
  11. If you were, then you'd know the currently accepted truth is Empire is favorite mechanics wise. herpp
  12. You are making a claim that it doesn't. There for, you can prove that it doesn't. It is a known fact that empire has VASTLY more things in their favor mechanics wise.
  13. K. I will try to get my friend to fraps it sometime, though I do most of the videos, and post videos, and such for the community here. You've yet to prove me wrong, by the way.
  14. So essentially, you haven't read any of my posts in this thread. Gotcha.
  15. So essentially, you are ignoring. Thanks for proving me right.
  16. I already posted valid information on Tracer missiles, its real damage, and how spammy it really is. Please keep ignoring it. And it only compiles when you involve rail shot and unload as well, which do tons of damage too.
  17. You can get off way more than 5 Tracer missles. I get off 6 on my level 21 BH before he is maxed heat, assuming I am being lazy and that is all I am doing. 25-9=16. http://www.torhead.com/ability/74A88UM/tracer-missile http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300ZMIkboMb.1 Assuming you get any Terminal Velocity procs, you can easily get off 8 before filling up a heat bar. Hell, even 9.
  18. I play both sides. My trooper has MORE gear than the BH in question, and Grav rounds doesn't hit as hard. My trooper actually has 9% more extra damage on critical. Like most Troopers now, I've went assault specialist for PvP. I like to experience things myself before making any sort of claim. I enjoy playing both Republic and Empire too, so.
  19. Level 50 Mercenary in almost full battlemaster hits my friends warrior, who is full battlemaster, IN defensive stance for 1500-1800 damage with tracer missles. Grav rounds is lucky to break 1200 damage.
  20. Tracer does do more damage than grav rounds. Not 29084209840928490284024x more like they said, but it is really noticable.
  21. Oh baby. Also, BH/Trooper healers are squishy as well. At least you have options to run away, they don't. Both Smuggler/IA and Trooper/BH are easy to kill. Sage/Sorcerer on the other hand while still very killable, take way more effort to do so. There is no reason why you shouldn't be doing damage as a IA/Smuggler or BH/Trooper while healing. Dropping AoEs on nodes/doors or dotting people that are trying to get them is also -part of playing the game-.
  22. I love killing healers that are trying to DPS. Absolutely love it. Especially operatives. My DPS sage not only outheals your operative, but out damages him as well. Again, as a DPS spec.
  23. Sages/Sorcerers have the best healing output, biggest healing toolbox, and the best regen. Smuggler/Operative have second best regen and mediocre heals. Trooper/BH has the worse regen, and mediocre heals. Both Smuggler/OP/Trooper/BH have limited toolboxes when compared to Sage/sorcerer.
  24. I kill healers through guard all the time. You -will- have to come after me as a sage/sorcerer or your healer is dead. Especially if the scoundrel I play with decides to come over to the door with me. Your team -will- have to split up. We do it all the time against the premade Empire on our server. The only time it hasn't ever worked is when they had to bring 5-6 mercenaries in. Any juggernaut/guardian + Ranged DPS is silly. DPS > Healing+ Tanks in this game when it comes to PvP.
  25. The skillcap isn't high. None of the classes skillcaps are high in this game. Besides, I'm not advocating for it to get nerfed at all. Juggernaut is my 'second main'. I am fine with anything that helps me control 2+ people at a time while my mercenary buddy tracer missles you to death, and I get 6k+ smash crits.
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