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Posts posted by artilleryshell

  1. Explain why your here and why you exist?


    because frankly, im really irritated that they took a game that had so much promise and dropped numerous disasters on it.


    however you're right, i shouldent be in the thread. to OP: you have to get an account, at the very least digital game. have to put 60 dollars in the kitty per playing account to startup.

  2. Your post would be quite well done, if it were true, but it's not.


    "you complain about a problem and they fix it."


    This is where it is not true. We complained about many problems, which they have not fixed, and have only created new problems with disastrous patches.


    They turned a good game into a terrible one in 30 days.


    That's why we say they aren't listening.


    If they have new systems to listen now, well, that's great, but for me, its too little, too late.

  3. Awww.. somebody's having a bad day.. Are you still crying over the monumental success this game is enjoying??


    I hear there is a support group forming for people like you who can't fathom the fact that your opinion is just that.


    If "monumental success" means servers go from heavy to light in a space of one month, then you are a creative person who uses creative language.


    What i'm upset about is that i liked this game when i started playing it, and then... well.. the disaster patches started.

  4. Pros: Story is best in genre, but not up to bioware standards.


    Cons: Bugs, bugs, bugs, bugs, bugs, Bioware apparently doesnt know what the acronym "pvp" means, evidenced by disaster patch after disaster patch. Weak pve endgame, LFG system that was outdated in 2005, no mods, horrible UI, once the class story's over, the bordem begins.

  5. Seeing as every time bioware launches a patch,t he game breaks in some unexpected and catastrophic way with lasting consequences, after which we see another huge population drop....


    I'm not excited. However, i was in the most recent massive population drop, so i don't really care either.

  6. This is entirley unfair to new people playing the game and will stifle if not halt sales.


    A much more resonable solution is simply have the republic story be better written than it is currently. Right now, empire is just a better done faction, the discrepancies in animations always favor the empire, and the illum debacle has guaranteed easy wins in warzones if you're imperial for the next year.


    The solution to the population imbalance? Make the republic not suck.

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