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Posts posted by Tressith

  1. I'm glad someone else said it so I didn't have to.


    The weird screen-covering bullseye mechanic is particularly egregious, because its range is actually *farther* than the normal aggro radius of an enemy group. It actively punishes you for using a core class mechanic. It's so bad I don't even want to dock on Dantooine.


    I'm not playing SWTOR because I like wading through swarms of trash enemies for thirty minutes at a time. (Or, in the case of KOTFE/KOTET, an hour or more a chapter, jesus christ.) If someone else is, great, they can do that on their own time and make that choice for themselves. That's why I rolled a damn stealth character, to have that choice for myself. Don't offer stealth if you don't want people to use stealth, especially if you're going to balance the entire class around the assumption we can use stealth. Of course that's going to piss people off. It's practically false advertising.

  2. This still isn't fixed... Three weeks in a row of not getting ANY of the conquest rewards and having to submit multiple tickets (AKA be annoying) just to get any attention to get it fixed.... See how long it takes this week to get a reply and hopefully fixed.


    How long until they actually attempt to address this and not give it lip service while ignoring it?


    This is weird. It seems like the bug was fixed for my impside guild -- we've been getting our guild conquest rewards even on patch weeks now. But maybe it has to be applied to individual guilds?


    I don't know why customer service doesn't just grant the encryptions instead of gaslight players by saying they didn't earn the rewards. I don't understand why Bioware would even employ people who just... Don't do their jobs.


    Hope this gets fixed for you.

  3. Good thing of you to do. Doesn't surprise me. Pretty sure the pruning was actually an effort to coerce older players to buy masters datacrons for class stories -- squeeze some money out of the segment of the player base that doesn't bother with the expansions. And, uh, it worked. Of the people I know who didn't quit after 7.0, most of them have been just buying masters datacrons when they new roll characters because so few classes work in class stories, under level 50. I don't know why a sincerely new player would stick with the game through that.


    It's, I think, the thing I find least forgivable about 7.0 overall. They made the game worse, created a problem that didn't exist before, just to sell us a solution. Levelling used to be a really good experience, and now it's pure misery.

  4. Okay little addendum my new toon on Hutta standing next to the NPC called "Morsel" watched rested XP it tick up slowly. If I find any other spots will try again to update.


    As stated earlier in the thread, the issue is that you don't generate rested experience while logged out. You've always been able earn rested experience just idling online inside a cantina. That part isn't bugged.

  5. The times you posted indicate that you are starting the maintenance before the conquest week ends and finishing it after the new week begins:


    Maintenance Times

    05:00 - 10:00 CT

    10:00 - 1500 UTC

    11:00 - 16:00 BST


    Conquest End & Start Times

    06:00 - 07:00 CT

    11:00 - 12:00 UTC

    12:00 - 13:00 BST


    In the past doing maintenance across these times meant that lots of players were not granted the weekly guild rewards and members of guilds who would of won first place missed out on the titles and achievements. Can you confirm that scores will be recorded correctly so the problems will be avoided this time?


    Oh boy yeah! Can this be shifted back after the conquest end? My guild already worked for this week's conquests. We didn't have enough warning to *not* play this week. As it stands, we'll be missing out on this week's (that we've already worked for) and next week's!

  6. Wow, you really nailed the worst parts of both on the head. To be honest, I feel like no one would mind Kaliyo and Corso as much as we do if they weren't our first companions. Having to wait all the way until Alderaan for Vector is really painful, and Bowdaar being the smuggler's second companion is rough because he doesn't speak basic, which makes it hard to bond.


    I've got to say I hate Corso more personally. He sort of personifies everything that's wrong with a fem!smuggler playthrough on top of being fem!smug's only love interest. He's patronising and weirdly possessive and condescending, and he gets so pissy when you're interested in other people. Or when you're doing anything remotely smuggly. His commentary reminds me constantly that fem smugs have 4 fewer romance options in the base game than male smugs. (And of the remaining choices, one of them is... A man whose name starts with an S and ends with a K, essentially a joke option.) Bioware! Let women have sex and stop being so damn judgy about it! PLEASE!


    He makes me feel like the smuggler story writers are directly commenting on my decision to play a romantically available female smug. It's slimy!


    Kaliyo sucks, but "at least" Keeper's twisting your arm about keeping her around. I don't know why my smugs haven't ditched Corso yet. We're free agents, baby. No one can tell us what to do. And he's not even good or helpful with actual smuggling ****. He hates doing crimes for money! Besides, the agent story doesn't suffer based on the gender you pick, so she gets to stand alone as your really ****** coworker that your boss has a mildly disturbing obsession with. I mean, it's Imperial Intelligence. **** gets weird there.


    Now, who's the worse person? Kaliyo, definitely. She tries to sell you into slavery, even if you've romanced her. Can't top that. Garden variety sexism doesn't compare.

  7. Update to this: the social button on the guild leader's tab doesn't flash anymore, but we still don't get guild conquest rewards on patch weeks. We're holding up fine so far though - the generosity of the community and compensation from the CSR team has put everyone back in high spirits. :)
  8. Because it does. SWTOR is a game. A toy. Toys are meant to be fun to play. Joyless grind introduced in 7.0 is not fun. If I wanted to spend my time doing something that's not fun I would've taken another part-time job.


    I think you've said this a couple times now and I still think it's a really good way to put it. I get my tests and homework from school, not my games.

  9. I've started bluescreening in loading screens.


    I have a 11th Gen Intel® Core i9-11900K @ 3.50GHz 3.50 GHz processor, and an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti GPU, if that's relevant.

  10. I agree. I don't like any of the new timed resets, but the bonus series one feels extra egregious because it's not like they're particularly tied into the galactic season or conquest system. One being eligible for points every couple weeks doesn't justify all of them being on a one day reset timer.
  11. To me, no game should be developed to where the reward from content is in and of itself not powerful enough to run the content. Think about how absolutely regressive that system is. I don't understand how something like that comes into the game without it being intentional.


    This whole post is well constructed, but this in particular is really well put and has a unique clarity. For some reason, Bioware doesn't think wanting to do certain content is enough reason to allow us to do said content. It's like we have to prove we're *really* committed to the game first, before we'll be allowed to do the parts we find fun. I've had less problematic exes.

  12. It's really quite frustrating: I got myself a subscription almost entirely on the back of the XP bonus. I got it to coincide with me taking some time off of work so I could grind some levels.


    And now it's been weeks that this mechanic hasn't worked. I am shocked by the size of the known issue thread. I won't be purchasing any more subscription time while the game it in such a woeful state.


    There's no discussion of compensation. We can't even suspend our subscriptions temporarily while we're not getting the bonus.


    Really good points made by AdmAckbar and outside_factor here.

  13. You're all being really generous with your time and thoughts - I really appreciate that. As far as donations go, someone who seems to want to be anonymous gave us the encryptions we lost, which I'm really grateful for. It makes a big difference for us. Though, err, it seems like some other people just want to help regardless - my character name is Roxmae. We don't have a single part of the guild ship unlocked yet, haha.


    As far as the ideas posted: I guess we could just join a guild that doesn't suffer the bug and transfer them back, but... Doesn't that effectively kill our guild as our little clubhouse hangout for just us? Like, we wouldn't be getting any guild xp anymore, and we're not maxed out on that. We're level 27. It's basically dissolving our own guild because Bioware's both unwilling and incapable of fixing bugs in the game they've sold us. And while the generosity the community demonstrates when it comes together is amazing (seriously, amazing) I don't think it's a perfect solution for this kind of problem. I mean, you can see in our bug report thread there were 4-5 other small time guilds impacted, and only one of those got close to getting compensated by CSR. And those were just the people who posted. Besides, it's not like *we* can or should just keep asking for encryptions every patch week. That would be weird. We can't just bankroll small guilds on the community dime, I don't think. It's Bioware's job!


    My temporary solution, I think, is that we'll just... Take a break on the weeks we know a patch is coming. We don't always have forewarning on that, no matter a week's worth of forewarning, but that's a lot better than anything else we've come up with.


    It feels like we don't matter because we aren't one of those guilds that has hundreds of members. And it also feels like there's something really profoundly wrong with both Bioware and the game that we're forced to take this problem to the public forum and brainstorm our own solutions. I've been playing MMOs a long time. (Hell, I used to write for one. But that's a story for a different day.) Giving players items they earned but didn't get is literally just a baseline expectation. It's not a hard or time intensive thing to do. It's almost the equivalent of running a lost and found in a real life restaurant or mall. The fact that Bioware can't even manage that scares me for the future of the game and the people playing it.


    Does anyone know if there's some commonality to bugs that actually get taken up by the team and fixed and bugs that get ignored and suppressed? Is there some phrasing that makes them pay attention? Or is there like, a post threshold where they'll actually commit? I thought it was just a matter of being subscribed, but, well. Everyone in my guild is.

  14. Some background: After 7.0 dropped, my Imperial guild on Star Forge, the Imperial Reclamation Service, started having problems with guild conquest. We would routinely meet our small yield target - 500k - but upon the weekly reset, no characters that reached their personal conquest goal would get their guild conquest rewards. It seems to happen every time they patch update SWTOR, which has been a lot lately. We're not a big guild, five players total, just some out of game friends that play casually. With the pandemic, swtor's become our go-to game for spending time together. It's hard for us to find a game that all of us can play together.


    We're not rich or, honestly, super good at the game. We're not geniuses with the crafting system. The only hope we have of expanding our guild ship is with the encryptions we get from guild conquest.


    Here's the thread where I've documented everything to the best of my ability, with screenshots and stuff: https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=1004546 As you can see, we've tried literally everything to get this bug fixed or get the encryptions we've earned, to no avail. A CSR actually told us outright Bioware's policy is that no one will be compensated and this bug won't be fixed. Nothing we say or do gets through to Bioware. Even with the community account posting, it's not on the known issues list, and I don't honestly believe they're going to do anything about it. There's much worse bugs they're ignoring, after all.


    What I'm asking: We're down 30ish engineering encryptions. I don't have an exact count because the leaderboard only keeps track of the top 10 point earners, and sometimes we have more characters who've completed their personal conquest than that. I don't want to quit, and I don't want my friends to quit, but everyone's so frustrated with the current situation I'm afraid it's going to happen anyway. If you could help bring awareness to this bug, or if you have any ideas, or if you're feeling generally charitable, I'd really, really appreciate the help.

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