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Posts posted by wunahokalugi

  1. First punish afkers, then punish quiters. If I'm gonna quit because I see couple of afkers, I shouldn't be punished.


    People who leave match, create room for replacement. People who AFK, take space and ruin the match for their side.


    ^ This.


    Less of an announcement and more of seeing what you want IMHO. I've been trolled. :(

  2. There is nothing Bioware can do about it.


    If they build a premade versus premade system and the queues pop instantly as they do now. Hell yeah, no more level 11's in the second four spots helping fight the two 50 premades on the other team. Fantastic, not realistic but sounds great.


    If they build a premade versus premade, and the queue times go from instant to more than 10-minutes (pretty high amount of waiting time for a 5 to 15 minute game); those same premades are going to agree not to group, and will still end up in the same match by using their brains and the queue button with voice chat.




    I think you're fooling yourselves that this CAN be solved. I personally don't think that it SHOULD. Good luck.


    Example question:


    Do these "for fun" PUG-only games get access to gear?

  3. rebind a/d to strafe

    i don't need keyboard turning, as I own a mouse


    `,1-8 I can hit with an index finger

    alt + `,1-8 is the same thing just dropping the thumb on the alt key

    other non-essential keybinds for convenient letters:





    never quite got the hang of using shift (Spock can probably do this)

  4. valor rank 58 atm


    still missing:

    both implants






    plenty of centurion tokens; i've never favored RNG for gearup


    i remember warhammer pve specifically where the raw number of classes almost ensured that a boss drop would be something noone wanted

  5. Ilum has nothing to do with it's players failing at some moral agenda and everything to do with Ilum not being designed to make us WANT to fight over the objectives. There is 100% absolutely no reason to fight over the objectives. It is 100% Bioware's fault on this one.


    Not to mention healers at the moment get absolutely nothing from Ilum PVP (the actual PVPing part on Ilum).


    If you enjoy PvP; how much excuse to fight do you need?

  6. Don't succumb to the mindless.


    This is happening on Bondar Crystal as well, and not just the overpopulated Empire trying to get theirs in from the one Republic guy that showed up.


    There will be whole groups of both Republic and Empire standing on opposite sides waiting to right-click. But don't you dare bring PVP to the PVP zone on a PVP server, or you get a conversation that looks like this:



  7. Definition - member of a pre-made group: A loser who doesn't have a real live or responsibilities that sits in team chat and awkwardly socializes with people they won't ever meet in real life or have any kind of meaningful relationship with....channeling all their pent up ****** frustration into a video game.


    I chuckled. Bitter much?


    Regardless of what Bioware does in this regard, voice chat premades are going to occur. If they separate the queues for grouped individuals and the queue times become unreasonable, guess what....




    Hey look, this game has 7 guildies in it...


    Instead of trying to take the multiplayer out of the MMO, why not work on those social skills, you're so sure we lack?

  8. let repeated gm interaction work it out


    i'm actually impressed that we've managed to lose at least one chronic botting warzone afk'r in the short time the game has been out


    other games i've played have faired more poorly in this regard


    i don't know what tests the gm's use to tell if the player is at their keys, and personally hope for a straight vote to kick option

  9. Really comes down to finger space for a lot of us.


    To play my shadow correctly I've bound the following:



    alt + 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9


    mouse3, mouse4, mouse5, mouse6


    one move only works out of stealth could be combined with another that only works under 30%; just an example


    instead of testing my ability to use the right move at the right time in pvp; it's a test of how big my left hand is, and do I remember which key i put the ability i'd like to fire on


    i can build whatever macros i want with my g15; so i don't personally care; but for the poor or needy, ya know...

  10. as an empire player I wish I went republic instead but freinds all wanted to go empire.


    think of it from our pov. we have to compete with eachother to hunt and kill republic. at least if I was on republic there.will plenty of targets to choose from. I prefer playing the underdog and having to use guerilla tactics to get kills rather than just zerging.


    Your friends are the problem indeed. Over here on the republic side, I chuckle thinking about the zerg whining for kill trades to complete a daily.

  11. We had one really chronic AFK'r and everyone on our server was doing the following



    Inappropriate Player Behavior

    Ladygagab is AFK'ing warfronts



    Yes I'm freaking sure, please submit


    I haven't seen this character in days. Too early to hope...(was a 47 gunslinger last siting, was in level 10 gear until 39 or so, was in every other Republic warfront 24x7)

  12. Sith is overpopulated, that's why there are more number of good players.

    I rolled Jedi knowing this, to me 2 rules apply:


    - all wz's are 4v8 when I have a premade and the premade HAS to be double healer, tank + dps.

    - If our off group are lowb's and opponents a double 50, just pvp and have fun.




    Our losses consist alot of 4v8. Our crew is an example of the 50's that can't wait till the lowbies have their own bracket.

  13. I'm with a tight-nit PvP guild that has been looking for a game where we aren't treated as a sideline freakshow (so far not bad Bioware, and the early inclusion of PVP fixes is a first).


    I'm not sure I can count 10 losses this week with constant queues. It does happen as we're not the correct Meta group of Sage Sage Sage Trooper to AE bomb objectives, and we're far more likely to face a double 50 premade against us rather than in our favor.


    It might just be your server though because honestly my win ratio isn't that bad even pugging. I'll stop short of wondering if it's a player issue.

  14. Actually, the fastest way to valor grind is to do Illum while queuing for warzones. For many empire players, queues are several minutes, and the buffs you get from Illum also boost the valor you get from warzone completions.


    With the 5x buff we're getting an additional 200 valor a game. Premade queues can take a couple of minutes on Republic. Solo queues are instant. We usually wait until the buff is refreshed to queue just in case.


    Nothing about the incoming patch notes changes Warfront farming with Ilum buffs. As republic we have no issues getting the buff and flipping the objective.


    What is sad is the number of empire and republic alike pleading us not to kill the empire present "because you ****** are ruining our quest".

  15. Looking forward to this patch.


    We're roughly 72:10 (last time I talked to an IMP about how many they had in /who Ilum on Bondar Crystal).


    This should be the zerg/anti-zerg combat I remember from DAOC with gank groups and herds of lesser organized, in a dead-lock for objectives versus kill ratio.


    Spawn more overlords!


    As far as the Valor grind is concerned, Ilum is a long way from competing with chain queueing warfronts for the Valor-rank grind. The easiest way to level/credits/valor rank is to AFK in warfronts. I haven't seen Ladygagab in a couple of days but I'm cynical in regards to the hope someone actually got banned for AFK'ing in warfronts.

  16. i use the Leave Warfront feature regularly to avoid chronic afk-bot farmers and not contribute to these leechers' games


    i'm against penalizing early leavers until at least this issue is addressed

  17. I was all ready to agree with the OP, but if the need is truly there, is there not an unofficial source already (who needs official anyways)?




    went looking, found this:




    and then found:



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