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Everything posted by Bastermation

  1. anyone else getting "the patcher service is temporarily unavailable" msg when they try to log?
  2. instead of naming other MMOs mindlessly, why not suggest things they could add?....if you cant then ****. improve ganking and world pvp by having towns closer to eachother raidable player towns with bosses in em that give you stuff add spaceship to pve..raids and instances and such def improve ilum's open world pvp zone system by making killing players part of the quest some ideas there
  3. no like she wont shut up lol. its keeps showing that some1 needs to talk on the ship, then when i go on the ship..nothing.
  4. ok so i did the whole hook up with ur companion thing and now i think she wants a honeymoon...is there any quest or somn in game that can do that or what?
  5. iv entered game code, but in the ACCOUNT SUMMARY screen, it does not give me a check mark. is this normal?
  6. what happens when you go Dark or Light in quests....does it change anything about the char?
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