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Posts posted by Jhericho

  1. Hey everyone,


    I think the core of some of your frustrations is that you feel like Game Update 2.1 is “eating up a slot” for our regular content cadence, and because of that, you won’t actually be receiving any new content in this “cycle.”



    NO NO NO NO NO! :mad:


    Our concern is that subscribers are being nickle and dimed and not receiving full access to the game.

  2. To be honest, I'm in limbo. I was under the impression that my value as a subscriber would be access to new features as they come out.


    Things like character customization post-roll have been around for years in MMO's and most others allow you to pay for them with in-game currency. The fact that I will be "paying for a discount" disheartens me. I suppose you could say I'm holding out hope that something will get announced that will keep me as a sub, when I should just unsub and wait for them to lure me back in. So in all honesty, I haven't decided which walk I want to walk yet. My sub-date is the 15th. I'll have a decision to make prior to that.


    If they don't address this before it launches I think they are sending a pretty clear message; the cartel market is where they've decided to place the bulk of their emphasis and they aren't interested in listening to their subscribing player base.

  3. I just flat out don't understand how anyone in their right mind can support this. If you are a paying subscriber how can you possibly feel that the Cathar, armor dyes and/or customizations should be "extra". These aren't "extra" features folks. Where are the pitchforks and torches?


    I don't, and I'll be voting with my wallet if this goes live. I encourage everyone else to do the same.

  4. State of the game TL;DR: More cartel market "content" :mad:


    If subscribers don't get to use something as basic as a barber for in game credits I don't see my self subscribing much longer, especially since there are so many other good games out. At this point there is almost no reason to pay a monthly fee for this game since everything revolves around the CM.

  5. Without the ability to move and resize buffs and debuffs, tracking ability procs such as Raze is a pain. The UI changes added in the 1.2 (jesus patch) were a fantastic start but more customization is still needed. Along with this, VISUAL ques for ability procs such PPA and raze should be added . I'm aware that there is a cumbersome work around for this that healers use, but this should not be necessary .
  6. I've just respeced from shield to pyro at lvl 45 and I wish I had done it sooner. Its a lot of fun in PVE (a bit too squishy in PVP for full pyro build for my taste) and I've found I can still tank heroics if I switch back to ion cylinder.
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