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Posts posted by VarekRayth

  1. I was actually intending to answer this part of your question, and I forgot…


    A very non-exhaustive list of tanks that I consider to be truly top-tier, and remember that I don't review everyone's footage:


    • Smugglin
    • Buff-assassins


    Tanks I've been very very impressed with:


    • Colonelpumpy (his tank had like a zillion names, but he tanked with DnT and Zorz)
    • Eyvanguard (disclaimer: my RL brother)
    • Thiol


    I would assume that several of the people on this thread also are very worthy of a mention here, but I can only report on what I've seen. (e.g. I've never seen Aelinis tank, but given how he describes things, I have no doubt that he is formidable) I'm also not including myself in any sort of ranking, because ego.


    In any case, Smugglin is involved in most of the Zorz boss guides (which are on Dulfy), so that's a pretty good place to see him work. The amazing thing is that his tanks aren't even his best toons… Buff-assassins was the Jugg tank for Zorz in the NiM DP tier, and so you can see him in all of their world first kills. Colonelpumpy tanked for DnT for quite a while post-3.0, and then Zorz after that. Eyvanguard tanked for Paramount and recorded a few of his kills (his recordings predate a recent renaissance in his abilities, so I don't recommend them), and now tanks for Aisthesis and DPSes in Hates You.


    If you want to see my own take on things, I have a bunch of videos up on YouTube. I used to stream on Twitch, but I stopped both because it strained my graphics card a bit (forcing me to drop my settings from max) and because I really didn't see the point given how late we are in the tier. I'm not going to claim that I'm the perfect exemplar to follow, and frankly I can see tons of mistakes in my own videos when I look back on them, but maybe it'll give you a few ideas. I recommend the pre-nerf NiM videos, where applicable, since they involved a lot more thought and planning than the current tier of HMs do, with respect to tanking.


    milas is bad confirmed.

  2. didnt you guys get farmed last season by PM? then in preseason got a huge head because pm was goofing around with dumb comps while u guys played fotm? just curious just seems u all got the big head during preseason.


    i wasn't in gt when they got rekt by PM. Pm played real comps against GT, unless literally every toon in that guild was an alt. their closest game against us was with arsenal-carnage so idk what that means comp wise.


    +1 for the lolololololrating matters in this game tho. just funny how people don't queue. fours are fun when people actually come.

  3. /wave


    Grouped top 3 here. Though I probably won't stay that way because nobody will play against us. :(


    Hm. No one to play four's against. Wonder what that's like. Oh wait, no one wanted to play GT a month ago either :p


    People don't like losing m9.

  4. We have a different opinion on what's good. 5 vg's and 3 healers keeping them up isn't exactly good pvp...it's just lolerskating the 3.0 meta. 3.1.1....break out your tissues VG/PTs. You weren't that good...


    Looking forward to seeing you in ran-


    oh. wait.


    can confirm grizz is a baller vg and most are **** like myself.

  5. I'd like to post seriously for once. Sorry to derail.


    I agree with the last part of your post. Looking back, from my perspective Crinntar and I weren't coordinating CCs as well as we should have, or performed very well when we tried to hard-switch (I actually wish Crinn would've fraps'd that, because looking back our performance was laughable and Sindol told us as much in Mumble that we weren't coordinating very well). That being said I want to q again because I do want to improve and get the hang of ranked (I've never really done it before) and if anyone else from the guild wants to.... then we'll do it.


    But we won't q probably as often as the other teams, mainly because at the moment we're trying to get our guild in order. I really don't want to explain, but if you -really- wish to hear a four year history of disappearing GMs, people getting hit mysteriously by moving lamposts, and the second coming of RPesus... PM me. :rak_03:


    And uh.... given the recent posts I had to read... Can't we all be friends guys? Thanks. Jabba approves.


    I'm just gonna go ahead and say thank you for being worth talking to Grizz. If at any point you want to talk ranked, AP in general, or literally anything hit me up either way.


    Sindol I literally can't help you if you want to blame your loss on 1.4k dot ticks. I'm sorry you think guard isn't enough to cover that.

  6. I'm gonna attempt to be nice here. May be slamming my head in a wall but i dont have anything else to do while i wait for WoW resets. Responses in red.


    @ both of you...




    No one is down playing anything you've accomplished. My gawd. Maybe you just need to get over yourselves a little bit?


    Eat some humble pie. What I said was 100% truth. Postmortem didn't field a single team that consisted of the players that were going at it hardcore in season three did they? I don't think so, because they went to Pot5 because when Casual and the likes returned to Pot5 among other serious teams that's where the better players went off to get their fill.


    No but they did. They ran, on a couple of occasions, multiple teams of highly skilled players. I don't know exactly what their comp was but a *wide* variety of these teams were built of solid players forwards and backwards for the most part.


    In short, saying you're the best on TEH isn't saying much. If you think that is me trying to put you down, you're wrong. It's just the simple fact of the matter. The ranked scene on TEH isn't that good, it's hardly competitive in terms of teams that are fielded on Pot5, Bastion, and Harb. That's all I'm getting at.


    Saying you're the best in TOR isn't saying much. This game is tiny, the pvp scene even smaller and the ranked scene ANYWHERE takes a hit from the game as a whole being absolutely tiny. I think a major problem you have here is that you think that we all think we're gods. For at least two of our ranked team, we spend a significantly larger amount of time in WoW than TOR. In terms of playing competitive teams, we played against arguably the best in the game right now against itchy's double-sin insanity and held our own, taking rounds off them.



    Calm down mates. You're on an RP server. But if you're here just to rub peoples faces in the mud, have at it. You're good, you're running the meta game well. I can't deny you that. I wish I could field a team that "would" be competitive against you guys, but I can't. What I have is two burst Vanguards a tank of any class and a scoundrel healer. We probably won't beat your team if you're running a fotm Sin. It's just the way the cookie crumbled for us. We're not really a meta guild, so we don't level every fotm class just to be competitive. We're an RP guild, sorry.


    And this is the part of this post that annoys me the most. Blaming your loses on meta is the highest form of idiocy since if we were running that you'd be playing a pair of madness sins with a darkness tank, but we're not. At that, you're running what is arguably the number two comp in terms of meta via the twin Tactics burst craziness. Literally the only difference in our teams is one hatred sin vs one of the APtechs. Both are equally ridiculous comps, even if I still maintain that in four's Hatred sin has the potential to be much meaner than AP. Your loses aren't meta based, their play based. Much like you suggested to someone in an earlier thread on Republic losses, I would suggest looking in the mirror before blaming other things. You guys lost to us because of slower guard swaps and slower hard-switches. I don't mind talking to you guys about ranked and going through it and seeing where both of our teams could get better even but that "YOU GAIZ HAD HATRED DOE" is a bit silly.



    tl;dr stuff, words, let's all get better at ranked cause this community is tiny. dont blame classes for your loses.

  7. i dont mean to in lead on that we went in there and roflstomp'd PM. all the games we played against them were competitive except when Meb was healing but he's bad and can't kite. to say we didn't play a serious team of theirs does take a little away from what we've been able to do as a group, especially since we played most combinations of every player in that guild. so unless none of them are competitive, then at least one group must have been.


    <3 you anyway sindol, even though you need a new guard keybind for ranked.


    anyway, yeah TEH is a pretty **** server for group ranked tbh. more teams would help and other groups are on the upswing right now. word is we have a harb team or two transfering here as well but as always, the FoTM server be it PoT, Bastion or Harb will always have a bigger and better scene.

  8. I came to The Ebon Hawk from The Shadowlands, so I can compare the two for you.


    Shadowlands has a stronger and larger PvP community comapred to TEH and a better balance throughout it`s player base. They are both Imp heavy servers but there are way fewer solo queue regstars on TEH pub side. Ranked is a joke, you can get a few good games in and then it catches wind and you find everybody and their cat queuing. For team ranked, <Post Mordem> is the equivalent to <Say NO to PuGs> and every other team is just not that into it, <Post Mordem> will ask guilds on characters outside of their guild to queue group ranked to get them to queue and then go queue on <Post Mordem> to get a win. 8v8 are pretty equal to Shadowlands, 6-7 different guilds run premades and hope for a decent right side and other team to get a good match, except on TEH you will find many more ROFLSTOMP matches than Shadowlands. TEH has a very heavy Impside, I get a Pub vs Pub match every other day, 75% of people play FOTM on Imp side while on Pubs I believe people are still catching up leveling wise.


    And since I used to be an officer in your old guild and consider you a friend and one of the better operatives I have ever played with, I will tell you Shadowlands is better for PvP. TEH is practically drama free compared to Dramalands and is pretty much why I PvP here now, I just want to play and have fun. If you do transfer however, roll a Pub and I will have a home for you.




    that awkward moment when good talk's a team is 30+ - 0 against any PM team. good guild when they were here but that torch has been passed until itchy's team comes back to slap us around.


    I would love to try a dps operative in ranked.

  9. 1) I'm a bit confused why you wouldn't proc RS prior to engaging in combat for an opening rotation? It's resource free and doesn't come at the expense of anything else. Even in group ranked, what harm comes from proc'ing as you leave the gates? I'm not exactly sure what you mean't by using RS back to back? The rotation you outlined (below) doesn't use them back to back? I interpret back to back as RS > RS. Even then, I'm not sure why you would ever do this?


    2) Why wouldn't you use EB at the 3rd spot in your suggested rotation? If your talking about putting damage on, EB hits harder than RS as I discussed and as such, you want to use it in the same GCD that TD explodes within. No other combination of abilities will give you larger burst within a single GCD. I've discussed 'preloading' a target with debuffs, including from RB prior to engaging in a burst rotation. You've outlined 6 GCD's here, if you want to get the most out of your burst rotation it makes sense to apply all debuffs prior. Also, why use EB over RP? - RP does more damage and has a static CD as I've discussed......


    3) Edart use is situational as I've outlined and as such, it's frequency of use really depends - decent contributing damage for clumped players however so should be ignored entirely. I don't see people raving about Edart 'burst' though...MB and Edart cost the same amount of heat....


    Thanks for your post.


    1) Well naturally you need to proc it before using it again lol. What I was saying is that due to the ICD that proccing it before combat you can potentially run into the issue of it not proccing depending on where RS falls in how you put it on kids. You *can* do this, just something to be aware of.


    2) EB does hit harder than RS, the MB is there to ensure the autocrit on EB for the set bonus. TD + EB is rude but also runs into the issue of hella telegraphing your burst in 4's. More often than not I don't actually use TD on the target I'm gunning to get a kill on but that's a whole other discussion. I don't disagree with the guide for the most part bud, I was just giving you a different set of options.


    3) Very situational. There are very few reasons to use it. The AOE component is basically fluff.

  10. The thing Bangers and I talked about while writing this guide was, should we make different utilities for different types of scenarios for PVP? We came to the conclusion to just have one set utility combo just b/c we wanted to a person to jump into a warzone and have fun. Whether it be ranked or non ranked, the current utility is viable for all aspects of pvp, but the set up could be better. Small twinks can be made.


    That being said, our guide wasn't really going to people who already know how to play a PT. It was more or less for the ones who just started playing and were looking for that bridge into the next level of play of the Powertech. Although like Bangers said, he is open suggestions and civilized discussion.


    And for this purpose, this guide is top notch.

  11. Note: This is entirely from a group ranked perspective. Regs are laughable with a competent four-man premade or even just a healer at your back and solo queue is an RNG game.


    As far as utilities go, I personally run:


    Skillful: Gyroscopic Alignment, Bracer Propellent and Suppressive tools.


    Reasons being basically what banger outlaid earlier. The extra heat coming out of a stun has literally nothing to do with knowing how to play the class and more to do with having extra damage available. It increases your damage potential a good deal. You don't play like a tard and then hope someone stuns you, you punish them for stunning you by slamming them with a less heat-conservative version of the rotation.


    Masterful: Sonic Rebounder and Torque boosters.


    This tier is a little more personal preference I think and depends largely on how you use the taunt. I tend to use mine to help mitigate team damage rather than a personal CD, so the reflect on it can save lives. Torque just helps kiting and combined with Overdrive is amazing.


    Heroic: Enhanced Paralytics and Overdrive.


    The extra stun duration really puts the pressure on groups when they're sat in a near 4s carbonize followed by a 5s Edart while your EFuel + Cannons are wrecking someone. Overdrive lets you kite basically anything.


    The only other thing I would say is don't proc RS before combat. Back to back rails in the opener is the good kush.


    TD > RB > RS > MB > EB > RS is a solid move chain that really puts the damage on. I don't use Edart much tbh. People rave about DAT BURST M8 but it's really quite weak and you're better off with a MB for the heat.

  12. I was in Kinetic combat stance, will full Exhumed Survivor gear except for two DR Stalker MK-X implants.


    The most I have ever hit for was like 6k.


    I'd like to see any shadow or assassin tank try to beat a 12k crit. It just simply is not possible.


    like i just said it's doable. full-debuff, low expertise target with a double-shock with relics running = gg.


    It's obviously possible if you just did it lol.

  13. Thats is not the point. You wanted to nerf force storm because you cant hold agro if someone is spamming it. How is that different from spamming supressing fire/plasma probe? There is NO difference. You still cant hold agro because you have only one AoE taunt. You should try to think of better reasons before you ask for nerf. And yes, force storm is perhaps stronger, but plasma probe + suppres (with talent) is strong enough.


    EDIT: Higher cost for Force storm would be OK, but cooldown? If you want cooldown for force storm, I want cooldown for every single AoE skill in game.


    You can't spam SF. That's the point.

  14. LOL I only play this game for the sake of trolling and e-peen stroking, have no respect for this PoS game whatsoever


    welcome to the ebon cawk


    >doesnt take game srs

    >plays it everyday

    >is all over the leaderboard

    >baddie logic 2 stronk

    > mfw he still cant kite

  15. The fact that there are players who don't have a big guild, yet want to do group ranked is a good thing. We'll keep the yolotrain moooovin dood, and we'll also que up for ranked when we have the right classes "x" up in Global Yolostar chat.


    You, mostly, I like you. But this part is a no-go m8.


    Working for the "right" classes has worked poorly for the most part. Our "A team" thus far is probably the most successful team on the server but has had the most trouble with less than ideal comps. The DPS set-up that was the most difficult to manage was Carnage + Arsenal, while our easiest games came against double Tactics VG and double balance shadow.


    tl;dr comp doesnt matter, player synergy does. take good players.

  16. Shieldtech meets the basic requirements to do ranked, and yes there are several people who have achieved results with the spec. (I ran a full SS VG in group 4s for the duration of season 1) but simply put a VG tank is nothing but a downgraded juggernaut tank, everything a VG can do a jug does better.


    dat juggernaut pull. much jugg oil slick. very easy spread trauma.

  17. Last time I made a Starparse analysis of how force storm on lightening spec can do a 2.7k single target DPS with no sweat, but it didn't get enough attention, so here I go again, and this time:


    A picture is more than a thousand words


    Disclaimer and credits:


    The screenshot is originally produced in a ranked match where my friend Umbranem (Mebril/Plaguis) on the Ebon Hawk got aforementioned massive total dmg/DPS. All credits to Mebril


    intentional cheese games where four healers stack to heal is total evidence. yolk cmon m8.

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