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Posts posted by LightForse

  1. Can anything be done bioware..to make it so wz's can be fair?...i play casual..dont have time to grp up and pvp..not expecting to win all the time...but at least have some fun...but all it is now is a zerg fest. Maybe match grps with gear levels..or dont allow ranked teams to pvp against pugs? Not hateing on premades..more power to ya..im sure you all have fun wih instant wins.
  2. Well..i left for reasons that have been posted here before.. jumped ship to gw2..and resubbed to Rift..but after playing those MMO's..i always thought of my swtor toons..so i bit the bullet and resubbed and i'll tell you...having a ball atm. Hardest part was trying to figure out which toon to play again and now i cant even bring myself to log on rift anymore. I know its not a perfect game..but after playing other MMO's..they are not any better. So looking forward to helping the Republic crush the imps once again !
  3. Nioware cannot change what roles players want to be. The number of DPS VASTLY outweighs the number of tanks and healers to accommodate them....:rolleyes:


    Yes they can..by offering tanks / healers a reason to que..maybe reward system..or make it easier for tanks / heals to switch back to those specs while they are in a dps spec atm..with a real duel spec that remembers action bar setting for abilities etc.

  4. The same in fact could be said about every MMO. It's a poor excuse to quit IMO.


    Why not just be honest and say you do not enjoy the game and do not wish to play it? Own the feeling.


    Why to you need the bug list and "lots of people" clauses as your defense of personal choice?


    Reality: different players perceive and respond to in game bugs differently.


    I am honest..i do not like SWTOR as it is now....i loved it for the first month i played it..gave up rift, wow..etc for it. i speak my mind cause i feel ripped off after buying CE..8 months of subs..waiting for bioware to give me/us what they promised...all empty promises. When you get burnt and feel like i do...then you can question my honesty ..what complete waste of 8 months and $..

  5. Are the bugs gamebreaking? Are they that critical that they have to be fixed this week? Or are it part of minor inconveniences which allow for it to wait, so that people can spend the time in order to play the game? Maybe part of BioWare's major plot to counter GW2 is to actually offer a game which is up and running?


    So far, you've yet to convince me as to how bringing the game down again is going to make any major difference. And I myself have been able to play fine for months, most of the patches have been items which in my view they could just throw out on a monthly basis rather than weekly. So I for one am glad that they're reducing the frequency by which they take down the servers like this.


    I'd say their game breaking..just look around....lots of people..me included have quit this game cause of the bugs. Same ones been around for months...maybe..just maybe there's no maintenance cause every time they try to fix something they break something else?

  6. and United States is just a Republic on a different land

    and Burger King is just another McDonalds

    and adidas is just another Nike

    and fries are just another type of potato

    and every chevy truck is another ford truck

    and every car has a motor, gas pedal, steering wheel, radio, carpets, windshield


    get my point? If you MAKE yourself look at everything is the same as the thing before it of COURSE your mind is going to see everything being the same and it's not going to allow you to see the cool things the newer thing has. Be positive, not negative. Like I said...this is a game for a different breed.


    Really..you come here to post this junk..and then flame everyone who doesnt agree with your interpretation this game. Everyone who has played the game says the same thing....once you do the story / level the first time..its painfully to do again on alts..no difference,,same boring crap. I play other mmo's..will play gw2..play TSW atm..and yes..they all have storys....nothing new here..choices dont matter. glad you enjoy the game..and your right..its not for everyone.

  7. Look..people are looking for something..anything....2 posts about earthquakes in game got people jumping to conclusions..maybe a world event. For the love of all thats start wars..tell your fan base something....Why isn't their developers posting nerfs / balances to classes..like the other MMO does on mmo champion...or show us patch note of upcoming patches...something..the old saying if its not broke dont fix it?..well its broke..time to fix the way you treat and share info with your "PAYING' Fan base.
  8. 1)PvP. It's a joke. Let's count the ways.


    a) 100 vs. 100 epic battles were touted before launch and the engine can barely handle 10 vs. 10.


    b)Rampant use of hacks and cheats is barely policed. Part of it is what's clientside with this game engine. The other part is a development team that apparently feels a certain kinship with the players that continue to speedhack, cliphack, etc. throughout the game. Cheaters who manipulate the code are given a nurturing and encouraging environment to do so.


    c)Everything is funneled through warzones. Ilum was shut down to start this trend. After mapping the Hoth Incident occurred. When an overzealous GM's lies and blatant disregard for the rules that were being obeyed were supported by staff, the parties involved were vindicated only after Community Manager lies were exposed outside of swtor.com. Click the link for more details on that one.http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=465256 The most obvious sign that no one who develops this game wants us to fight outside of their carefully designed playpens is the most recent event. The Rakghoul Plague event was successful because it drew both factions to tattooine vying for the same rewards in the same places. For me and many of my guildmates this was the most fun we'd had in pvp playing SWTOR. The most recent scavenger hunt event kept both factions separated as much as possible. Much of the playerbase, some on the forums and some not, want open world to mean something. The development team does not care. They only want you stuck in their carefully controlled playpens.


    d) Expertise is a load of crap, along with resolve. Skill means next to nothing in dumbed down ADD zergfests in warzones. Resolve may be working as intended but it's poorly designed and doesn't work like common sense says it's supposed to. Viva la Stun Wars.


    2. The groupfinder is broken junk. Considering it should have come standard with release to begin with, one would think this would be more ready for launch than it was. Every single time our guild, and those guilds we would run with queued up a full ops or flashpoint group, we almost never got our Black Hole comms for the daily without filling out a support ticket and waiting days for our commendations. I'm still waiting for my most recent five commendations for the last two weeks.


    3. Endgame doesn't mean a thing. Why bother becoming a master crafter? The best gear is only handed out in gear grind drops. PvP, which has always been an integral part of endgame for me in other games, is a joke as outlined in point one. Your reward for completing your character's story arc is warzones and a daily comm grind, plus the same small amount of operations to raid.


    4. Broken promises from the development team out of the gate continue to be broken. 100 vs. 100 epic battles, the story meaning something, new content every month, which apparently is very loosely defined. Some of this is apparently due to staff purges and lousy management but we've been lied to multiple times. This game was supposed to be a unique and engaging experience unlike any other MMO, according to the spin put out for years before release. We were lied to by a poorly managed shadow of what Bioware was 10-15 years ago.


    5. The general player community is full of maladjusted social cripples. Bear in mind I'm speaking in very broad terms. Obviously friends I've made on my adventures, as well as my guildies and those in gulids we like to run with are by and large very cool grownups who want to have some fun and get away from their real life daily grind for a time. Now, the community at large is a different issue entirely. On the Fatman it's nothing to find petulant babies who rage over anything in pug groups, pug warzones, etc. We see these kind of people on the forums often, who can't stand the fact the world doesn't revolve around them, or that no one worships their "Leetness." Most real elite players I know or have met in passing may have some ego, but they are generally very helpful. Sadly they are few and far between in a sea of tools. And finally on this note, our former guildmaster was one of these. When he found out that he was pretty much the only one left that thought this game was shiny, new and awesome, he emptied anything of value out of our bank, including 8 million-plus credits, and quit our guild. I hear this person joined another guild and I sincerely hope this individual's new compatriots never place him in a position of authority.


    Oh, and here's one more.


    6. Space combat is urine-soaked dog *****.


    That is all. I have three weeks left on my final sub, and I'll miss my characters and I'd like to take them out to raise a little hell one more time. A tiny part of me hopes that eventually I'll see something that will make me want to return, but at this point all I see is a downward spiral of a game that I supported since I started playing in December.


    Man i wish i could stickie this..nicely written and well thought out

  9. This game has alot of elitists and wannabee elitists, lets not give them another tool to create a more unfriendly environment.


    No to damagemeters!


    Sry but all the elitists left along time ago..with all the good pvpers and good raiders..all that's left are the casuals who

    make up the majority now..have fun guys ...take a few minutes and read the unsubscribers post..clearly you all are right and these people are wrong...http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=476966

  10. [quote=

    I don't want another WOW, I want an individual SWTOR ... and that means no addons / DPS meters ... a place where i can go and enjoy myself and the game.


    Again..Nobody is asking YOU to use those thing if they're added. just because it would be available to use for others does make it a requirement for you or your guild..but let people have their own options on how they like to play MMos and use the tools they want.


    Problem i see is this..we here in America, and some other parts of the world have gotten to the point mentally..if i don't like something..nobody should like it also...if i believe in this...everyone should also believe it...that don't fly in my free world sry.. Only ones that will play swtor are the casuals and f2p people coming soon...once SWTOR became known as a watered down wow ..hardcore pvp / raider people left..leaveing only you casuals..well subs are way down cause there wont be enough of the swg / casuals left...just like with swg

  11. Don't understand the hate for Damage meters..if you dont like them..nobody will force you to use them ! If your running guild raids without them now fine...but you don't speak for me or others and we would like them..and macros..and addons. Nobody's gonna tell you you cant do what you do now...not gonna kick you for subpar dps in Fp's anymore than your getting kicked now. It's a tool for the hardcore/ raiders to use to make their raiding better for them. As a raisd leader with everyone using a dps meter..you can tell...dps #1 has a dps uptime of 95 %..dps 2 has a dps uptime of 55%..how many deaths..whos using which heals for certain fights..etc...its a tool not only for how much dps you can do.
  12. this game needs persistent and meaningful open world pvp, and pve that doesnt get outrageously stale after clearing 2-3 times. those are the kind of things people will pay for, and will stick around to continue playing


    might wanna look for another game..theres no way swtor can produce that....no way...

  13. Point is why should i have to pay every time i want to tank a FP on my vanguard...i run a dps spec for pvp which i run all day long cause what else is there to do?..if and when i want to tank a fp i should be able to switch over..without having to move my spell around..change gear with 1 button..and not have to pay for it. talking about switching more than 5 times a days.. i bought the legacy dual spec..but after 3 -4 times a day it adds up.
  14. Like to take this time to also thank the little guys /developers...designers...the ones that worked hard to make Swtor something special. Imo this could have been the best MMo in history..but the big wigs corp. greed and lies have made it come to its early death. Its the hard work that you did that keeps me wanting to come back and play...but as i re download i stop and cancel knowing its only gotten worse.


    Thanks for the hard work.. hope you find a better company to work for.

  15. Lets look at another MMo and how it balances its classes. WoW has a much bigger pool of resources to help them keep balance. They have numerous websites, private developers that data mine information. they use damage meters, mods dps sims to determine values dps. Once SWTOR said no mods in SWTOR..it hung itself. Groups like arena junkies, mmo champion..simulationcraft, elitistjerks..etc all put their own time into class balance and work with blizzard to help with balance. SWTOR only listens to the whiners on the forums about..nerf this..nerf that. Im not sure why..but around wow's first yrs there was a ton of websites..developers that analyzed information..everyone wanted to get an edge for dps. SWTOR just doesnt have the resources..the extra drive from other people. The core gaming comunity told swtor the problems in beta...asked for mods..macros..etc..swtor said no..so whats left is a watered down version..a make believe MMO..an off brand of the real thing. Believe me i was hooked on this game..i wish it would do well...ive havent logged on in weeks..keep installing and uninstalling game cause i love starwars and really like this game...but without the hardcore players..to help bw out with its calss balances..it wont happen.
  16. If MMos are gonna put a stat on pvp to help people..pvp..got 1 word for you..."Resolve"...it reduces damage done to you. Expertise increases damage..while resolve reduces it. Its the only why to stop the insane burst. Im not a wow fan boy but thats the 1 thing they did right imo...at least i can last more than 3 gcd;s and live long enough to ..you know..pvp
  17. You best be trolling.


    It's an extremely fast an easy tool that works well whether you are in a group of 4 or 40. It's also extremely basic and just plain sad that TOR doesn't have one. This isn't like asking for cross server or a dungeon finder or an appearance tab. It's a ready check. A green or red check mark next to a character portrait. And here you are ragging on players rather than the devs who seem to have forgotten/failed to implement this multiple times.


    You're an enabler. You enable mediocrity.


    This ^...I blame these people for Swtor failure..(enabler''s)

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