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Everything posted by Ethern

  1. The problem is , I don't see how our story would develop further after that.
  2. Ethern

    A PvP a Day...

    Hey at least we won the last warzone. Please no more hutball Please no more 4vs4 I think I only like big warzones, Novare coast, alderaan, hypergate, the ship.
  3. Ethern

    A PvP a Day...

    Sorry I haven't answered earlier; those last days were kinda chaotic swtor wise. I'll add your toons on the Ebon Hawk on my friend list and will whisper you.
  4. Rolodome the big thing missing in your OP is your goal and what do you seek to accomplish by pvp'ing. Remember why you do all of this and that will determine everything including your mindset and attitude. What's the stake for you? Because if you rage due to loss in warzones, probably that goes in the way of your plan somewhat. My goal is to reach valor rank 60 to unlock the battlemaster gear appearances. I'm currently 56 , so soonish. All the rest is secondary. That being said and put into perspective, do I really care if I win or lose? Not really, even tough winning makes reaching my goal faster. So I still try to be a better player and that's a subsidiary role. And I care even less since the outcome of the warzone is set independently of how good I played in that, barring in mind that I am a healer. There were warzones in which I thought we did great and we lost, and others I thought we did terrible and we won. So in the end why should I lose some sleep over that RNG thingy beyond my control. I don't know what's your goal Rolodome but if you're pvp'ing just to have fun by winning or/and having your teammates know what they're doing, then you should put yourself in conditions that favour that: aka not PUGs in regs. That's totally incompatible imo. So what's your goal?
  5. I'm sorry OP I'm trying to have sympathy there, but I have none for that mix of real money and RNG in a video game setting. I haven't bothered doing deep researches , but I would not be surprised to learn that such gambling schemes are deemed illegal in some countries. I'm already complaining about the amount of RNG in video games when it's free...
  6. Ethern

    A PvP a Day...

    Nah live us alone , we're so squishy If even seen a sorcerer healer named "get off me" today in two warzones. Anyone in the Ebon Hawk willing to help me grind the 5 valor ranks left?
  7. Ethern

    A PvP a Day...

    I've been so much focused lately , I don't feel any emotion, so jaded. I think being a sorcerer in regs is suicide. But the positive thought is that I reached 54 valor rank. 6 More to go !! The longest ones. 27k points to reach 55.
  8. - What do you have to RE exactly to get them? I've RE'ed a few prototype quality items and did not get any -What is your "easy" way to get them? I ask because on my server I find the kits too expensive and I Have a toon that can craft them. Thanks in advance
  9. To think we already had that kind of conversation on the same topic back in 2012.... I don't expect changes regarding the dynamic of group finders and servers matching.
  10. You realize that if you remove or nerf phase walk and force barrier, that sorce healers are easy food? PvP is more about survivability than output tbh. Because all you want to see is "OMG big heals" But if you nerf their healing output too that make them unplayable in pve since they don't rely on spamming small heals. I hope Bioware does not listen to your suggestions. On my server the high ranked players are mostly operatives. Actually I see operatives and juggernauts everywhere.
  11. Her return would not disrupt the story at all. After the Taris arc, a mail tells you she 's onto some other outer rim world doing sith things. It would not be much of a stretch to see her back after hiding from Zakuul. Well the sith warrior has a betraying companion, that did not stop Bioware's writers to force us to get him back, mainly for gameplay purposes, players would be gimped for crafting and since he was a healing companion, gimping for questing too. So I don't see any of your points as valid counter arguments.
  12. Thana Vesh Jaxo Vaylin I'd like all of those options. There are always people who will say no for whatever reducing reasons.
  13. Totally agreed. And it has nasty effects in addition. I find the communities of games with such business model more "entitled" and inclined to divide players economically with advantages of disadvantages in-game. Aka surprisingly less friendly. Also, I find Swtor's business model very very greedy. A subscription model for a MMO which has more a single player vibe, on top of micro transactions which block behind a paywall customizations that would and should be free in other MMOs. Weapons tunings effects, such value cosmetics would be unlocked via raiding or high end pvp and entry ones via crafting. Why are the worst dyes left to crafting and the best ones (black and black, white and white) blocked behind cartel market? G R E E D Y. I understand that video game companies are not charities but that crosses the line, and I believe the ones defending it are the ones benefiting for it. And I won't even start comparing it to wow or lotro, gw2...
  14. Ethern

    A PvP a Day...

    I'm sorry but I'm not sure I can do it, I'm on the verge of giving up. Playing a sorc healer is no fun, so squishy always focused, never protected. "Get gud " is a terrible advice when even capped at 2018 expertise you get 3 shot. Probably if phase walk and bubble did not have so long cd's... Give me strength to reach 60 valor, and then I can ****. 14 more ranks to go, the longest ones.
  15. Where did Bioware say that? I think it's a mistake from them. Mega servers are the future.
  16. If you ask me the whole EU post RotJ is a horrible mistake. Still our chars are so confined with their one weapon proficiency, some variety would not hurt in this regard.
  17. Rotations in pvp...hum. Nice try. Not falling for this one.
  18. To think back in 2009 we asked Bioware not to be pigeon holed into one weapon proficiency and rather set a skill system a la archeage instead of this old style ability system... We were fools for daring having hopes. I blame Georg Zoeller. Yes I said it.
  19. I only got the level 25 crate, and I don't intend to do more.
  20. You mean WoW TBC. Swtor looks a copy of wow 2006 - 2008. Agreed
  21. I think so too. I doubt we will see many new features and game mechanics. And the engine will certainly not be updated.
  22. That's why wow revamped all the classes for the next expansion. And level 70 does not make sense if there is not endgame developped such as new ops to exploit that power increase.
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