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Everything posted by MacFlow

  1. MacFlow

    Notice Option

    Hello everyone In Warzones it happens so often that someone calls for help (inc east/west 2 help.. or somthing) and then no one comes to help because no one looked at the chat for 30 sec or so. So I thought it might be helpful for some people if they could have a "notice" option. So that saying something in chat during a wz makes a sound or the chat glows or something, so that people notice it more. Or maybe both and we could choose which one (if at all) we want. If it’s a sound, everyone could choose for themselves how loud it should be and maybe which sound in general. If it’s the „chat glowing thing“ we could choose the color for example and the extend of the glow. The sound could get annoying for some people of course, but then just turn it off. For others it might be realy helpful And maybe some players would like the sound/glowing option for some other chats too, like the guild chat. Well, what do you guys think? Unessesary or somthing to think about? ;-) Maybe we can improve this idea here together. Cheers Flox The Red Eclipse
  2. Hello everyone In Warzones it happens so often that someone calls for help (inc east/west 2 help.. or somthing) and then no one comes to help because no one looked at the chat for 30 sec or so. So I thought it might be helpful for some people if they could have a "notice" option. So that saying something in chat during a wz makes a sound or the chat glows or something, so that people notice it more. Or maybe both and we could choose which one (if at all) we want. If it’s a sound, everyone could choose for themselves how loud it should be and maybe which sound in general. If it’s the „chat glowing thing“ we could choose the color for example and the extend of the glow. The sound could get annoying for some people of course, but then just turn it off. For others it might be realy helpful And maybe some players would like the sound/glowing option for some other chats too, like the guild chat. Well, what do you guys think? Unessesary or somthing to think about? ;-) Maybe we can improve this idea here together. Cheers Flox The Red Eclipse
  3. I just want to say, ... same here! :-(
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