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Posts posted by Reavern

  1. Well I have played a Bounty Hunter Powertech till lvl 50 and I used the tank tree all the time. It gave me alot of defence and I still (imo) did a good amount of damage. :)


    The Marauder sounds interesting as well, but I'm aware thats its a class that requires skill and I keep hearing that its probably the most difficult class in the game.


    I don't know if its true though.

  2. Thank you for your advice :)


    I have heard some stuff about the new 1.2 changes. How is the Juggernaut coming out of it? I keep hearing that the Marauder is OP after 1.2. But what buffs are the Juggernaut getting?


    Sorry if I come over as a guy who just want to faceroll everything. I'm just a very casual player that enjoys good singleplayer content :)

  3. Hello.


    I'm planning on starting a Sith Warrior soon, but I would love to have some advice from people who are familiar with the class. I first want to note that I'm not intressted in PvP. I only want to play PvE


    So my question is, what Advanced Class do you advice? I'm also not a veteran MMO player.


    If people could give me some recommendations on the class and what build is advisable then I would be really gratefull! :)


    Thanks in advance!

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