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Posts posted by Reavern

  1. What storyline does Darth Marr play a big part in? I just completed the Inquisitor line and I'm pretty sure that, aside from Warzones, I didn't find out who he was until Makeb.


    He sadly doesn't appear at all any class story except for the endings of the Sith Inquisitor and Sith Warrior. I was pleasantly surprised when they brought him back in Makeb.

  2. Where did the idea of Marr being pro alien come from? I didnt notice that from what Ive seen.


    btw. I dont think hes that passionate about war in the moment. The problem is the Republic doesnt seem to be much into making peace right now.


    He was one of the few sith lord who pushed for the idea of letting aliens into the imperial military.


    I admit that I haven't played Makeb yet so I don't know how he is throughout the story.


    Edit: Ninja'd

  3. Darth Marr is by far my favorite Sith Lord . He is one of the few sith lord's who stay calm and try to be reasonable. If it weren't for his passion for war then I'm sure Marr could have secured peace between the Empire and the Republic.


    He is also one of the few Sith who are pro alien which is awesome.


    I actually totally ship Darth Marr with Satele Shan. :cool:

  4. OP I recently defeated him and was worried about the fight too. But he wasn't hard at all (Got him in one try and didn't even had to use the Heroic ability)


    The strategy here as many others have said, interupt his casting abilities. If you do that then he will hardly do any damage at all.


    Also make sure you do the laser puzzle in the temple before you meet the Emperor, it contains lvl 50 green gear for T7 and can make a big difference in your fight.


    Good luck! ;)

  5. Its very ironic. He is one of the most powerfull Darth's in the galaxy yet he was the easiest of them all. :p


    He did gave me the feeling that was he powerful though, everytime when I talked with him.

  6. Even though Darth Jadus was second to the Emperor, he was still just a mortal man. He wasn't a god.


    I liked the fact that I beated him. Proves that no matter how powerfull someone is there is always a way.

  7. Did they nerf Lord Draagh? Because I fought him like two weeks ago and I did it in one try. Barely lost health. I had Quinn with me though.


    I really was surprised to see him go down so easy. I'm not trying to gloat so forgive me if I sound like that. Did anybody else had the same?


    Congratulations though on beating him! :)

  8. So far I have completed the Bounty Hunter story and the Sith Warrior story. I also have a Trooper who is in the final chapter and a Jedi Knight who is still in Act 1.


    I absolutly enjoyed the Sith Warrior story. Alot of people say that the story doesn't take itself too seriously and I agree with that. Its mostly about revenge, but it has a nice feeling to it. The characters are also really awesome :)


    The Bounty Hunter story is great too, but IMO it went a bit downhill in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 was kinda meh for me, but I still enjoyed it :)

  9. If you want to tank then I think the Defence tree is the best one for you. Although I also hear alot that the Vigilance tree is beter at holding threat. I still recommend the Defence tree though, mostly because you will have the best survivability :) I leveled a Juggernaut to 50 with that tree (Immortal) and I'm currently leveling a Guardian with it. :)
  10. Hello there :)


    I'm hearing alot of good stories about the Imperial Agent storyline so I want to try that one out. My question is, what AC is the best/easiest for PvE leveling? I don't play PvP.


    If people who are familiar with the class could give me some advice I would be really gratefull :)


    Thanks in advance!

  11. Thanks for the advice so far :)


    No I haven't played any other MMO's. This is my first real MMO.


    I do think though from what I have read in the forums that the Guardian is probably beter for me. I read alot that the Sentinel is a more difficult class to play.

  12. Hello,


    I have a question regarding the Jedi Knight and I would love to have some advice on it from people who are familiar with the class. :)


    I'm planning to start a Jedi soon, but I'm still not sure if I should go for the Guardian or Sentinel. I only play PvE and I want to note that I'm not a veteran MMO player. I only just want to play the story. :)


    If people could give me some advice then I would be really gratefull. :)


    Thanks in advance!

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